Simon Jackson
Moved Initialize from Start to Awake to resolve #126
2017-03-12 10:45:39 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Fix to Primitive Base to ensure the control is redrawn when it's enabled, resolves #116
2017-03-06 16:24:47 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated Scroll Snap Base to resolve #119
2017-02-23 15:18:16 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Added UIGridRenderer thanks to John Hattan
Fixed "line Endings" errors
2017-02-17 12:54:40 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated primitive controls to Set Control Dirty should its effect parameters change
branch : develop_5.3
2017-02-10 16:45:50 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Replicated the ScrollSnap fix ( #91 ) to the VSS
branch : develop_5.3
2017-02-10 16:04:24 +00:00
Chris Parton
Improved scroll snap containers to disable navigation buttons when appropriate.
Reordered PrevButton and NextButton to be more logical.
branch : navigation_button_toggle
2017-02-07 21:55:38 +11:00
Simon Jackson
Patch for Bullet initialisation, wasn't selecting the right bullet on start.
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-08 12:11:13 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Fix for #109 .
Add Screen Change event to "GoToPage"
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-08 12:03:27 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Added new NonDrawingGraphic control and editor script
Resolved request #107
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-04 21:58:07 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated VSS / HSS to handle pages with interactable components.
Interactables mess with the Pointer Down/Up events that the control used when a mouse is used, so implementation changes to suit.
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-04 13:18:28 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Resolution for #80 issue where onPageChanged is fired multiple times for Next/Previous.
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-04 12:32:44 +00:00
Simon Jackson
2 patches for HSS/VSS
* Added new overload to AddChild, allows to set WorldPositionStays for added childen
* New RemoveAllChildren function
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-04 12:16:11 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Minor patchfix on HSS/VSS - Starting screen validation failed on new scenes?
branch : develop_5.3
2017-01-02 18:17:18 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Pre-Release upload - tested and working
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-31 17:01:49 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Update for pre-release
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-31 15:59:57 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Resolved issue with HSS/VSS not resizing when Rect/Scene changes
Updated HSS/VSS Visibility logic so it's more refined.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-31 15:14:39 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Modified Vertical layout functions to use nested loops to minimize condition test failures
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-31 09:12:29 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated Table Layout Group component for release and added docs
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-30 17:28:34 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Merged in rahul_raman/unity-ui-extensions (pull request #36 )
New TableLayoutGroup Component
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-30 16:57:54 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Reversed clean-up, was actually used :S
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-30 15:56:00 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated HSS/VSS OnSelectionChangeEndEvent to also output the landed page number (zero indexed)
Some redundant code clean-up
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-30 15:53:44 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Fixed PageChanged event for HSS/VSS
Fixed WorldSpace use of HSS/VSS (also created a new feature :D)
Minor editor options fix for boxslider
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-30 15:44:36 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Minor fixes and additions
Updates to resolve reports in Issue #80
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-29 22:03:04 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Refactored CalculateLayoutInputVertical; Released memory used by temporary array for reclaiming by the GC; Added comments to help understand the script better
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-28 20:37:03 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Improved calculation of SetLayoutHorizontal and SetLayoutVertical; Renamed certain variables, removed certain others and refactored code to be more sensible; Fixed behaviour for a specific configuration of TableLayoutGroup and ContentSizeFitter
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-28 16:15:52 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Fixed behaviour when no column width is provided
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-28 06:46:38 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Cleanup: Renamed "Cell Spacing" as "Column Spacing"
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 21:59:20 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Cleanup: Added sensible defaults. Removed all initialization errors.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 21:54:32 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Allowed flexible row expansion as a choice, instead of a compulsion
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 21:34:16 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Clean up: Removed duplicate calculations and unnecessary intermediate variables.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 20:46:57 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Fixed computation of cell positions for all start corners
