mirror of https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask
add allocationchecker in netcore sandbox project
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using System.Linq;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnosers;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Exporters;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using PooledAwait;
using System;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.CompilerServices;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
public class AllocationCheck
// note: all the benchmarks use Task/Task<T> for the public API, because BenchmarkDotNet
// doesn't work reliably with more exotic task-types (even just ValueTask fails); instead,
// we'll obscure the cost of the outer awaitable by doing a relatively large number of
// iterations, so that we're only really measuring the inner loop
private const int InnerOps = 1000;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps)]
public async Task ViaUniTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Core();
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps)]
public async Task<int> ViaUniTaskT()
var sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Core();
return sum;
static async UniTask<int> Core()
var a = await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
var b = await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
var c = await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
return 10;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps)]
public Task ViaUniTaskVoid()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
return Task.CompletedTask;
static async UniTaskVoid Core()
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
public class TaskTestException : Exception
public struct TestAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
public TestAwaiter GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public void GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(ThreadPoolWorkItem.Create(continuation), false);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(ThreadPoolWorkItem.Create(continuation), false);
public struct TestAwaiter<T> : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
readonly T value;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status, T value)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
this.value = value;
public TestAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public T GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
return value;
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(ThreadPoolWorkItem.Create(continuation), false);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(ThreadPoolWorkItem.Create(continuation), false);
public sealed class ThreadPoolWorkItem : IThreadPoolWorkItem
static readonly ConcurrentQueue<ThreadPoolWorkItem> pool = new ConcurrentQueue<ThreadPoolWorkItem>();
Action continuation;
public static ThreadPoolWorkItem Create(Action continuation)
if (!pool.TryDequeue(out var item))
item = new ThreadPoolWorkItem();
item.continuation = continuation;
return item;
public void Execute()
var call = continuation;
continuation = null;
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using System.Linq;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnosers;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Exporters;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using PooledAwait;
using System;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.CompilerServices;
//class Program
// static void Main(string[] args)
// {
// var switcher = new BenchmarkSwitcher(new[]
// {
// typeof(StandardBenchmark)
// });
//#if DEBUG
// var b = new StandardBenchmark();
// switcher.Run(args);
// }
public class BenchmarkConfig : ManualConfig
public BenchmarkConfig()
// borrowed from PooledAwait
public class ComparisonBenchmarks
// note: all the benchmarks use Task/Task<T> for the public API, because BenchmarkDotNet
// doesn't work reliably with more exotic task-types (even just ValueTask fails); instead,
// we'll obscure the cost of the outer awaitable by doing a relatively large number of
// iterations, so that we're only really measuring the inner loop
private const int InnerOps = 1000;
public bool ConfigureAwait { get; set; } = false;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = ".NET")]
public async Task<int> ViaTaskT()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Inner(1, 2).ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
return sum;
static async Task<int> Inner(int x, int y)
int i = x;
await Task.Yield();
i *= y;
await Task.Yield();
return 5 * i;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = ".NET")]
public async Task ViaTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Inner().ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
static async Task Inner()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = ".NET")]
public async Task<int> ViaValueTaskT()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Inner(1, 2).ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
return sum;
static async ValueTask<int> Inner(int x, int y)
int i = x;
await Task.Yield();
i *= y;
await Task.Yield();
return 5 * i;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = ".NET")]
public async Task ViaValueTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Inner().ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
static async ValueTask Inner()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "Pooled")]
public async Task<int> ViaPooledValueTaskT()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Inner(1, 2).ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
return sum;
static async PooledValueTask<int> Inner(int x, int y)
int i = x;
await Task.Yield();
i *= y;
await Task.Yield();
return 5 * i;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "Pooled")]
public async Task ViaPooledValueTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Inner().ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
static async PooledValueTask Inner()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "Pooled")]
public async Task<int> ViaPooledTaskT()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Inner(1, 2).ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
return sum;
static async PooledTask<int> Inner(int x, int y)
int i = x;
await Task.Yield();
i *= y;
await Task.Yield();
return 5 * i;
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "Pooled")]
public async Task ViaPooledTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Inner().ConfigureAwait(ConfigureAwait);
static async PooledTask Inner()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
// ---
//[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "UniTaskVoid")]
//public async Task ViaUniTaskVoid()
// for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
// {
// await Inner();
// }
// static async UniTaskVoid Inner()
// {
// await UniTask.Yield();
// await UniTask.Yield();
// }
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "UniTask")]
public async Task ViaUniTask()
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
await Inner();
static async UniTask Inner()
await UniTask.Yield();
await UniTask.Yield();
