14 KiB
This is an extension project for the new Unity UI system which can be found at: Unity UI Source
Check out the control demos on our Tumblr page
We've disabled Anonymous issue for creation for now, as it's making it extreemely hard to provide feedback and help to users. Please ensure you logon with your Bitbucket account when raising issues.
If you don't want to do that, then reach out to us on Gitter
For more info, here's a little introduction video for the project:
You can follow the UI Extensions team for updates and news on:
Twitter / Facebook / YouTube
Also, come chat live with the Unity UI Extensions community on Gitter here: UI Extensions Live Chat
What is this repository for?
In this repository is a collection of extension scripts / effects and controls to enhance your Unity UI experience. These scripts have been gathered from many sources, combined and improved over time.
The majority of the scripts came from the Scripts thread on the Unity UI forum here
You can either download / fork this project to access the scripts, or you can also download these pre-compiled Unity Assets, chock full of goodness for each release:
Download - 2019.1 (aka 2.1)
We have expanded where you can download the UnityPackage asset and widened the options to contribute to the project.
I will still stress however, contribution is optional. The asset / code will always remain FREE
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Grab from Itchio | Obtain via Union Assets | Support through Patreon |
Still available on the BitBucket site if you prefer
To view previous releases, visit the release archive
Supporting the UI Extensions project
If you wish to further support the Unity UI Extensions project itself, then you can either subsidise your downloads above, or contribute direct using the PayPal link below. All funds go to support the project, no matter the amount, donations in code are also extremely welcome :D
(PayPal account not required and you can remain anonymous if you wish)
>> Donate via PayPal <<
Getting Started
To get started with the project, here's a little guide:
Update 2019.1 - formally 2.1 - Going with the times
Given that it's been a while since the last release and a fair few number of fixes have been introduced since the last update, it's only fair I get this point release out for the masses. This is only a point release and we are still working hard on the next full update
Be sure to logon to the new Gitter Chat site for the UI Extensions project, if you have any questions, queries or suggestions
Much easier that posting a question / issue on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook :D
UIExtensions Gitter Chanel
New / updated features
- Updated and tested with Unity 2018 / 2019
- FancyScrollView updated with newer version (note breaking change)
- Added test version of a LineRender control using a List instead of an array
- New CardUI layout control, for a snazzy flip card system
- New UI Circle Progress indicator control
Examples / Examples / Examples
(All examples can be deleted without affecting the extensions)
- Added example for CardUI
- Added example for the LineRendererList experiment
- FancyScrollView examples updated to the new version
- Example for new UICircle progress control
- General clean up of build warnings
- Refactored primitive controls to be cleaner
- Various HSS / VSS updates, mostly from the community
- ScrollConflictManager updated to work better with nested HSS/VSS
- UI Knob resolved to with screen space camera
- Fix for the menu system, which was disabling prefabs instead of the scene instance
- Fixed shader in UIParticle System
- TextPic updated to support culling properly
- Reorderable List updated with additional options
- Screenspace overlay support added to the Tooltip control
- UIParticle system now supports 3D rotation
- UIVerticalScroller updated
- Radial slider updated with
Known issues
No new issues in this release, but check the issues list for things we are currently working on:
Upgrade Notes
No significant concerns, should be able to update over the 2.1 package. If upgrading prior to 2.1, we still recommend removing the UnityUIExtensions folder and then re-importing
Release History
For the full release history, follow the below link to the full release notes page.
Release Notes
Controls and extensions listed in this project:
There are almost 70+ extension controls / effect and other utilities in the project which are listed on the following page:
Check out the control demos on our Tumblr page
UI Line Renderer UI Knob Scroll Snap
UI Extensions controls list
Controls | |||
Accordion | ColorPicker | SelectionBox | UIFlippable |
AutoCompleteComboBox | DropDownList | BoundToolTip | UIWindowBase |
TextPic | InputFocus | Box Slider | CooldownButton |
Stepper | Range Slider | ||
Primitives | |||
UILineRenderer | UILineTextureRenderer | UICircle | DiamondGraph |
UIPolygon | |||
Layouts | |||
Horizontal Scroll Snap | Vertical Scroll Snap | Flow Layout Group | Radial Layout |
Scroll Snap (alt implementation) | Reorderable List | UI Vertical Scroller | Curved Layout |
FancyScrollView | |||
Effects | |||
Best Fit Outline | Curved Text | Gradient | Gradient2 |
NicerOutline | RaycastMask | UIFlippable | UIImageCrop |
CylinderText | UIParticleSystem | CurlyUI | |
VR Components | |||
VRCursor | VRInputModule | ||
Input Modules | |||
AimerInputModule | GamePadInputModule | ||
Additional Components | |||
ReturnKeyTrigger | TabNavigation | uGUITools | ScrollRectTweener |
ScrollRectEx | UI_InfiniteScroll | UI_ScrollRectOcclusion | UIScrollToSelection |
switchToRectTransform | ScrollConflictManager | CLFZ2 (Encryption) | DragCorrector |
UI_TweenScale | UI_InfiniteScroll | UI_ScrollRectOcclusion | NonDrawingGraphic |
UIHighlightable | Menu Manager | Pagination Manager | |
More to come
How do I get set up?
Either clone / download this repository to your machine and then copy the scripts in, or use the pre-packaged .UnityPackage for your version of Unity and import it as a custom package in to your project.
Contribution guidelines
Got a script you want added? Then just fork the bitbucket repository and submit a PR. All contributions accepted (including fixes) Just ensure
- The header of the script matches the standard used in all scripts
- The script uses the Unity.UI.Extensions namespace so they do not affect any other developments
- (optional) Add Component and Editor options where possible (editor options are in the Editor\UIExtensionsMenuOptions.cs file)
All scripts conform to the BSD license and are free to use / distribute. See the LICENSE file for more information
Like what you see?
All these scripts were put together for my latest book Unity3D UI Essentials Check out the page on my blog for more details and learn all about the inner workings of the new Unity UI System.
The downloads
As this repo was created to support my new Unity UI Title "Unity 3D UI Essentials", in the downloads section you will find two custom assets (SpaceShip-DemoScene-Start.unitypackage and RollABallSample-Start.unitypackage). These are just here as starter scenes for doing UI tasks in the book.
I will add more sample scenes for the UI examples in this repository and detail them above over time.
Previous Releases
Unity UI Extensions Unity 5.2 Asset <- 5.2.0 - 5.2.1 base releases ONLY
Unity UI Extensions Unity 5.3 (5.2.1P+) Asset <- use this for 5.2.1P+ releases
Note To retain 5.2 compatibility in the 5.3 package, you will see two warnings related to:
`UnityEngine.UI.InputField.onValueChange' is obsolete.
This has no effect on the package working in 5.4 plus and is only there to maintain backwards compatibility. We will look to update/remove this in a future release, likely after 5.4.
If you have any concerns, feel free to update your code in your project to add the missing "d". Unity have ensured it still works as they have mapped the API change for now.