Commit Graph

178 Commits (a9e5fd4589551121854744b9cae1b4c1d5fad861)

Author SHA1 Message Date
neuecc d5db96b913 rename StackNode to TaskPool 2020-05-29 02:08:11 +09:00
neuecc a8455af16d Improve pooling mechanism 2020-05-29 01:22:46 +09:00
neuecc 2290b14532 reduce AsyncBuilder heap allocation 2020-05-28 22:20:06 +09:00
neuecc 90c5a6311b check il2cpp generics limitation 2020-05-28 21:18:35 +09:00
neuecc 6e0ad3623b non public 2020-05-27 09:16:46 +09:00
neuecc 005e02a1fa sealed 2020-05-27 07:39:19 +09:00
neuecc 10fb8060fa use PooledDelegate to avoid convert Action to Action<AsyncOperation> allocation 2020-05-27 07:37:16 +09:00
neuecc 35b933730b 2.0.11-rc8 2020-05-25 19:44:57 +09:00
neuecc 7ab9467069 IObservable<T>.ToUniTask parameter order changed from CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool useFirst to bool useFirst, CancellationToken cancellationToken 2020-05-25 19:42:51 +09:00
neuecc 598312ba61 DOTween's WithCancellation remove = default 2020-05-25 19:38:08 +09:00
neuecc 985aa5c43a add allocationchecker in netcore sandbox project 2020-05-25 19:37:11 +09:00
neuecc 10eff95a42 fix: does not work zero-allocation mechanism in release build 2020-05-25 19:36:39 +09:00
neuecc d27d6d5d9d UniTask.Yield in .NET Core becomes zero allocation 2020-05-25 19:33:54 +09:00
neuecc b8c109848e UniTaskVoid can not await. 2020-05-25 19:33:11 +09:00
neuecc 8b7f832c0f JobHandle.WaitAsync accepts CancellationToken 2020-05-25 09:58:06 +09:00
neuecc 7cce0f48e5 call webRequest.Abort() on canceled 2020-05-25 09:54:26 +09:00
neuecc 8a56838111 modify cannot await twice message 2020-05-25 01:55:35 +09:00
neuecc ff15e00003 f 2020-05-24 03:33:25 +09:00
neuecc f60d2c51fb fix in UnityEditor performance issue 2020-05-24 03:27:05 +09:00
neuecc 6dfb969015 Add ValueTask.AsUniTask only for .NET Core 2020-05-24 01:30:52 +09:00
neuecc da7e9fc4b3 UniTask marked StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto) 2020-05-24 01:30:33 +09:00
neuecc 70385c4115 Fix channel's cancellationTokenRegistration does not handle correctly 2020-05-24 00:19:13 +09:00
neuecc 51ba740413 In .NET Core, IUniTaskSource implements IValueTaskSource and implicit, zero overhead conversion 2020-05-24 00:18:39 +09:00
neuecc f3e3ba8864 fix DOTweenExt's TweenCancelBehaviour.CancelAwait 2020-05-23 02:53:48 +09:00
neuecc 07cf65c1ec lower support is 2019.1 2020-05-23 02:12:19 +09:00
neuecc eca5b1c096 2.0.10-rc7 2020-05-23 02:11:00 +09:00
neuecc c74ce14ad1 DoTween -> DOTween 2020-05-23 02:10:18 +09:00
neuecc f59c56506f Remove ConfigureAwait method from all async object extensions(renamed to ToUniTask). Add WithCancellation method to all async object extensions. Improved performance when async object is done. 2020-05-23 02:07:46 +09:00
neuecc 896eef1ee4 Add DoTween Extension 2020-05-23 01:10:04 +09:00
