/// Credit Brad Nelson (playemgames - bitbucket)
/// Modified Gradient effect script from http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/1086415/gradient-text-in-unity-522-basevertexeffect-is-obs.html
/// <summary>
/// -Uses Unity's Gradient class to define the color
/// -Offset is now limited to -1,1
/// -Multiple color blend modes
/// Remember that for radial and diamond gradients, colors are applied per-vertex so if you have multiple points on your gradient where the color changes and there aren't enough vertices, you won't see all of the colors.
/// </summary>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
    public class Gradient2 : BaseMeshEffect
        Type _gradientType;

        Blend _blendMode = Blend.Multiply;

        [Tooltip("Add vertices to display complex gradients. Turn off if your shape is already very complex, like text.")]
        bool _modifyVertices = true;

        [Range(-1, 1)]
        float _offset = 0f;

        [Range(0.1f, 10)]
        float _zoom = 1f;

        UnityEngine.Gradient _effectGradient = new UnityEngine.Gradient() { colorKeys = new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(Color.black, 0), new GradientColorKey(Color.white, 1) } };

        #region Properties
        public Blend BlendMode
            get { return _blendMode; }
                _blendMode = value;

        public UnityEngine.Gradient EffectGradient
            get { return _effectGradient; }
                _effectGradient = value;

        public Type GradientType
            get { return _gradientType; }
                _gradientType = value;

        public bool ModifyVertices
            get { return _modifyVertices; }
                _modifyVertices = value;

        public float Offset
            get { return _offset; }
                _offset = Mathf.Clamp(value, -1f, 1f);

        public float Zoom
            get { return _zoom; }
                _zoom = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.1f, 10f);

        public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper helper)
            if (!IsActive() || helper.currentVertCount == 0)

            List<UIVertex> _vertexList = new List<UIVertex>();


            int nCount = _vertexList.Count;
            switch (GradientType)
                case Type.Horizontal:
                case Type.Vertical:
                        Rect bounds = GetBounds(_vertexList);
                        float min = bounds.xMin;
                        float w = bounds.width;
                        Func<UIVertex, float> GetPosition = v => v.position.x;

                        if (GradientType == Type.Vertical)
                            min = bounds.yMin;
                            w = bounds.height;
                            GetPosition = v => v.position.y;

                        float width = w == 0f ? 0f : 1f / w / Zoom;
                        float zoomOffset = (1 - (1 / Zoom)) * 0.5f;
                        float offset = (Offset * (1 - zoomOffset)) - zoomOffset;

                        if (ModifyVertices)
                            SplitTrianglesAtGradientStops(_vertexList, bounds, zoomOffset, helper);

                        UIVertex vertex = new UIVertex();
                        for (int i = 0; i < helper.currentVertCount; i++)
                            helper.PopulateUIVertex(ref vertex, i);
                            vertex.color = BlendColor(vertex.color, EffectGradient.Evaluate((GetPosition(vertex) - min) * width - offset));
                            helper.SetUIVertex(vertex, i);

                case Type.Diamond:
                        Rect bounds = GetBounds(_vertexList);

                        float height = bounds.height == 0f ? 0f : 1f / bounds.height / Zoom;
                        float radius = bounds.center.y / 2f;
                        Vector3 center = (Vector3.right + Vector3.up) * radius + Vector3.forward * _vertexList[0].position.z;

                        if (ModifyVertices)
                            for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) helper.AddVert(_vertexList[i]);

                            UIVertex centralVertex = new UIVertex();
                            centralVertex.position = center;
                            centralVertex.normal = _vertexList[0].normal;
                            centralVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                            centralVertex.color = Color.white;

                            for (int i = 1; i < nCount; i++) helper.AddTriangle(i - 1, i, nCount);
                            helper.AddTriangle(0, nCount - 1, nCount);

                        UIVertex vertex = new UIVertex();

                        for (int i = 0; i < helper.currentVertCount; i++)
                            helper.PopulateUIVertex(ref vertex, i);

