2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEditor.UI ;
using UnityEngine ;
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls ;
using System ;
using System.Reflection ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
namespace Coffee.UIExtensions
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
[CustomEditor (typeof (UIParticle))]
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
public class UIParticleEditor : GraphicEditor
// Constant or Static Members.
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
static readonly GUIContent s_ContentParticleMaterial = new GUIContent ( "Particle Material" , "The material for rendering particles" ) ;
static readonly GUIContent s_ContentTrailMaterial = new GUIContent ( "Trail Material" , "The material for rendering particle trails" ) ;
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
static readonly List < ParticleSystem > s_ParticleSystems = new List < ParticleSystem > ( ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
static readonly Matrix4x4 s_ArcHandleOffsetMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( Vector3 . zero , Quaternion . AngleAxis ( 90f , Vector3 . right ) * Quaternion . AngleAxis ( 90f , Vector3 . up ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
static readonly Dictionary < string , MethodInfo > s_InternalMethods = new Dictionary < string , MethodInfo > ( ) ;
static readonly Color s_GizmoColor = new Color ( 1f , 0.7f , 0.7f , 0.9f ) ;
static readonly Color s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint = new Color ( 0.7f , 0.7f , 0.7f , 1.0f ) ;
static Material s_Material ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
// Public/Protected Members.
/// <summary>
/// This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active.
/// </summary>
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
protected override void OnEnable ( )
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
base . OnEnable ( ) ;
_spParticleSystem = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ParticleSystem" ) ;
_spTrailParticle = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_TrailParticle" ) ;
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
_spScale = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_Scale" ) ;
_spIgnoreParent = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_IgnoreParent" ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( ! s_Material )
s_Material = Call < Material > ( typeof ( Material ) , "GetDefaultMaterial" ) ;
_particles = targets . Cast < UIParticle > ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
/// <summary>
/// Implement this function to make a custom inspector.
/// </summary>
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
public override void OnInspectorGUI ( )
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
serializedObject . Update ( ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( _spParticleSystem ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
EditorGUI . indentLevel + + ;
var ps = _spParticleSystem . objectReferenceValue as ParticleSystem ;
if ( ps )
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
var pr = ps . GetComponent < ParticleSystemRenderer > ( ) ;
var sp = new SerializedObject ( pr ) . FindProperty ( "m_Materials" ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( sp . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( 0 ) , s_ContentParticleMaterial ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( sp . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( 1 ) , s_ContentTrailMaterial ) ;
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
sp . serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
if ( ! Application . isPlaying & & pr . enabled )
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "ParticleSystemRenderer will be disable on playing." , MessageType . Info ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
EditorGUI . indentLevel - - ;
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
EditorGUI . BeginDisabledGroup ( true ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( _spTrailParticle ) ;
EditorGUI . EndDisabledGroup ( ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
var current = target as UIParticle ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( _spIgnoreParent ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginDisabledGroup ( ! current . isRoot ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( _spScale ) ;
EditorGUI . EndDisabledGroup ( ) ;
current . GetComponentsInChildren < ParticleSystem > ( true , s_ParticleSystems ) ;
if ( s_ParticleSystems . Any ( x = > x . GetComponent < UIParticle > ( ) = = null ) )
2018-11-21 22:00:55 +08:00
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "There are child ParticleSystems that does not have a UIParticle component.\nAdd UIParticle component to them." , MessageType . Warning ) ;
GUILayout . BeginVertical ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Fix" ) )
foreach ( var p in s_ParticleSystems . Where ( x = > ! x . GetComponent < UIParticle > ( ) ) )
p . gameObject . AddComponent < UIParticle > ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
2018-11-21 22:00:55 +08:00
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
s_ParticleSystems . Clear ( ) ;
2018-11-21 22:00:55 +08:00
2018-11-28 15:36:16 +08:00
serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00
// Private Members.
