619 lines
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619 lines
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/// Credit Ben MacKinnon @Dover8
/// Sourced from - https://github.com/Dover8/Unity-UI-Extensions/tree/range-slider
/// Usage: Extension of the standard slider. Two handles determine a low and high value between a Min and Max.
/// Raises a UnityEvent passing the low and high values
using System;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Extensions/Range Slider", 34)]
public class RangeSlider : Selectable, IDragHandler, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, ICanvasElement
public class RangeSliderEvent : UnityEvent<float, float> { }
private RectTransform m_FillRect;
public RectTransform FillRect { get { return m_FillRect; } set { if (SetClass(ref m_FillRect, value)) { UpdateCachedReferences(); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private RectTransform m_LowHandleRect;
public RectTransform LowHandleRect { get { return m_LowHandleRect; } set { if (SetClass(ref m_LowHandleRect, value)) { UpdateCachedReferences(); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private RectTransform m_HighHandleRect;
public RectTransform HighHandleRect { get { return m_HighHandleRect; } set { if (SetClass(ref m_HighHandleRect, value)) { UpdateCachedReferences(); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private float m_MinValue = 0;
public float MinValue { get { return m_MinValue; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_MinValue, value)) { SetLow(m_LowValue); SetHigh(m_HighValue); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private float m_MaxValue = 1;
public float MaxValue { get { return m_MaxValue; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_MaxValue, value)) { SetLow(m_LowValue); SetHigh(m_HighValue); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private bool m_WholeNumbers = false;
public bool WholeNumbers { get { return m_WholeNumbers; } set { if (SetStruct(ref m_WholeNumbers, value)) { SetLow(m_LowValue); SetHigh(m_HighValue); UpdateVisuals(); } } }
private float m_LowValue;
public virtual float LowValue
if (WholeNumbers)
return Mathf.Round(m_LowValue);
return m_LowValue;
public float NormalizedLowValue
if (Mathf.Approximately(MinValue, MaxValue))
return 0;
return Mathf.InverseLerp(MinValue, MaxValue, LowValue);
this.LowValue = Mathf.Lerp(MinValue, MaxValue, value);
private float m_HighValue;
public virtual float HighValue
if (WholeNumbers)
return Mathf.Round(m_HighValue);
return m_HighValue;
public float NormalizedHighValue
if (Mathf.Approximately(MinValue, MaxValue))
return 0;
return Mathf.InverseLerp(MinValue, MaxValue, HighValue);
this.HighValue = Mathf.Lerp(MinValue, MaxValue, value);
/// <summary>
/// Set the value of the slider without invoking onValueChanged callback.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The new value for the slider.</param>
public virtual void SetValueWithoutNotify(float low, float high)
SetLow(low, false);
SetHigh(high, false);
private RangeSliderEvent m_OnValueChanged = new RangeSliderEvent();
public RangeSliderEvent OnValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { m_OnValueChanged = value; } }
// Private fields
/// <summary>
/// An Enum that says in what state we and interacting with the slider
/// </summary>
private enum InteractionState
private InteractionState interactionState = InteractionState.None;
private Image m_FillImage;
private Transform m_FillTransform;
private RectTransform m_FillContainerRect;
private Transform m_HighHandleTransform;
private RectTransform m_HighHandleContainerRect;
private Transform m_LowHandleTransform;
private RectTransform m_LowHandleContainerRect;
// The offset from handle position to mouse down position
private Vector2 m_LowOffset = Vector2.zero;
// The offset from handle position to mouse down position
private Vector2 m_HighOffset = Vector2.zero;
private DrivenRectTransformTracker m_Tracker;
// This "delayed" mechanism is required for case 1037681.
private bool m_DelayedUpdateVisuals = false;
// Size of each step.
