In this repository is a collection of extension scripts / effects and controls to enhance your Unity UI experience. These scripts have been gathered from many sources, combined and improved over time.
You can either download / fork this project to access the scripts, or you can also download these pre-compiled Unity Assets, chock full of goodness for each release:
| []( "Download from Itch.IO") | []( "Download from Union Assets") | []( "Support Unity UI Extensions on Patreon & download")|
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[]( "Unity UI getting started video")
It has been a tough time for all since the last update, but things have been moving steadily along. In the past few months there has been a concerted effort to revamp and update the project ready for Unity 2022, as well as migrating the source repository over to GitHub and refreshing all the things.
We hope the new release is better for everyone and we have paid close attention to the editor menus and places to find all the controls for this release.
For customers upgrading from earlier versions of Unity to Unity 2020, please be aware of the Breaking change related to Text Based components. You will need to manually replace any UI using the older ```Text``` component and replace them with ```TextMeshPro``` versions. This is unavoidable due to Unity deprecating the Text component.
> New users to 2022 are unaffected as all the Editor commands have been updated to use the newer TextMeshPro versions.
For more details, see the [deprecation notice]( on GitHub.
## Added
- Added new FIFO based UI Line Render when dynamic line rendering is needed.
- Added ResetSelectableHighlight component.
- Added SetArc method to UICircle as requested.
- Added new UIHorizontalScroller based on UIVerticalScroller.
- Added OnHighlightChanged and OnPressChanged events for UI Button.
- Added error handling around setting Unity UI Components for Vertical/Horizontal ScrollSnaps.
- Added Editor Menu Option to create a Min/Max slider.
- Added the ability to set a specific item for combobox controls on start and not just the first.
- Added the ability to disable the combo boxes and make them read-only.
## Changed
- Refresh FancyScrollView with the latest fixes
- All Text based components updated to use TextMeshPro from Unity 2022 **Breaking Change**
- Clean-up and reset pivots on scene start.
- Merged in feature/improved-ui-highlightable (pull request UILineRenderer - issues with specifying point locations at runtime #123).
- Merged in fix/ragesliderfix (pull request HorizontalScrollSnap Mask Area doesn't work when content created dynamically #125).
- Merged in fix/infinitescrollcontentsize (pull request Gradient initialization should be in Awake() #126).
- Merged in feature/controlTouchUp (pull request UILineRenderer mesh not updating in Editor scene view #127).
- Upgraded RangeSlider to work in both Horizontal and Vertical setups.
- Merged in RangeSlider-upgrade. (pull request Newtonsoft.Json.dll conflict #131)
- Updated UIVertical scroller to be 2022 compliant.
- Updated Curly UI to wait until end of the frame to recalculate positions.
- Updated Depth Texture sampler in UI Particles Shaders.
- Updated Points to always be an array of 1 when set to nothing for the Line Renderer.
- Updated Cooldown button to work with Keyboard input.
- Removed unneeded size calculation which caused some issues with mixed content.
- Resolved an issue whereby the last row in a flow layout group would not size correctly.
- Updated all components using "LayoutGroup" to override their OnDisable.
- Updated validation in the new MinMaxSlider.
- Updated Editor create options to add the correct Event System Input manager.
- Updated initialisation logic to not cause an endless loop in the TabNavigationHelper.
- Updated "Action" use to "UnityAction" to avoid Unity issues for DropDowns.
- Updated UIVerticalScroller for standards.
- Updated ReorderableList/ReorderableListElement to prevent creating a fake object for non-transferable items.
- Updated panel drawing for ComboBox controls and added DropdownOffset.
- Updated build issue with ReorderableListElement.
- Updated NonDrawingGraphic to require a CanvasRender, else it causes an error on run.
## Deprecated
- Marked ScrollPositionController as Obsolete, users should use the new Scoller.
- BestFitOutline - Deprecated in Unity 2020 onwards. (still available for earlier versions)
- NicerOutline - Deprecated in Unity 2020 onwards. (still available for earlier versions)
- Marked TileSizeFitter as obsolete as Unity has made this unworkable.
## Fixed
- Resolved issues with DisplayAbove and using a 0 ItemsToDisplay for ComboBox controls.
- Resolved startup issue that prevented the control from being used (Unity changed the start order in some instances), this was causing null reference issues with comboboxes.
- Patch fix for UILineRenderer.
- Resolves issue where the lower range value would become stuck when moving.
- Updated Infinite scroll to work with content of different sizes.
- Updated Dropdown list to NOT resize text Rect on draw.
- Revised the Curly UI fix as it was preventing the graphic from being updated in the scene view.
- Cleanup and ensuring the UIParticleSystem is disposed in onDestroy correctly.
We recommend using the UPM delivery method. If you are using the Unity asset, there should be no issues updating but if you have a problem, just deleted the old Unity-UI-Extensions folder and import the asset new.
## [How do I get set up?](
The recommended way to add the Unity UI Extensions project to your solution is to use the Unity package Manager. Simply use the Unity Package Manager to reference the project to install it
New for 2020, we have added OpenUPM support and the package can be installed using the following [OpenUPM CLI]( command:
Alternatively, you can also add the package manually through the Unity package manager using the scope ```com.unity.uiextensions```, see the [Unity Package Manager docs]( for more information.
Either clone / download this repository to your machine and then copy the scripts in, or use the pre-packaged .UnityPackage for your version of Unity and import it as a custom package in to your project.
Got a script you want added? Then just fork the [GitHub repository]( and submit a PR. All contributions accepted (including fixes)
All scripts conform to the BSD3 license and are free to use / distribute. See the [LICENSE]( file for more information =
As this repo was created to support my new Unity UI Title ["Unity 3D UI Essentials"](, in the downloads section you will find two custom assets (SpaceShip-DemoScene-Start.unitypackage and RollABallSample-Start.unitypackage). These are just here as starter scenes for doing UI tasks in the book.
Please see the [full downloads list]( for all previous releases and their corresponding download links.