SerializedProperty _spParticleSystem ;
SerializedProperty _spTrailParticle ;
2018-11-28 18:55:56 +08:00
SerializedProperty _spScale ;
SerializedProperty _spIgnoreParent ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
UIParticle [ ] _particles ;
ArcHandle _arcHandle = new ArcHandle ( ) ;
BoxBoundsHandle _boxBoundsHandle = new BoxBoundsHandle ( ) ;
SphereBoundsHandle _sphereBoundsHandle = new SphereBoundsHandle ( ) ;
Mesh _spriteMesh ;
static T Call < T > ( Type type , string method , params object [ ] args )
MethodInfo mi ;
if ( ! s_InternalMethods . TryGetValue ( method , out mi ) )
mi = type . GetMethod ( method , BindingFlags . Static | BindingFlags . NonPublic ) ;
s_InternalMethods . Add ( method , mi ) ;
return ( T ) mi . Invoke ( null , args ) ;
void OnSceneGUI ( )
Color origCol = Handles . color ;
Handles . color = s_GizmoColor ;
Matrix4x4 orgMatrix = Handles . matrix ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
foreach ( UIParticle uip in _particles )
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
ParticleSystem ps = uip . cachedParticleSystem ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( ! ps )
continue ;
var shapeModule = ps . shape ;
var mainModule = ps . main ;
ParticleSystemShapeType type = shapeModule . shapeType ;
Matrix4x4 transformMatrix = new Matrix4x4 ( ) ;
if ( mainModule . scalingMode = = ParticleSystemScalingMode . Local )
transformMatrix . SetTRS ( ps . transform . position , ps . transform . rotation , ps . transform . localScale ) ;
else if ( mainModule . scalingMode = = ParticleSystemScalingMode . Hierarchy )
transformMatrix = ps . transform . localToWorldMatrix ;
transformMatrix . SetTRS ( ps . transform . position , ps . transform . rotation , ps . transform . lossyScale ) ;
bool isBox = ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Box | | type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . BoxShell | | type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . BoxEdge | | type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Rectangle ) ;
Vector3 emitterScale = isBox ? Vector3 . one : shapeModule . scale ;
Matrix4x4 emitterMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( shapeModule . position , Quaternion . Euler ( shapeModule . rotation ) , emitterScale ) ;
transformMatrix * = emitterMatrix ;
Handles . matrix = transformMatrix ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
if ( uip . canvas . renderMode = = RenderMode . ScreenSpaceOverlay | | ps . main . scalingMode = = ParticleSystemScalingMode . Hierarchy )
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
Handles . matrix = Handles . matrix * Matrix4x4 . Scale ( Vector3 . one * uip . scale ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
Handles . matrix = Handles . matrix * Matrix4x4 . Scale ( uip . canvas . rootCanvas . transform . localScale * uip . scale ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Sphere )
// Thickness
Handles . color * = s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
//float radiusThickness = Handles.DoSimpleRadiusHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius * (1.0f - shapeModule.radiusThickness), false, shapeModule.arc);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
float radiusThickness = Handles . RadiusHandle ( Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , shapeModule . radius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) , false ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Sphere Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( radiusThickness / shapeModule . radius ) ;
// Sphere
Handles . color = s_GizmoColor ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
//float radius = Handles.DoSimpleRadiusHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius, false, shapeModule.arc);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
float radius = Handles . RadiusHandle ( Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , shapeModule . radius , false ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Sphere Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = radius ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * shapeModule.radius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_SphereMesh, false, s_SphereTextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Circle )
// Thickness
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_arcHandle . angle = shapeModule . arc ;
_arcHandle . radius = shapeModule . radius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) ;
_arcHandle . SetColorWithRadiusHandle ( s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint , 0f ) ;
_arcHandle . angleHandleColor = Color . clear ;
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * s_ArcHandleOffsetMatrix ) )
_arcHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Circle Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( _arcHandle . radius / shapeModule . radius ) ;
// Circle
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_arcHandle . radius = shapeModule . radius ;
_arcHandle . SetColorWithRadiusHandle ( Color . white , 0f ) ;
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * s_ArcHandleOffsetMatrix ) )
_arcHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Circle Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = _arcHandle . radius ;
shapeModule . arc = _arcHandle . angle ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler (90.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f), Vector3.one * shapeModule.radius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_CircleMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Hemisphere )
// Thickness
Handles . color * = s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
//float radiusThickness = Handles.DoSimpleRadiusHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius * (1.0f - shapeModule.radiusThickness), true, shapeModule.arc);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
//float radiusThickness = Call<float> (typeof (Handles), "DoSimpleRadiusHandle", Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius * (1.0f - shapeModule.radiusThickness), true, shapeModule.arc);
