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2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
This is an extension project for the new Unity UI system which can be found at:
[Unity UI Source](
#For Unity 5.2.2+ - Use the new 5.3 package!#
#*Note, due to limited demand, this is the last release we will update the 4.x/5.1 asset package, we'll be focusing on 5.3/5.4 from now on.
2015-09-09 00:23:11 +08:00
2015-09-01 22:54:43 +08:00
2015-09-01 22:59:54 +08:00
For more info, here's a little introduction video for the project:
[![View Intro Video](]( "Unity UI Extensions intro video")
2015-09-01 22:52:45 +08:00
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
### What is this repository for? ###
In this repository is a collection of extension scripts to enhance your Unity UI experience. These scripts have been gathered from many sources and combined and improved over time.
2014-12-31 06:28:27 +08:00
(The majority of the scripts came from the Scripts thread on the [Unity UI forum here](
You can either download / fork the project to access the scripts, or you can also download this precompiled Unity Asset, chock full of goodness
2015-08-30 17:41:15 +08:00
### [Unity UI Extensions Unity 4.x Asset](
### [Unity UI Extensions Unity 5.1 Asset](
### [Unity UI Extensions Unity 5.2 Asset]( <- 5.2.0 - 5.2.1 base releases ONLY
### [Unity UI Extensions Unity 5.3 (5.2.1P+) Asset]( <- use this for 5.2.1P+ releases###
2015-09-01 23:08:53 +08:00
##Getting Started##
To get started with the project, here's a little guide:
[![View Getting Started Video](]( "Unity UI getting started video")
2015-02-27 04:55:45 +08:00
## Updates: ##
###Update 1.1.0###
Coming soon
###Release History###
For the full release history, follow the below link to the full release notes page.
### [Release Notes](
2015-02-27 04:55:45 +08:00
## Controls and extensions listed in this project are: ##
2014-12-31 06:28:06 +08:00
## Controls ##
2015-02-06 02:46:03 +08:00
Control | Description | Menu Command | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ---------- | ----------
**Accordion** | An Acordian style control with animated segments. Sourced from [here]. | N/A | Component / UI / Extensions / AccordionGroup |[demo video](|| ChoMPHi
| | | Component / UI / Extensions / AccordionItem |[demo video](|| ChoMPHi
**HSVPicker** | A colour picker UI | N/A | UI / Extensions / HSVPicker | Project folder includes prefab and sample scene || judah4
**SelectionBox** | An RTS style selection box control | UI / Extensions / Selection Box | UI / Extensions / Selection Box |[tutorial video](|| Korindian, BenZed
**UIButton** | Improved Button control with additional events (PointerDown, PointerUp, PointerClick and PointerHeld) | UI / Extensions / UI Button | UI / Extensions / UI Button |Will update video, this has now been updated to a more reusable Selectable extension|| AriathTheWise
**UIFlippable** | Improved Image control with image flipping options | UI / Extensions / UI Flippable | UI / Extensions / Flippable |[tutorial video](|| ChoMPHi
**UIWindowBase** | A draggable Window implementation | UI / Extensions / UI Window Base | UI / Extensions / UI Window Base |[tutorial video](|| GXMark, alexzzzz, CaoMengde777, TroyDavis
**ComboBox** | A fixed combobox implementation for text | UI / Extensions / ComboBox | UI / Extensions / ComboBox |[tutorial video](|| Perchik
**AutoCompleteComboBox** | A text combobox with autocomplete selection | UI / Extensions / AutoComplete ComboBox | UI / Extensions / AutoComplete ComboBox |[tutorial video](|| Perchik
**DropDownList** | A basic drop down list with text and image support | UI / Extensions / Dropdown List | UI / Extensions / Dropdown List |[tutorial video](|| Perchik
**BoundToolTip** | An alternate Tooltip implementation with central listener | UI / Extensions / Bound Tooltip / Tooltip | UI / Extensions / Bound Tooltip / Tooltip Item | Offset and tooltip placement needs work || Martin Sharkbomb
| | | UI / Extensions / Bound Tooltip / Tooltip Trigger ||| Martin Sharkbomb
## Primitives ##
Control | Description | Menu Command | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ---------- | ----------