neuecc ec0123eec7 rename UniTask.VoidAction -> UniTask.Action, UniTask.VoidUnityAction -> UniTask.UnityAction, there return type Func<UniTask> -> Func<UniTaskVoid> 2020-05-22 21:42:23 +09:00
neuecc 78f56b9b33 OCS 2020-05-22 17:15:36 +09:00
neuecc 1d88ed85bc fix ComibineLatest 2020-05-22 11:08:03 +09:00
neuecc 2b7986da19 2.0.9-rc6 2020-05-22 10:45:16 +09:00
neuecc c3d22968e1 State rename to AsyncReadOnlyReactiveProperty and removed setter and implicit conversion. 2020-05-22 10:44:41 +09:00
neuecc 0e25122ee2 Add Pairwise 2020-05-22 03:19:54 +09:00
neuecc 4504d84aa8 cl2 2020-05-22 02:34:04 +09:00
neuecc 2b87cadba3 Add CombineLatest 2020-05-22 02:25:36 +09:00
neuecc 21dc83c641 2.0.8-rc5 2020-05-21 02:26:55 +09:00
neuecc 3b593f349c Add UnityEvent<T> and InputField AsyncEventHandler and extensions 2020-05-21 02:26:09 +09:00
neuecc 962c215e3b Fix UniTask.WaitUntilValueChanged does not handle UnityEngine.Object is destroyed correctly 2020-05-21 02:24:12 +09:00
neuecc 42dcfdbcdc Add UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.EveryValueChanged 2020-05-21 02:23:40 +09:00
neuecc 6d7e6ec871 Impl AsyncReactiveProperty.ToString, Add State 2020-05-21 02:22:24 +09:00
neuecc 36d53a3bcb rc4 2020-05-20 11:05:58 +09:00
neuecc ea9e61c2e1 Add CancellationToken.WaitUntilCanceled 2020-05-20 11:04:59 +09:00
neuecc a52c26102b guard for ForEachAsync 2020-05-20 10:48:28 +09:00
neuecc e31c87b8a8 Add IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Publish 2020-05-19 15:58:04 +09:00
neuecc cc165a6897 2.0.6-rc3 2020-05-19 04:14:23 +09:00
neuecc f99910d802 Add TaskTracker to AsyncLINQ 2020-05-19 04:13:46 +09:00
neuecc ec7064083a Add TaskTracker to Channel 2020-05-19 03:43:06 +09:00
neuecc 7b273c4bd1 Add UniTask.Defer 2020-05-19 03:10:37 +09:00
neuecc d36e7987b3 Add SkipUntilCanceled, TakeUntilCanceled 2020-05-19 02:41:45 +09:00
neuecc bbd5686816 Add UniTask.WaitUntilCanceled 2020-05-19 01:35:16 +09:00
neuecc fb1152d8f4 IAsyncReadOnlyReactiveProperty -> IReadOnlyAsyncReactiveProperty, .Dipose retrurns MoveNext -> false 2020-05-19 01:20:20 +09:00
neuecc 7a306118f5 AsyncTrigger returns MoveNext -> false when destroyed 2020-05-19 01:19:46 +09:00
neuecc efaf3ee8f5 IAsyncReadOnlyReactiveProperty.WithoutCurrent 2020-05-18 23:36:26 +09:00
neuecc 2e4fe90956 Fix ChannelReader.Completion throws UnobservedException when not touched 2020-05-18 23:33:13 +09:00
neuecc e33d572104 2.0.5-rc2 2020-05-18 11:33:24 +09:00
neuecc 2b2af9e455 meta 2020-05-18 11:31:23 +09:00
neuecc d003597662 Changed AsyncReactiveProperty produce current value at first, Add AsyncReactiveProperty.WithoutCurrent 2020-05-18 11:30:49 +09:00
neuecc ec0a8f5a8b Add IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Queue 2020-05-18 11:30:04 +09:00
neuecc 49ba57f20a Fix IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Take 2020-05-18 11:29:35 +09:00
