using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.UI.Extensions;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.UI;
namespace UnityEditor.UI
/// This script adds the Extensions UI menu options to the Unity Editor.
static internal class ExtensionMenuOptions
#region Unity Builder section - Do not change unless UI Source (Editor\MenuOptions) changes
#region Unity Builder properties - Do not change unless UI Source (Editor\MenuOptions) changes
private const string kUILayerName = "UI";
private const float kWidth = 160f;
private const float kThickHeight = 30f;
private const float kThinHeight = 20f;
private const string kStandardSpritePath = "UI/Skin/UISprite.psd";
private const string kBackgroundSpriteResourcePath = "UI/Skin/Background.psd";
private const string kInputFieldBackgroundPath = "UI/Skin/InputFieldBackground.psd";
private const string kKnobPath = "UI/Skin/Knob.psd";
private const string kCheckmarkPath = "UI/Skin/Checkmark.psd";
private static Vector2 s_ThickGUIElementSize = new Vector2(kWidth, kThickHeight);
private static Vector2 s_ThinGUIElementSize = new Vector2(kWidth, kThinHeight);
private static Vector2 s_ImageGUIElementSize = new Vector2(100f, 100f);
private static Color s_DefaultSelectableColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
private static Color s_TextColor = new Color(50f / 255f, 50f / 255f, 50f / 255f, 1f);
#region Unity Builder methods - Do not change unless UI Source (Editor\MenuOptions) changes
private static void SetPositionVisibleinSceneView(RectTransform canvasRTransform, RectTransform itemTransform)
// Find the best scene view
SceneView sceneView = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;
if (sceneView == null && SceneView.sceneViews.Count > 0)
sceneView = SceneView.sceneViews[0] as SceneView;
// Couldn't find a SceneView. Don't set position.
if (sceneView == null || sceneView.camera == null)
// Create world space Plane from canvas position.
Vector2 localPlanePosition;
Camera camera = sceneView.camera;
Vector3 position = Vector3.zero;
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(canvasRTransform, new Vector2(camera.pixelWidth / 2, camera.pixelHeight / 2), camera, out localPlanePosition))
// Adjust for canvas pivot
localPlanePosition.x = localPlanePosition.x + canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.x * canvasRTransform.pivot.x;
localPlanePosition.y = localPlanePosition.y + canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.y * canvasRTransform.pivot.y;
localPlanePosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(localPlanePosition.x, 0, canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.x);
localPlanePosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(localPlanePosition.y, 0, canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.y);
// Adjust for anchoring
position.x = localPlanePosition.x - canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.x * itemTransform.anchorMin.x;
position.y = localPlanePosition.y - canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.y * itemTransform.anchorMin.y;
Vector3 minLocalPosition;
minLocalPosition.x = canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.x * (0 - canvasRTransform.pivot.x) + itemTransform.sizeDelta.x * itemTransform.pivot.x;
minLocalPosition.y = canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.y * (0 - canvasRTransform.pivot.y) + itemTransform.sizeDelta.y * itemTransform.pivot.y;
Vector3 maxLocalPosition;
maxLocalPosition.x = canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.x * (1 - canvasRTransform.pivot.x) - itemTransform.sizeDelta.x * itemTransform.pivot.x;
maxLocalPosition.y = canvasRTransform.sizeDelta.y * (1 - canvasRTransform.pivot.y) - itemTransform.sizeDelta.y * itemTransform.pivot.y;
position.x = Mathf.Clamp(position.x, minLocalPosition.x, maxLocalPosition.x);
position.y = Mathf.Clamp(position.y, minLocalPosition.y, maxLocalPosition.y);
itemTransform.anchoredPosition = position;
itemTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
itemTransform.localScale = Vector3.one;
private static GameObject CreateUIElementRoot(string name, MenuCommand menuCommand, Vector2 size)
GameObject parent = menuCommand.context as GameObject;
if (parent == null || parent.GetComponentInParent