**LineRenderer** | Graphic control for drawing lines in the UI System | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Line Renderer | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Line Renderer |[tutorial video](|| jack.sydorenko
**UILineTextureRenderer** | Graphic control for drawing lines in the UI System | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Line Texture Renderer | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Line Texture Renderer |[tutorial video](|| jack.sydorenko, jonbro5556
**UICircle** | Graphic control for drawing circles in the UI System | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Circle | UI / Extensions / Primitives / UI Circle |[tutorial video](|| zge
**DiamondGraph** | Graphic control for drawing a diamond in the UI System | UI / Extensions / Primitives / DiamondGraph | UI / Extensions / Primitives / DiamondGraph |5.2+ only [tutorial video](|| koohddang
**UICornerCut** | Graphic control for drawing a diamond in the UI System | UI/Extensions/Primitives/Cut Corners | UI/Extensions/Primitives/Cut Corners ||| Freezy
## Layouts ##
Layout | Description | Menu Command | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ---------- | ----------
**HorizontalScrollSnap** | A pages scroll rect that can work in steps / pages, includes button support | UI / Extensions / Horizontal Scroll Snap | Layout / Extensions / Horizontal Scroll Snap |[tutorial video](|| BinaryX
**VerticalScrollSnap** | A pages scroll rect that can work in steps / pages, includes button support | UI / Extensions / Vertical Scroll Snap | Layout / Extensions / Vertical Scroll Snap |[tutorial video](|| BinaryX, Simon Darkside Jackson
**FlowLayoutGroup** | A more rugged grid style layout group || Layout / Extensions / Flow Layout Group | [Example Video]( || Simie
**RadialLayout** | A radial layout system || Layout / Extensions / Radial Layout |[tutorial video](|| Danny Goodayle
**TileSizeFitter** | A fitter layout that will shink / expand content by tiles || Layout / Extensions / TileSizeFitter |[tutorial video](|| Ges
**ScrollSnap** | An alternate scroll snap control supporting both Horizontal and Vertial layous in one control | UI / Extensions / Fixed Item Scroll / Snap Horizontal Single Item|||| xesenix
|| UI / Extensions / Fixed Item Scroll / Snap Horizontal Multiple Item|||| xesenix
|| UI / Extensions / Fixed Item Scroll / Snap Vertical Single Item|||| xesenix
|| UI / Extensions / Fixed Item Scroll / Snap Vertical Multiple Item|||| xesenix
**ReorderableList** | A dynamic control allowing drag and drop of child elements with reordering support | UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Vertical Scroll Rect|UI/Extensions/Re-orderable list|[Example](|| Ziboo
|| UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Horizontal Scroll Rect|||| Ziboo
|| UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Grid Scroll Rect|||| Ziboo
|| UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Vertical List|||| Ziboo
|| UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Hirizontal List|||| Ziboo
|| UI/Extensions/Re-orderable Lists/Re-orderable Grid|||| Ziboo
2015-02-06 02:46:03 +08:00
## Effect components ##
Effect | Description | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | ----------
**BestFitOutline** | An improved outline effect | UI / Effects / Extensions / Best Fit Outline ||| Melang
**CurvedText** | A Text vertex manipulator for those users NOT using TextMeshPro (why ever not?) | UI / Effects / Extensons / Curved Text ||| Breyer
**Gradient** | Apply vertex colours in a gradient on any UI object | UI / Effects / Extensions / Gradient ||| Breyer
**LetterSpacing** | Allows finers control of text spacing | UI / Effects / Extensions / Letter Spacing ||| Deeperbeige
**NicerOutline** | Another outline control | UI / Effects / Extensions / Nicer Outline ||| Melang
**RaycastMask** | An example of an enhanced mask component able to work with the image data. Enables picking on image parts and not just the Rect Transform | UI / Effects / Extensions / Raycast Mask ||| senritsu
**UIFlippable** | Image component effect to flip the graphic | UI / Effects / Extensions / UI Flippable ||| ChoMPHi
**UIImageCrop** | Shader based mask system which clips to specific ranges X&Y | UI / Effects / Extensions / UI Image Crop ||| 00christian00
**SoftAlphaMask** | Shader based mask able to clip images using an alpha mask | UI / Effects / Extensions / Soft Mask Script ||| NemoKrad
**CylinderText** | Allows finers control of text spacing | UI / Effects / Extensions / Cylinder Text ||| Breyer
2015-02-06 02:46:03 +08:00