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 20:28:12 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Edited SetLayoutVertical() to avoid unnecessary recomputation of maxPreferredHeightInRow
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 20:16:50 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Renaming "TableLayout.cs" to "TableLayoutGroup.cs" to be consistent with Unity component naming
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 20:14:03 +00:00
Rahul Raman
Added TableLayout component that child objects into a non-uniform grid, with fixed, user-defined column widths and flexible row heights
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-27 19:51:46 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Merged PR for ExtensionsToggle
Updated for UI EXtensions Standards
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-24 12:41:30 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Merge with extensions-toggle-new-event
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-24 12:33:02 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated new Softmask Script to UI Extensions standards. Removed unneeded Text shader and cleaned up.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-24 12:27:42 +00:00
Softmask fix
maskRect in canvas space not in world space
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-24 18:03:52 +09:00
Recomit softmask fix
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-24 05:18:01 +09:00
Simon Jackson
Merged in sushanta1991/unity-ui-extensions-2/sushanta1991/-onpopulatemesh-was-getting-called-befor-1480940993474 (pull request #31 )
// OnPopulateMesh() was getting called before m_OutputText was updated in function UpdateQuadImage(), Due to this, m_HrefInfos.boxes where not getting created, which in further resulted into non clickable text. This is happening in Unity5.5.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-21 19:09:24 +00:00
Simon Jackson
A little tidying of the ScrollSnap base script, nothing to see here :D
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-21 18:50:42 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Remaining issues resolved.
Now to double check YT and BB for any remaining unresolved issues
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-21 17:51:38 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Almost complete:
* Scrolling - working
* Fast Swipe - working (as well as Unity can fast swipe :S)
* Mask with only visible items - working
* Jump to page - working
Just found a bug with removing / adding items
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-21 16:52:19 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Initial check-in of visible ony VSS (HSS yet to be updated)
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-18 22:51:16 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Removed arrays from control and refactored, heavy perf inprovement
Downside it made my "visible" improvement redundant and need to re-implement.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-10 13:36:28 +00:00
sushanta chakraborty
// OnPopulateMesh() was getting called before m_OutputText was updated in function UpdateQuadImage(), Due to this, m_HrefInfos.boxes where not getting created, which in further resulted into non clickable text. This is happening in Unity5.5.
So what i did is i assigned m_Text = GetOutputText(); directly in OnPopulateMesh() function, which solved the problem.
branch : sushanta1991/-onpopulatemesh-was-getting-called-befor-1480940993474
2016-12-05 12:29:57 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Refactored general code for HSS / VSS in to base class
Fixed issue with add/remove pages where positions were not recalculated
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-05 10:15:48 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Fixed paging / smooth scrolling with the HSS / VSS
Current page now updated correctly while scrolling
branch : develop_5.3
2016-12-04 20:06:03 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Removed old HSV picker and replaced with initial version of the new COlorPicker.
Includes some other new controls such as Box Slider and Color Slider.
Still needs some cleaning up as this is the initial check-in
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-25 09:27:29 +00:00
Simon Jackson
TextPic update and fix
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-24 17:48:51 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Fixed and tested HSS & VSS use with Scroll COnflict Manager.
HSS & VSS controls now play nicely together
Added new version of Gradient
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-15 23:48:44 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Added Start and End move events to the HSS & VSS controls
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-15 18:09:13 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Perfromance tweaks for H & V scroll snaps.
Updated create option
Matched Size options from HSS update in to VSS
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-15 14:52:34 +00:00
Simon Jackson
Updated H & V scroll snap starting page and button navigation
Updated H & V jump function to only accept values with in page range
branch : develop_5.3
2016-11-15 13:36:50 +00:00
Vicente Russo
Added new event that triggers only when toggle value is ON and takes the caller as parameter
branch : extensions-toggle-new-event
2016-10-24 15:15:30 -02:00
sushanta chakraborty
TextPic.cs Added Fix for href tag, which was not working. Added support for multiple href tag with same name.
branch : sushanta1991/textpiccs-was-not-working-for-href-unit-1474979920532
2016-09-28 06:56:06 +00:00
sushanta chakraborty
TextPic.cs Added Fix for href tag, which was not working.
branch : sushanta1991/textpiccs-was-not-working-for-href-unit-1474979920532
2016-09-28 05:29:33 +00:00
sushanta chakraborty
TextPic.cs was not working for href.