float radiusThickness = Handles . RadiusHandle ( Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , shapeModule . radius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) , true ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Hemisphere Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( radiusThickness / shapeModule . radius ) ;
// Hemisphere
Handles . color = s_GizmoColor ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
//float radius = Handles.DoSimpleRadiusHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius, true, shapeModule.arc);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
float radius = Handles . RadiusHandle ( Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , shapeModule . radius , true ) ;
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Hemisphere Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = radius ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * shapeModule.radius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_HemisphereMesh, false, s_SphereTextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Cone )
// Thickness
Handles . color * = s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
float angleThickness = Mathf . Lerp ( shapeModule . angle , 0.0f , shapeModule . radiusThickness ) ;
Vector3 radiusThicknessAngleRange = new Vector3 ( shapeModule . radius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) , angleThickness , mainModule . startSpeedMultiplier ) ;
//radiusThicknessAngleRange = Handles.ConeFrustrumHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, radiusThicknessAngleRange, Handles.ConeHandles.Radius);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
radiusThicknessAngleRange = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusThicknessAngleRange , 1 ) ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
# else
radiusThicknessAngleRange = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusThicknessAngleRange ) ;
# endif
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Cone Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( radiusThicknessAngleRange . x / shapeModule . radius ) ;
// Cone
Handles . color = s_GizmoColor ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
Vector3 radiusAngleRange = new Vector3 ( shapeModule . radius , shapeModule . angle , mainModule . startSpeedMultiplier ) ;
//radiusAngleRange = Handles.ConeFrustrumHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, radiusAngleRange);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
radiusAngleRange = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusAngleRange , 7 ) ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
# else
radiusAngleRange = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusAngleRange ) ;
# endif
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Cone Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = radiusAngleRange . x ;
shapeModule . angle = radiusAngleRange . y ;
mainModule . startSpeedMultiplier = radiusAngleRange . z ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler (90.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f), Vector3.one * shapeModule.radius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_CircleMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . ConeVolume )
// Thickness
Handles . color * = s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
float angleThickness = Mathf . Lerp ( shapeModule . angle , 0.0f , shapeModule . radiusThickness ) ;
Vector3 radiusThicknessAngleLength = new Vector3 ( shapeModule . radius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) , angleThickness , shapeModule . length ) ;
//radiusThicknessAngleLength = Handles.ConeFrustrumHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, radiusThicknessAngleLength, Handles.ConeHandles.Radius);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
radiusThicknessAngleLength = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusThicknessAngleLength , 1 ) ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
# else
radiusThicknessAngleLength = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusThicknessAngleLength ) ;
# endif
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Cone Volume Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( radiusThicknessAngleLength . x / shapeModule . radius ) ;
// Cone
Handles . color = s_GizmoColor ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
Vector3 radiusAngleLength = new Vector3 ( shapeModule . radius , shapeModule . angle , shapeModule . length ) ;
//radiusAngleLength = Handles.ConeFrustrumHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, radiusAngleLength);
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
radiusAngleLength = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusAngleLength , 7 ) ;
2018-12-22 21:46:29 +08:00
# else
radiusAngleLength = Call < Vector3 > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "ConeFrustrumHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , radiusAngleLength ) ;
# endif
2018-12-21 19:48:25 +08:00
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Cone Volume Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = radiusAngleLength . x ;
shapeModule . angle = radiusAngleLength . y ;
shapeModule . length = radiusAngleLength . z ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler (90.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f), Vector3.one * shapeModule.radius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_CircleMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Box | | type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . BoxShell | | type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . BoxEdge )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_boxBoundsHandle . center = Vector3 . zero ;
_boxBoundsHandle . size = shapeModule . scale ;
_boxBoundsHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Box Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . scale = _boxBoundsHandle . size ;
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, -m_BoxBoundsHandle.size.z * 0.5f), Quaternion.identity, m_BoxBoundsHandle.size);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_QuadMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Donut )
// Radius