float StepSize { get { return WholeNumbers ? 1 : (MaxValue - MinValue) * 0.1f; } }
protected RangeSlider()
{ }
protected override void OnValidate()
if (WholeNumbers)
m_MinValue = Mathf.Round(m_MinValue);
m_MaxValue = Mathf.Round(m_MaxValue);
if (IsActive())
SetLow(m_LowValue, false);
SetHigh(m_HighValue, false);
//Update rects since other things might affect them even if value didn't change
m_DelayedUpdateVisuals = true;
if (!UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(this) && !Application.isPlaying)
public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate executing)
if (executing == CanvasUpdate.Prelayout)
OnValueChanged.Invoke(LowValue, HighValue);
/// <summary>
/// See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete
/// </summary>
public virtual void LayoutComplete()
{ }
/// <summary>
/// See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete
/// </summary>
public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete()
{ }
public static bool SetClass<T>(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T : class
if ((currentValue == null && newValue == null) || (currentValue != null && currentValue.Equals(newValue)))
return false;
currentValue = newValue;
return true;
public static bool SetStruct<T>(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T : struct
if (currentValue.Equals(newValue))
return false;
currentValue = newValue;
return true;
protected override void OnEnable()
SetLow(LowValue, false);
SetHigh(HighValue, false);
// Update rects since they need to be initialized correctly.
protected override void OnDisable()
/// <summary>
/// Update the rect based on the delayed update visuals.
/// Got around issue of calling sendMessage from onValidate.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Update()
if (m_DelayedUpdateVisuals)
m_DelayedUpdateVisuals = false;
protected override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
void UpdateCachedReferences()
if (m_FillRect && m_FillRect != (RectTransform)transform)
m_FillTransform = m_FillRect.transform;
m_FillImage = m_FillRect.GetComponent<Image>();
if (m_FillTransform.parent != null)
m_FillContainerRect = m_FillTransform.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
m_FillRect = null;
m_FillContainerRect = null;
m_FillImage = null;
if (m_HighHandleRect && m_HighHandleRect != (RectTransform)transform)
m_HighHandleTransform = m_HighHandleRect.transform;
if (m_HighHandleTransform.parent != null)
m_HighHandleContainerRect = m_HighHandleTransform.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
m_HighHandleRect = null;
m_HighHandleContainerRect = null;
if (m_LowHandleRect && m_LowHandleRect != (RectTransform)transform)
m_LowHandleTransform = m_LowHandleRect.transform;
if (m_LowHandleTransform.parent != null)
m_LowHandleContainerRect = m_LowHandleTransform.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
m_LowHandleRect = null;
m_LowHandleContainerRect = null;
void SetLow(float input)
SetLow(input, true);
protected virtual void SetLow(float input, bool sendCallback)
// Clamp the input
float newValue = Mathf.Clamp(input, MinValue, HighValue); //clamp between min and High
if (WholeNumbers)
newValue = Mathf.Round(newValue);
// If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update
if (m_LowValue == newValue)
m_LowValue = newValue;
if (sendCallback)
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("RangeSlider.lowValue", this);
m_OnValueChanged.Invoke(newValue, HighValue);
void SetHigh(float input)
SetHigh(input, true);
protected virtual void SetHigh(float input, bool sendCallback)
// Clamp the input
float newValue = Mathf.Clamp(input, LowValue, MaxValue); //clamp between min and High
if (WholeNumbers)
newValue = Mathf.Round(newValue);
// If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update
if (m_HighValue == newValue)
m_HighValue = newValue;
if (sendCallback)
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("RangeSlider.highValue", this);
m_OnValueChanged.Invoke(LowValue, newValue);
protected override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
//This can be invoked before OnEnabled is called. So we shouldn't be accessing other objects, before OnEnable is called.
if (!IsActive())
// Force-update the slider. Useful if you've changed the properties and want it to update visually.
private void UpdateVisuals()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (m_FillContainerRect != null)
m_Tracker.Add(this, m_FillRect, DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors);
Vector2 anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 anchorMax = Vector2.one;
//this is where some new magic must happen. Slider just uses a filled image
//and changes the % of fill. We must move the image anchors to be between the two handles.
anchorMin[0] = NormalizedLowValue;
anchorMax[0] = NormalizedHighValue;
m_FillRect.anchorMin = anchorMin;
m_FillRect.anchorMax = anchorMax;
if (m_LowHandleContainerRect != null)
m_Tracker.Add(this, m_LowHandleRect, DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors);
Vector2 anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 anchorMax = Vector2.one;
anchorMin[0] = anchorMax[0] = NormalizedLowValue;
m_LowHandleRect.anchorMin = anchorMin;
m_LowHandleRect.anchorMax = anchorMax;
if (m_HighHandleContainerRect != null)
m_Tracker.Add(this, m_HighHandleRect, DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors);
Vector2 anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 anchorMax = Vector2.one;
anchorMin[0] = anchorMax[0] = NormalizedHighValue;
m_HighHandleRect.anchorMin = anchorMin;
m_HighHandleRect.anchorMax = anchorMax;
// Update the slider's position based on the mouse.
void UpdateDrag(PointerEventData eventData, Camera cam)
//this needs to differ from slider in that we have two handles, and need to move the right one.