Unity-UI-Extensions helped me a lot thanks for creating it.
Today i was trying href tag provided with TextPic.cs, but unfortunately it was not working.
I figured out that, OnPopulateMesh() was creating hrefInfo.boxes but at the end when OnPopulateMesh() calls UpdateQuadImage(), hrefInfo.boxes.count was coming 0. This was little strange but i saw that GetOutputText() was re-creating m_HrefInfos array from scratch but it didn't include the code to add boxes, so this was the issue.
so what i did is, i commented this line m_HrefInfos.Clear(); in GetOutputText() and added few lines of code to check if m_HrefInfos elements exists than don't destroy it, just update it with new values.
This helped in resolving the issue. Now i was getting onClick event on href tag.
branch : sushanta1991/textpiccs-was-not-working-for-href-unit-1474979920532
2016-09-27 12:38:44 +00:00
Upgrade fix to SAUIM Test shader
Removed some experimental code that sneaked in to a commit
branch : develop_5.3
2016-09-08 19:04:42 +01:00
Shawn Featherly
HorizontalScrollSnap.cs works well with AnchorMinMax.
branch : Feddas/horizontalscrollsnapcs-works-well-with-a-1472852283807
2016-09-02 21:38:06 +00:00
Hack to clear out culled images to properly position them instead of reuse images.
branch : playemgames/hack-to-clear-out-culled-images-to-prope-1470396744892
2016-08-05 11:36:19 +00:00
Added OnValidate and UpdateQuadImage(); to OnPopulateMesh(); to position the images correctly on text input.
branch : playemgames/added-onvalidate-and-updatequadimage-to--1469821382746
2016-07-29 19:43:04 +00:00
Simon Jackson
H & V Scroll snap fixes to resolve #91
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-21 17:25:34 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Some more restructuring whilst documentation updates continue.
Hopefully last breaking changes.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-18 21:36:36 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Documentation update
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-17 20:56:54 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Added UI Knob
Restructured controls in to their own folder. If we are breaking Bkcompat, might as well make it a good one
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-17 19:21:41 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Added TextPic component from #89
Added Override Highlighted option to drop down to fix #87
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-14 18:48:18 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Project tidy up
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-08 11:45:58 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Project restructure as per issue #79
Note, will need old folder removing and new project adding in upgrade to tidy up
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-02 15:02:13 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Patched Particle System with fixes from author
Added 3 new Utility controls
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-02 14:50:37 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Patch fixes from regression testing in 5.2.
Unit Tests fixed to 5.3 plus due to dependancy on Unity Test Tools (which also have issues in 5.2 :D)
branch : develop_5.3
2016-06-03 18:04:48 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Patch to compression tests. Transform Surrogate is not implemented
Added DragCorrector and PPIViewer utilities
branch : develop_5.3
2016-06-03 17:36:55 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added ReadME files for the compression and serialization components
branch : develop_5.3
2016-06-03 10:26:37 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Some minor updates to the shader scripts
Added the new Compression and Serialization utilities. Completely not UI but too awesome not to add
branch : develop_5.3
2016-06-02 22:05:21 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added new UI shaders plus supporting scripts
Updated and tested the ScrollConflictManager
Updated UIParticle system and tested
Final checks and docs update for 1.1 release next
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-30 22:47:46 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Numerous fixes to HSS / VSS - added warning not to use scrollbars
Added fix for reorderable list last item issue
Fixed UI Vertical scroller demo - swapped year and day round as it was confusing
UI Selectable fix for onDisable to set as unpressed
Added new Shine Effect control
1.1 release coding done. Next update release notes and test
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-28 00:04:08 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
One of these days I will learn to spell. Today is not that day :S
Renamed Primative to Primitive (only the second time now)
Lesson learned, don't code so early in the morning. Time for bed
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-25 00:56:18 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Updated Primatives for issue:
Refactored all primatives to use a new common base
Updated primatives (using base) to align with current Unity Image component, including:
* Using Sprites not textures (aka above issue)
* Added ILayoutElement Interface
* Added ICanvasRaycastFilter interface (experimental, can be overridden), includes basic alpha checking.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-25 00:50:10 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added patch to limit the Reorderable List component to Screenspace-Overlay canvases for now to avoid issues until it can be updated.
