// OnPopulateMesh() was getting called before m_OutputText was updated in function UpdateQuadImage(), Due to this, m_HrefInfos.boxes where not getting created, which in further resulted into non clickable text. This is happening in Unity5.5.
branch : develop_5.3
* Scrolling - working
* Fast Swipe - working (as well as Unity can fast swipe :S)
* Mask with only visible items - working
* Jump to page - working
Just found a bug with removing / adding items
branch : develop_5.3
So what i did is i assigned m_Text = GetOutputText(); directly in OnPopulateMesh() function, which solved the problem.
branch : sushanta1991/-onpopulatemesh-was-getting-called-befor-1480940993474
Includes some other new controls such as Box Slider and Color Slider.
Still needs some cleaning up as this is the initial check-in
branch : develop_5.3
Unity-UI-Extensions helped me a lot thanks for creating it.
Today i was trying href tag provided with TextPic.cs, but unfortunately it was not working.
I figured out that, OnPopulateMesh() was creating hrefInfo.boxes but at the end when OnPopulateMesh() calls UpdateQuadImage(), hrefInfo.boxes.count was coming 0. This was little strange but i saw that GetOutputText() was re-creating m_HrefInfos array from scratch but it didn't include the code to add boxes, so this was the issue.
so what i did is, i commented this line m_HrefInfos.Clear(); in GetOutputText() and added few lines of code to check if m_HrefInfos elements exists than don't destroy it, just update it with new values.
This helped in resolving the issue. Now i was getting onClick event on href tag.
branch : sushanta1991/textpiccs-was-not-working-for-href-unit-1474979920532
Updated and tested the ScrollConflictManager
Updated UIParticle system and tested
Final checks and docs update for 1.1 release next
branch : develop_5.3
Added fix for reorderable list last item issue
Fixed UI Vertical scroller demo - swapped year and day round as it was confusing
UI Selectable fix for onDisable to set as unpressed
Added new Shine Effect control
1.1 release coding done. Next update release notes and test
branch : develop_5.3
Refactored all primatives to use a new common base
Updated primatives (using base) to align with current Unity Image component, including:
* Using Sprites not textures (aka above issue)
* Added ILayoutElement Interface
* Added ICanvasRaycastFilter interface (experimental, can be overridden), includes basic alpha checking.
branch : develop_5.3
* Update to Line Renderer - updated scrip plus patches, now more code friendly for adding points
* New Curved Layout component
* ScrolTo script updated based on authors new version
* UISoftAlphaMask updated to latest version
* Added ScrollSpeed to Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Snap
* Added Scroll Conflict Manager (untested)
* Test Scroll Conflict manager
* Make the distance between pages on the H&V Scroll snaps configurable
* Test Scroll Snap starting page fix
* Review Reorderable List scrolling issue
* Review Reorderable List Worldspace render issue
branch : develop_5.3