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_arcHandle . radius = shapeModule . radius ;
_arcHandle . angle = shapeModule . arc ;
_arcHandle . SetColorWithRadiusHandle ( Color . white , 0f ) ;
_arcHandle . wireframeColor = Color . clear ;
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * s_ArcHandleOffsetMatrix ) )
_arcHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Donut Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = _arcHandle . radius ;
shapeModule . arc = _arcHandle . angle ;
// Donut extents
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * s_ArcHandleOffsetMatrix ) )
float excessAngle = shapeModule . arc % 360f ;
float angle = Mathf . Abs ( shapeModule . arc ) > = 360f ? 360f : excessAngle ;
Handles . DrawWireArc ( new Vector3 ( 0.0f , shapeModule . donutRadius , 0.0f ) , Vector3 . up , Vector3 . forward , angle , shapeModule . radius ) ;
Handles . DrawWireArc ( new Vector3 ( 0.0f , - shapeModule . donutRadius , 0.0f ) , Vector3 . up , Vector3 . forward , angle , shapeModule . radius ) ;
Handles . DrawWireArc ( Vector3 . zero , Vector3 . up , Vector3 . forward , angle , shapeModule . radius + shapeModule . donutRadius ) ;
Handles . DrawWireArc ( Vector3 . zero , Vector3 . up , Vector3 . forward , angle , shapeModule . radius - shapeModule . donutRadius ) ;
if ( shapeModule . arc ! = 360.0f )
Quaternion arcRotation = Quaternion . AngleAxis ( shapeModule . arc , Vector3 . up ) ;
Vector3 capCenter = arcRotation * Vector3 . forward * shapeModule . radius ;
Handles . DrawWireDisc ( capCenter , arcRotation * Vector3 . right , shapeModule . donutRadius ) ;
// Donut thickness
_sphereBoundsHandle . axes = PrimitiveBoundsHandle . Axes . X | PrimitiveBoundsHandle . Axes . Y ;
_sphereBoundsHandle . radius = shapeModule . donutRadius * ( 1.0f - shapeModule . radiusThickness ) ;
_sphereBoundsHandle . center = Vector3 . zero ;
_sphereBoundsHandle . SetColor ( s_ShapeGizmoThicknessTint ) ;
const float handleInterval = 90.0f ;
int numOuterRadii = Mathf . Max ( 1 , ( int ) Mathf . Ceil ( shapeModule . arc / handleInterval ) ) ;
Matrix4x4 donutRadiusStartMatrix = Matrix4x4 . TRS ( new Vector3 ( shapeModule . radius , 0.0f , 0.0f ) , Quaternion . Euler ( 90.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) , Vector3 . one ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numOuterRadii ; i + + )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * ( Matrix4x4 . Rotate ( Quaternion . Euler ( 0.0f , 0.0f , handleInterval * i ) ) * donutRadiusStartMatrix ) ) )
_sphereBoundsHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Donut Radius Thickness Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radiusThickness = 1.0f - ( _sphereBoundsHandle . radius / shapeModule . donutRadius ) ;
// Donut radius
_sphereBoundsHandle . radius = shapeModule . donutRadius ;
_sphereBoundsHandle . SetColor ( Color . white ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numOuterRadii ; i + + )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
using ( new Handles . DrawingScope ( Handles . matrix * ( Matrix4x4 . Rotate ( Quaternion . Euler ( 0.0f , 0.0f , handleInterval * i ) ) * donutRadiusStartMatrix ) ) )
_sphereBoundsHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Donut Radius Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . donutRadius = _sphereBoundsHandle . radius ;
// Texture
//Matrix4x4 textureTransform = transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (new Vector3 (shapeModule.radius, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.Euler (180.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f), Vector3.one * shapeModule.donutRadius * 2.0f);
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_CircleMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, textureTransform);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . SingleSidedEdge )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
//float radius = Handles.DoSimpleEdgeHandle (Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, shapeModule.radius);
float radius = Call < float > ( typeof ( Handles ) , "DoSimpleEdgeHandle" , Quaternion . identity , Vector3 . zero , shapeModule . radius ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Edge Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . radius = radius ;
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Mesh )
Mesh mesh = shapeModule . mesh ;
if ( mesh )
bool orgWireframeMode = GL . wireframe ;
GL . wireframe = true ;
s_Material . SetPass ( 0 ) ;
Graphics . DrawMeshNow ( mesh , transformMatrix ) ;
GL . wireframe = orgWireframeMode ;
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, mesh, false, s_TextureMaterial, transformMatrix);
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Rectangle )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
_boxBoundsHandle . center = Vector3 . zero ;
_boxBoundsHandle . size = new Vector3 ( shapeModule . scale . x , shapeModule . scale . y , 0.0f ) ;
_boxBoundsHandle . DrawHandle ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( ps , "Rectangle Handle Change" ) ;
shapeModule . scale = new Vector3 ( _boxBoundsHandle . size . x , _boxBoundsHandle . size . y , 0.0f ) ;
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, s_QuadMesh, true, s_TextureMaterial, transformMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale (m_BoxBoundsHandle.size));
else if ( type = = ParticleSystemShapeType . Sprite )
Sprite sprite = shapeModule . sprite ;
if ( sprite )
if ( ! _spriteMesh )
_spriteMesh = new Mesh ( ) ;
_spriteMesh . name = "ParticleSpritePreview" ;
_spriteMesh . hideFlags | = HideFlags . HideAndDontSave ;
_spriteMesh . vertices = Array . ConvertAll ( sprite . vertices , i = > ( Vector3 ) i ) ;
_spriteMesh . uv = sprite . uv ;
_spriteMesh . triangles = Array . ConvertAll ( sprite . triangles , i = > ( int ) i ) ;
bool orgWireframeMode = GL . wireframe ;
GL . wireframe = true ;
s_Material . SetPass ( 0 ) ;
Graphics . DrawMeshNow ( _spriteMesh , transformMatrix ) ;
GL . wireframe = orgWireframeMode ;
//OnSceneViewTextureGUI (shapeModule, m_SpriteMesh, false, s_TextureMaterial, transformMatrix);
Handles . color = origCol ;
Handles . matrix = orgMatrix ;
2018-06-22 18:48:14 +08:00