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-23 21:30:06 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added "Go to Screen" option for HSS and VSS by request
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-23 21:10:17 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Patches added to HSS and VSS to include programatic support
Line Renderer updated with Bezier support
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-23 20:57:56 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added tooltips to new properties on V & H ScrollSnaps
Moved new ScrollConflictManager script to correct place
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-17 22:46:37 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Updated Vertical and Horrizontal Scroll Snaps controls to include:
* Tranisition speed
* Starting page
* Page Snap size (to control distribution of pages)
Resolves requested issues / fixes
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-17 22:37:01 +01:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Initial check-in for the 1.1 release, fixes include:
* Update to Line Renderer - updated scrip plus patches, now more code friendly for adding points
* New Curved Layout component
* ScrolTo script updated based on authors new version
* UISoftAlphaMask updated to latest version
* Added ScrollSpeed to Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Snap
* Added Scroll Conflict Manager (untested)
* Test Scroll Conflict manager
* Make the distance between pages on the H&V Scroll snaps configurable
* Test Scroll Snap starting page fix
* Review Reorderable List scrolling issue
* Review Reorderable List Worldspace render issue
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-17 13:26:50 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Merged in freezyexp/unity-ui-extensions/default (pull request #22 )
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-15 16:25:12 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Merged in srinivassunil/unity-ui-extensions-fixes (pull request #21 )
branch : develop_5.3
2016-05-15 16:24:31 +01:00
UILineRenderer.cs (fixed first and last point bug, and fixed useless allocations)
branch : Sfyne/uilinerenderercs-edited-online-with-bitb-1463305807389
2016-05-15 09:50:49 +00:00
CurvedLayout.cs created online with Bitbucket
branch : freezyexp/curvedlayoutcs-created-online-with-bitbu-1463061990157
2016-05-12 14:06:38 +00:00
srinivas sunil
ScrollConflictManager edited online with Bitbucket
branch : srinivassunil/scrollconflictmanager-created-online-wit-1456590432246
2016-02-27 16:31:23 +00:00
srinivas sunil
ScrollConflictManager created online with Bitbucket
branch : srinivassunil/scrollconflictmanager-created-online-wit-1456590432246
2016-02-27 16:28:02 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Merge upstream re-org from 4.6
branch : develop_5.3
2015-12-23 20:40:49 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Tidy up post merge
branch : develop_5.2
2015-12-23 20:30:08 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Upstream merge from develop_4.6
branch : develop_5.2
2015-12-23 19:25:22 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Restructure of scripts to a more logical place
branch : develop_4.6
2015-12-23 19:22:57 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Upstream Merge fixes with develop_5.2
branch : develop_5.3
2015-12-23 15:32:27 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added initial version of the UI Vertical scroller from Mrs. YakaYocha
Complete with component and editor menu options
branch : develop_5.3
2015-12-23 14:54:32 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Added alternate toggle control at request of Martin Sharkbomb, adds events to the toggle group for value changed
Plus a property to access the single selected toggle (although I'd recommend using the ActiveToggles IEnumerable
branch : develop_5.3
2015-12-19 15:12:10 +00:00
Simon (darkside) Jackson
Update SoftMaskAlpha with new "fix"
Patched UISelectableExtension from issue #47
Added new UI Polygon control
branch : develop_5.2
2015-12-15 22:43:35 +00:00
Davide Ciacco
added UIPolygon.cs under Primitives
branch : develop_5.2
2015-12-14 17:15:53 +00:00