[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = InnerOps, Description = "UniTaskT")]
public async Task<int> ViaUniTaskT()
var sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < InnerOps; i++)
sum += await Inner(1, 2);
return sum;
static async UniTask<int> Inner(int x, int y)
int i = x;
await UniTask.Yield();
i *= y;
await UniTask.Yield();
return 5 * i;
public struct MyAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
public MyAwaiter GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => false;
public void GetResult()
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
public struct MyTestStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine
public void MoveNext()
//throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine)
//throw new NotImplementedException();
@ -38,6 +38,94 @@ namespace NetCoreSandbox
public class TaskTestException : Exception
public struct TestAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
public TestAwaiter GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public void GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public struct TestAwaiter<T> : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
readonly T value;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status, T value)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
this.value = value;
public TestAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public T GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
return value;
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public static partial class UnityUIComponentExtensions
@ -109,26 +197,45 @@ namespace NetCoreSandbox
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var foo = await new ZeroAllocAsyncAwaitInDotNetCore().NanikaAsync(1, 2);
#if !DEBUG
var channel = Channel.CreateSingleConsumerUnbounded<int>();
// Observable.Range(1,10).CombineLatest(
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var token = cts.Token;
await FooAsync(token).ForEachAsync(x => { }, token);
//await new ComparisonBenchmarks().ViaUniTaskT();
// Observable.Range(1,10).CombineLatest(
// AsyncTest().Forget();
await UniTask.Yield();
#pragma warning disable CS1998
static async UniTaskVoid AsyncTest()
// empty
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(true, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
//return 10;
#pragma warning restore CS1998
void Foo()
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
<PackageReference Include="BenchmarkDotNet" Version="0.12.1" />
<PackageReference Include="PooledAwait" Version="1.0.49" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Interactive.Async" Version="4.1.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.4.1" />
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
#pragma warning disable CS1998
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using FluentAssertions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace NetCoreTests
public class UniTaskBuilderTest
public async Task Empty()
await Core();
static async UniTask Core()
public async Task EmptyThrow()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask Core()
throw new TaskTestException();
public async Task Task_Done()
await Core();
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(true, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
public async Task Task_Fail()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(true, UniTaskStatus.Faulted);
public async Task Task_Cancel()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<OperationCanceledException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(true, UniTaskStatus.Canceled);
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetResult()
await Core();
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetException()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Faulted);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetCancelException()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<OperationCanceledException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask Core()
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded);
await new TestAwaiter(false, UniTaskStatus.Canceled);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public class UniTask_T_BuilderTest
public async Task Empty()
(await Core()).Should().Be(10);
static async UniTask<int> Core()
return 10;
public async Task EmptyThrow()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask<int> Core()
throw new TaskTestException();
public async Task Task_Done()
(await Core()).Should().Be(10);
static async UniTask<int> Core()
return await new TestAwaiter<int>(true, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
public async Task Task_Fail()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask<int> Core()
return await new TestAwaiter<int>(true, UniTaskStatus.Faulted, 10);
public async Task Task_Cancel()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<OperationCanceledException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask<int> Core()
return await new TestAwaiter<int>(true, UniTaskStatus.Canceled, 10);
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetResult()
(await Core()).Should().Be(6);
static async UniTask<int> Core()
var sum = 0;
sum += await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 1);
sum += await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 2);
sum += await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 3);
return sum;
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetException()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TaskTestException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask<int> Core()
await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Faulted, 10);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public async Task AwaitUnsafeOnCompletedCall_Task_SetCancelException()
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<OperationCanceledException>(async () => await Core());
static async UniTask<int> Core()
await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Succeeded, 10);
await new TestAwaiter<int>(false, UniTaskStatus.Canceled, 10);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public class TaskTestException : Exception
public struct TestAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
public TestAwaiter GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public void GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public struct TestAwaiter<T> : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
readonly UniTaskStatus status;
readonly bool isCompleted;
readonly T value;
public TestAwaiter(bool isCompleted, UniTaskStatus status, T value)
this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
this.status = status;
this.value = value;
public TestAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() => this;
public bool IsCompleted => isCompleted;
public T GetResult()
switch (status)
case UniTaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new TaskTestException();
case UniTaskStatus.Canceled:
throw new OperationCanceledException();
case UniTaskStatus.Pending:
case UniTaskStatus.Succeeded:
return value;
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(_ => continuation(), null);
Reference in New Issue