
99 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

3.0.0-preview.1 # [3.0.0-preview.1]( (2020-02-12) ### Bug Fixes * change the text in the inspector to make it more understandable. ([7ca0b6f](, closes [#66]( * editor crashes when mesh is set to null when ParticleSystem.RenderMode=Mesh ([e5ebadd](, closes [#69]( * getting massive errors on editor ([ef82fa8](, closes [#67]( * heavy editor UI ([d3b470a]( * remove a menu to add overlay camera ([f5d3b6e]( * rotating the particle rect may cause out of bounds ([3439842](, closes [#55]( * scale will be decrease on editor ([0c59846]( * UI darker than normal when change to linear color space ([db4d8a7](, closes [#57]( ### Build System * update develop environment ([9fcf169]( ### Features * add menu to import sample ([b8b1827]( * add samples test ([287b5cc]( * **editor:** add osc package (portable mode) ([6c7f880]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * update develop environment to Unity 2018.3. Unity 2018.2 will continue to be supported.
2020-02-12 20:38:06 +08:00
%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u!,2011:
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