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**:warning: NOTE: Do not use [the obsolete tags and branches]( to reference the package. They will be removed in near future. :warning:**
UI Soft Mask is a smooth masking component for Unity UI (uGUI) elements.
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<< [Description](#Description) | [WebGL Demo](#demo) | [Installation](#installation) | [Usage](#usage) | [For Your Custom Shader](#support-soft-masks-with-your-custom-shaders) | [Contributing](#contributing) >>
## Description
By using SoftMask instead of the default Mask component, you can beautifully represent the rounded edges of UI elements.
#### Features
* SoftMask is compatible with Mask.
* You can adjust the visible part.
* Text, Image, RawImage can be used as a masking.
* Support multiple-sprites and SpriteAtlas.
* Support up to 4 nested soft masks.
* Support scroll view.
* Support inversed soft mask.
* Support overlay, camera space and world space.
* (Option) Raycast is filtered only for the visible part.
* Contain soft maskable UI shader.
* Support soft masks in your custom shaders by adding just 3 lines. For details, please see [Development Note](#support-soft-masks-in-your-custom-shaders).
* Adjust soft mask buffer size to improve performance.
* Convert existing Mask to SoftMask from context menu.
* Render the soft mask buffer only when needed to improve performance.
* Add a SoftMaskable component to the child UI elements of SoftMask from the inspector.
* Preview soft mask buffer in inspector.
* Make multiple holes on one background by 'Parts of parent' option.
* [Support TextMeshPro](#support-textmeshpro)
#### Components
| Component | Description | Screenshot |
| ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| SoftMask | Use instead of Mask for smooth masking.<br><br>**Show Mask Graphic:** Show the graphic that is associated with the Mask render area.<br>**Desampling Rate:** The desampling rate for soft mask buffer. The larger the value, the better the performance but the lower the quality.<br>**Softness:** The value used by the soft mask to select the area of influence defined over the soft mask's graphic.<br>**Ignore Parent:** Should the soft mask ignore parent soft masks?<br>**Part Of Parent:** Is the soft mask a part of parent soft mask? | ![softmask][] |
| SoftMaskable | Add this component to Graphic under SoftMask for smooth masking.<br><br>**Use Stencil:** Use stencil buffer to mask. If disabled, the stencil buffer is ignored.<br>**RaycastFilter:** Use soft-masked raycast target. **This option is expensive.**<br>**Mask Interaction:** The interaction for each mask layers. | ![softmaskable][] |
## Demo
[WebGL Demo](
## Installation
#### Requirement
* Unity 2017.1 or later (2018.x, 2019.x and 2020.x are included)
* No other SDK are required
#### Using OpenUPM (for Unity 2018.3 or later)
This package is available on [OpenUPM](
You can install it via [openupm-cli](
openupm add
#### Using Git (for Unity 2018.3 or later)
Find the manifest.json file in the Packages folder of your project and edit it to look like this:
"dependencies": {
"": "",
To update the package, change suffix `#{version}` to the target version.
* e.g. `"": "",`
Or, use [UpmGitExtension]( to install and update the package.
#### For Unity 2018.2 or earlier
1. Download a source code zip file from [Releases]( page
2. Extract it
3. Import it into the following directory in your Unity project
- `Packages` (It works as an embedded package. For Unity 2018.1 or later)
- `Assets` (Legacy way. For Unity 2017.1 or later)
## How to play demo
- For Unity 2019.1 or later
- Open `Package Manager` window and select `UI Soft Mask` package in package list and click `Demo > Import in project` button
- For Unity 2018.4 or earlier
- Click `Assets/Samples/UISoftMask/Import Demo` from menu
The assets will be imported into `Assets/Samples/UI Soft Mask/{version}/Demo`.
Open `UISoftMask_Demo` scene and play it.
## Usage
1. Add a SoftMask component instead of Mask component.
Or, convert an existing Mask component to SoftMask component from the context menu.
2. Add a SoftMaskable components to the child UI elements of the SoftMask component.
Or, add a SoftMaskable components from the inspector of the SoftMask component.
3. Adjust softness setting of SoftMask.
4. Enjoy!
## Usage with TextMeshPro
To use SoftMask with TextMeshPro, import a sample asset.
- For Unity 2019.1 or later
- Open `Package Manager` window and select `UI Soft Mask` package in package list and click `TextMeshPro Support > Import in project` button
- For Unity 2018.4 or earlier
- Click `Assets/Samples/UISoftMask/Import TextMeshPro Support` from menu
The assets will be imported into `Assets/Samples/UI Soft Mask/{version}/TextMeshPro Support`.
**NOTE:** You must import `TMP Essential Resources` before using. They include shaders, fonts, etc.
**NOTE:** If the shader error is not resolved, reimport the shader. Or, import the `TextMeshPro Support` again.
## Support soft masks with your custom shaders
Only a few steps are needed to support soft mask in your custom shaders!
1. Duplicate your shader file and add the ` (SoftMaskable)` suffix to the file name.
-> Your_Custom_Shader (SoftMaskable).shader
1. Modify the shader name (defined at the beginning of the shader file) as follows:
- Add `Hidden/` prefix
- Add ` (SoftMaskable)` suffix
Shader "UI/Your_Custom_Shader"
-> Shader "Hidden/UI/Your_Custom_Shader (SoftMaskable)"
1. Add `#pragma` and `#include` directives, where `SOFTMASK_EDITOR` is an editor-only keyword and is not included in the build.
If you didn't use package manager to install, include `SoftMask.cginc` in the appropriate path instead.
#include "Packages/"
#pragma shader_feature __ SOFTMASK_EDITOR
2. Apply a soft mask in the fragment shader.
This operation determines the final alpha according to the soft mask buffer.
- `IN.vertex`: the clip position
- `IN.worldPosition`: the world position
color.a *= SoftMask(IN.vertex, IN.worldPosition);
As an example of implementation, please see [UI-Default-SoftMask.shader](
## Contributing
### Issues
Issues are very valuable to this project.
- Ideas are a valuable source of contributions others can make
- Problems show where this project is lacking
- With a question you show where contributors can improve the user experience
### Pull Requests
Pull requests are, a great way to get your ideas into this repository.
See [](/../../blob/main/
### Support
This is an open source project that I am developing in my spare time.
If you like it, please support me.
With your support, I can spend more time on development. :)
## License
## Author
* ![]( [mob-sakai]( [![](]( ![GitHub followers](
## See Also
* GitHub page :
* Releases :
* Issue tracker :
* Change log :