neuecc 6f4d1183cc Add BindTo<TSource, TObject>(Action<TObject, TSource> bindAction) 2020-05-18 02:35:13 +09:00
neuecc dd18c9fff8 Add Channel.CreateSingleConsumerUnbounded 2020-05-18 02:34:29 +09:00
neuecc 1729f389db fix ReactiveProperty implements IAsyncReactiveProperty 2020-05-17 16:51:10 +09:00
neuecc 957adfad7a fix Await UniTaskAsyncEnumerable.Timer is not over. #76 2020-05-17 16:49:44 +09:00
neuecc c73af7390f removed manifestjson 2020-05-17 02:51:51 +09:00
neuecc ba65049dd8 2.0.4-rc1 2020-05-17 01:39:56 +09:00
neuecc ee58aab0a9 Add AsyncReactiveProperty 2020-05-17 01:29:45 +09:00
neuecc 859eaa2278 reduce AsyncTrigger allocation 2020-05-16 23:31:49 +09:00
neuecc 79f770e687 Improve Stacktrace Part2 2020-05-13 11:36:33 +09:00
neuecc 8ff4de67a1 improving stacktrace 2020-05-13 05:49:48 +09:00
neuecc 6a7a6fde5c changed AsyncEnumerable.Timer reset timing 2020-05-12 16:32:10 +09:00
neuecc 6a5e259006 fix 2020-05-12 16:09:34 +09:00
neuecc f6622ad29c StartAsyncCoroutine returns UniTask 2020-05-12 15:55:06 +09:00
neuecc 3de29a181d fixed project structure 2020-05-12 15:44:53 +09:00
neuecc 090cacece5 Add EveryUpdate, Time, Interval, TimerFrame, IntervalFrame 2020-05-12 15:36:42 +09:00
neuecc 354fd65d58 redesigned asyncenumerable ugui and monobehaviourmessagetrigger 2020-05-12 14:29:21 +09:00
neuecc d3538bdc8f TriggerAsyncEnumerable 2020-05-12 13:15:26 +09:00
neuecc bd6906792d UnityAsyncEventHandler as IUniTaskAsyncEnumerable 2020-05-12 11:51:50 +09:00
neuecc c23b9ca480 move to underunity 2020-05-12 03:48:32 +09:00
neuecc cda59ba9c2 Do 2020-05-12 03:41:53 +09:00
neuecc 61a3744fdd Buffer 2020-05-12 03:33:11 +09:00
neuecc 72efadd0a2 DistinctUntilChanged 2020-05-12 03:01:05 +09:00
neuecc 57c414a6e0 DistinctSelector 2020-05-12 02:45:12 +09:00
neuecc 85dc70a3ab OrderBy 2020-05-12 02:21:06 +09:00
neuecc 7298686d5a Join, GroupBy, GroupJoin 2020-05-12 00:38:06 +09:00
neuecc 418586fbfb GroupBy 2020-05-11 23:17:33 +09:00
neuecc 12c507574e Join 2020-05-11 17:33:41 +09:00
neuecc b20b37e7a5 Distinct, Except, Intersect, Union 2020-05-11 15:53:27 +09:00
neuecc 8ef7a66081 TakeLast 2020-05-11 14:01:23 +09:00
neuecc a5f47d4095 SkipLast 2020-05-11 12:38:32 +09:00
neuecc 1316328766 Skip, Take, TakeWhile, SkipWhile 2020-05-11 12:02:02 +09:00
neuecc c0da316cb4 zip 2020-05-11 02:29:23 +09:00
neuecc 4d13523df7 SelectMany 2020-05-11 02:01:49 +09:00
neuecc 16c527fa89 try selectmany 2020-05-11 00:27:57 +09:00
neuecc 5db5beab29 Reverse 2020-05-10 23:26:25 +09:00
neuecc 3f082f1923 defaultifempty 2020-05-10 22:52:12 +09:00
neuecc 93dd82e3d4 exception testing 2020-05-10 22:44:40 +09:00
neuecc af6dbd8868 append prepend concat 2020-05-10 03:50:29 +09:00
neuecc 716decd199 ToDict, ToLookup, ToList, TOHashSet, ToObservable 2020-05-10 02:39:13 +09:00