//and if it was neither handle, we will have a separate case where both handles move uniformly
//moving the entire range
//this is where we use our interationState
switch (interactionState)
case InteractionState.Low:
NormalizedLowValue = CalculateDrag(eventData, cam, m_LowHandleContainerRect, m_LowOffset);
case InteractionState.High:
NormalizedHighValue = CalculateDrag(eventData, cam, m_HighHandleContainerRect, m_HighOffset);
case InteractionState.Bar:
//special case
CalculateBarDrag(eventData, cam);
case InteractionState.None:
private float CalculateDrag(PointerEventData eventData, Camera cam, RectTransform containerRect, Vector2 offset)
RectTransform clickRect = containerRect ?? m_FillContainerRect;
if (clickRect != null && clickRect.rect.size[0] > 0)
Vector2 localCursor;
if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(clickRect, eventData.position, cam, out localCursor))
return 0f;
localCursor -= clickRect.rect.position;
float val = Mathf.Clamp01((localCursor - offset)[0] / clickRect.rect.size[0]);
return val;
return 0;
private void CalculateBarDrag(PointerEventData eventData, Camera cam)
RectTransform clickRect = m_FillContainerRect;
if (clickRect != null && clickRect.rect.size[0] > 0)
Vector2 localCursor;
if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(clickRect, eventData.position, cam, out localCursor))
localCursor -= clickRect.rect.position;
//now we need to get the delta drag on the bar
//and move both the normalized low and high values by this amount
//but also check that neither is going beyond the bounds
if (NormalizedLowValue >= 0 && NormalizedHighValue <= 1)
//find the mid point on the current bar
float mid = (NormalizedHighValue + NormalizedLowValue)/2;
//find where the new mid point should be
float val = Mathf.Clamp01((localCursor)[0] / clickRect.rect.size[0]);
//calculate the delta
float delta = val - mid;
//check the clamp range
if (NormalizedLowValue + delta < 0)
delta = -NormalizedLowValue;
else if (NormalizedHighValue + delta > 1)
delta = 1 - NormalizedHighValue;
//adjust both ends
NormalizedLowValue += delta;
NormalizedHighValue += delta;
private bool MayDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
return IsActive() && IsInteractable() && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left;
public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
m_LowOffset = m_HighOffset = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 localMousePos;
if(m_LowHandleRect != null && LowValue == MaxValue && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(m_LowHandleRect, eventData.position, eventData.enterEventCamera))
SetToMoveLowValueHandle(m_LowHandleRect, eventData);
else if (m_HighHandleRect != null && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(m_HighHandleRect, eventData.position, eventData.enterEventCamera))
SetToMoveHighValueHandle(m_HighHandleRect, eventData);
else if (m_LowHandleRect != null && RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(m_LowHandleRect, eventData.position, eventData.enterEventCamera))
SetToMoveLowValueHandle(m_LowHandleRect, eventData);
//outside the handles, move the entire slider along
UpdateDrag(eventData, eventData.pressEventCamera);
if (eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject == m_FillRect.gameObject)
interactionState = InteractionState.Bar;
if (transition == Transition.ColorTint)
targetGraphic = m_FillImage;
private void SetToMoveLowValueHandle(RectTransform transform, PointerEventData eventData)
//dragging the low value handle
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(transform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out var localMousePos))
m_LowOffset = localMousePos;
interactionState = InteractionState.Low;
if (transition == Transition.ColorTint)
targetGraphic = m_LowHandleRect.GetComponent<Graphic>();
private void SetToMoveHighValueHandle(RectTransform transform, PointerEventData eventData)
//dragging the low value handle
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(transform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out var localMousePos))
m_HighOffset = localMousePos;
interactionState = InteractionState.High;
if (transition == Transition.ColorTint)
targetGraphic = m_HighHandleRect.GetComponent<Graphic>();
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
UpdateDrag(eventData, eventData.pressEventCamera);
public override void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
interactionState = InteractionState.None;
public override void OnMove(AxisEventData eventData)
//this requires further investigation
public virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
eventData.useDragThreshold = false;