Jesús González
Reorderable lists now have a new field "EqualizeSizesOnDrag", default to false. When it is true it sets every item size (when being dragged over the current list) to the current size of the first element of the list.
true was the default behaviour before, and it might be useful in some cases so I left the option there, but in most use cases I encountered so far, and according to Issue 268 ( ) the false behaviour is expected.
2019-04-10 09:43:17 -04:00
Jesús González
Added a new Event to ReorderableList: OnElementDroppedWithMaxItems.
It is called when an object is dropped on a ReorderableList with no more space left (currentItems >= maxItems).
2019-04-09 20:35:34 -04:00
More Options for ReordableList:
- Max item count, after which no more items can be dropped
- IsDisplacable option: If true, an item can be dropped into a full list by displacing one of its items,
it may replace the dragged item in its origin list, be dropped in space or be deleted
depending on the dragged item's origin list and the displaced item
- Added respective Events
- fixed ever increasing number of _listContent components
- Stopped dragged item from blocking Raycasts
2019-02-22 18:35:03 +01:00
Leon Kyz
Fix reorderable lists
2018-03-30 20:00:26 +03:00
Simon Jackson
Various patches and also enabled the ReorderableList in SS-Camera / Worldspace
2017-06-03 17:59:12 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Fixed Line endings on shaders (?)
Removed unnecessary usings (who knew there were so many, I'm normally so tidy :P)
2017-05-05 14:25:48 +01:00
Simon Jackson
1st Pass update, Updated controls:
* DropDownList/ComboBox
* Reorderable List (Screen Space Camera Updates
* Curved text fixes
2017-05-05 14:06:52 +01:00
Simon Jackson
Added UI Knob
Restructured controls in to their own folder. If we are breaking Bkcompat, might as well make it a good one
branch : develop_5.3
2016-07-17 19:21:41 +01:00