157 lines
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157 lines
5.4 KiB
/// Credit Ziboo
/// Sourced from - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/free-reorderable-list.364600/
using System;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform)), DisallowMultipleComponent]
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Extensions/Re-orderable list")]
public class ReorderableList : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Child container with re-orderable items in a layout group")]
public LayoutGroup ContentLayout;
[Tooltip("Parent area to draw the dragged element on top of containers. Defaults to the root Canvas")]
public RectTransform DraggableArea;
[Tooltip("Can items be dragged from the container?")]
public bool IsDraggable = true;
[Tooltip("Should the draggable components be removed or cloned?")]
public bool CloneDraggedObject = false;
[Tooltip("Can new draggable items be dropped in to the container?")]
public bool IsDropable = true;
[Tooltip("Should dropped items displace a current item if the list is full?\n " +
"Depending on the dropped items origin list, the displaced item may be added, dropped in space or deleted.")]
public bool IsDisplacable = false;
// This sets every item size (when being dragged over this list) to the current size of the first element of this list
[Tooltip("Should items being dragged over this list have their sizes equalized?")]
public bool EqualizeSizesOnDrag = false;
public int maxItems = int.MaxValue;
[Header("UI Re-orderable Events")]
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDropped = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementGrabbed = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementRemoved = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementAdded = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDisplacedFrom = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDisplacedTo = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDisplacedFromReturned = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDisplacedToReturned = new ReorderableListHandler();
public ReorderableListHandler OnElementDroppedWithMaxItems = new ReorderableListHandler();
private RectTransform _content;
private ReorderableListContent _listContent;
public RectTransform Content
if (_content == null)
_content = ContentLayout.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
return _content;
Canvas GetCanvas()
Transform t = transform;
Canvas canvas = null;
int lvlLimit = 100;
int lvl = 0;
while (canvas == null && lvl < lvlLimit)
canvas = t.gameObject.GetComponent<Canvas>();
if (canvas == null)
t = t.parent;
return canvas;
/// <summary>
/// Refresh related list content
/// </summary>
public void Refresh()
_listContent = ContentLayout.gameObject.AddComponent<ReorderableListContent>();
private void Start()
if (ContentLayout == null)
Debug.LogError("You need to have a child LayoutGroup content set for the list: " + name, gameObject);
if (DraggableArea == null)
DraggableArea = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (IsDropable && !GetComponent<Graphic>())
Debug.LogError("You need to have a Graphic control (such as an Image) for the list [" + name + "] to be droppable", gameObject);
#region Nested type: ReorderableListEventStruct
public struct ReorderableListEventStruct
public GameObject DroppedObject;
public int FromIndex;
public ReorderableList FromList;
public bool IsAClone;
public GameObject SourceObject;
public int ToIndex;
public ReorderableList ToList;
public void Cancel()
SourceObject.GetComponent<ReorderableListElement>().isValid = false;
#region Nested type: ReorderableListHandler
public class ReorderableListHandler : UnityEvent<ReorderableListEventStruct>
public void TestReOrderableListTarget(ReorderableListEventStruct item)
Debug.Log("Event Received");
Debug.Log("Hello World, is my item a clone? [" + item.IsAClone + "]");