## VR Components##
Component | Description | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------ | ----------
**VRCursor** | Cursor script for VR use (requires VRInputModule) | UI / Extensions / VR Cursoe ||| Ralph Barbagallo
**VRInputModule** | Input module to support the VR Cursor | Event / Vr Input Module ||| Ralph Barbagallo
2015-02-06 02:46:03 +08:00
## Input Modules ##
Component | Description | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------ | ----------
**AimerInputModule** | Replacement Input module to allow for a reciclue to interace with WorldSpace canvas UI | Event / Extensions / Aimer Input Module ||| Chris Trueman
**GamePadInputModule** | Stripped down SIM Input module for just gamepad/keybord input | Event / Extensions / GamePad Input Module ||| Simon (darkside) Jackson
2015-02-06 02:46:03 +08:00
## Additional Components##
Component | Description | Component Command | Notes | Donate | Credits
--------- | -------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------ | ----------
**ReturnKeyTrigger** | Does something?? | UI / Extensions / ReturnKey Trigger ||| Melang, ddreaper
**TabNavigation** | An example Tab navigation script, updated to add manual navigation | UI / Extensions / Tab Navigation ||| Melang, omatase
**uGUITools** | | Menu / uGUI ||| Senshi
**ScrollRectTweener** | Tweening solution for ScrollRects, add smoothing automatically | UI / Extensions / ScrollRectTweener ||| Martin Sharkbomb
**ScrollRectLinker** | ScrollRect Linker script, enable multiple ScrollRects to move together | UI / Extensions / ScrollRectLinker ||| Martin Sharkbomb
**ScrollRectEx** | Improved ScrollRect control, enables support for Nested ScrollRects | UI / Extensions / ScrollRectEx ||| CaptainSchnittchen, GamesRUs
**InputFocus** | Enhanced InputField control for forms, enables Enter to submit and other features | UI / Extensions / InputFocus ||| Zelek
**ImageExtended** | Improved Image control with rotation support and use of filled type without an Image (useful for masks) | UI / Extensions / Image Extended ||| Ges
**UIScrollToSelection** | Enables a ScrollRect to scroll based on the selected child automatically | UI / Extensions / UIScrollToSelection ||| zero3growlithe
**UISelectableExtension** | Refactor of original UI Button control, can now add Press/Release and Hold events to any Selectable control | UI / Extensions / UI Selectable Extension ||| AriathTheWise / Simon Jackson
**switchToRectTransform** | RectTransform extension method to move one Rect to another | N/A ||| Izitmee
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
2014-12-31 06:27:53 +08:00
*More to come*
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
### How do I get set up? ###
Either clone / download this repository to your machine and then copy the scripts in, or use the pre-packaged .UnityPackage for your version of Unity and import it as a custom package in to your project.
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
### Contribution guidelines ###
Got a script you want added, then just fork and submit a PR. All contributions accepted (including fixes)
2015-02-10 01:05:15 +08:00
Just ensure
* The header of the script matches the standard used in all scripts
* The script uses the **Unity.UI.Extensions** namespace so they do not affect any other developments
* (optional) Add Component and Editor options where possible (editor options are in the Editor\UIExtensionsMenuOptions.cs file)
### License ###
All scripts conform to the BSD license and are free to use / distribute. See the [LICENSE]( file for more information
2014-12-31 06:25:53 +08:00
### Like what you see? ###
All these scripts were put together for my latest book Unity3D UI Essentials
2015-01-16 01:44:17 +08:00
Check out the [page on my blog]( for more details and learn all about the inner workings of the new Unity UI System.
### The downloads ###
As this repo was created to support my new Unity UI Title ["Unity 3D UI Essentials"](, in the downloads section you will find two custom assets (SpaceShip-DemoScene-Start.unitypackage and RollABallSample-Start.unitypackage). These are just here as starter scenes for doing UI tasks in the book.
I will add more sample scenes for the UI examples in this repository and detail them above over time.