                            vertex.color = BlendColor(vertex.color, EffectGradient.Evaluate(
                                Vector3.Distance(vertex.position, center) * height - Offset));

                            helper.SetUIVertex(vertex, i);

                case Type.Radial:
                        Rect bounds = GetBounds(_vertexList);

                        float width = bounds.width == 0f ? 0f : 1f / bounds.width / Zoom;
                        float height = bounds.height == 0f ? 0f : 1f / bounds.height / Zoom;

                        if (ModifyVertices)

                            float radiusX = bounds.width / 2f;
                            float radiusY = bounds.height / 2f;
                            UIVertex centralVertex = new UIVertex();
                            centralVertex.position = Vector3.right * bounds.center.x + Vector3.up * bounds.center.y + Vector3.forward * _vertexList[0].position.z;
                            centralVertex.normal = _vertexList[0].normal;
                            centralVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                            centralVertex.color = Color.white;

                            int steps = 64;
                            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                                UIVertex curVertex = new UIVertex();
                                float angle = (float)i * 360f / (float)steps;
                                float cosX = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle);
                                float cosY = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle);

                                curVertex.position = Vector3.right * cosX * radiusX + Vector3.up * cosY * radiusY + Vector3.forward * _vertexList[0].position.z;
                                curVertex.normal = _vertexList[0].normal;
                                curVertex.uv0 = new Vector2((cosX + 1) * 0.5f, (cosY + 1) * 0.5f);
                                curVertex.color = Color.white;


                            for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++) helper.AddTriangle(i - 1, i, steps);
                            helper.AddTriangle(0, steps - 1, steps);

                        UIVertex vertex = new UIVertex();

                        for (int i = 0; i < helper.currentVertCount; i++)
                            helper.PopulateUIVertex(ref vertex, i);

                            vertex.color = BlendColor(vertex.color, EffectGradient.Evaluate(
                                    Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(vertex.position.x - bounds.center.x) * width, 2f) +
                                    Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(vertex.position.y - bounds.center.y) * height, 2f)) * 2f - Offset));

                            helper.SetUIVertex(vertex, i);

        Rect GetBounds(List<UIVertex> vertices)
            float left = vertices[0].position.x;
            float right = left;
            float bottom = vertices[0].position.y;
            float top = bottom;

            for (int i = vertices.Count - 1; i >= 1; --i)
                float x = vertices[i].position.x;
                float y = vertices[i].position.y;

                if (x > right) right = x;
                else if (x < left) left = x;

                if (y > top) top = y;
                else if (y < bottom) bottom = y;

            return new Rect(left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom);

        void SplitTrianglesAtGradientStops(List<UIVertex> _vertexList, Rect bounds, float zoomOffset, VertexHelper helper)
            List<float> stops = FindStops(zoomOffset, bounds);
            if (stops.Count > 0)

                int nCount = _vertexList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i += 3)
                    float[] positions = GetPositions(_vertexList, i);
                    List<int> originIndices = new List<int>(3);
                    List<UIVertex> starts = new List<UIVertex>(3);
                    List<UIVertex> ends = new List<UIVertex>(2);

                    for (int s = 0; s < stops.Count; s++)
                        int initialCount = helper.currentVertCount;
                        bool hadEnds = ends.Count > 0;
                        bool earlyStart = false;

                        // find any start vertices for this stop
                        for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                            if (!originIndices.Contains(p) && positions[p] < stops[s])
                                // make sure the first index crosses the stop
                                int p1 = (p + 1) % 3;
                                var start = _vertexList[p + i];
                                if (positions[p1] > stops[s])
                                    originIndices.Insert(0, p);
                                    starts.Insert(0, start);
                                    earlyStart = true;

                        // bail if all before or after the stop
                        if (originIndices.Count == 0)
                        if (originIndices.Count == 3)

                        // report any start vertices
                        foreach (var start in starts)

                        // make two ends, splitting at the stop
                        foreach (int index in originIndices)
                            int oppositeIndex = (index + 1) % 3;
                            if (positions[oppositeIndex] < stops[s])
                                oppositeIndex = (oppositeIndex + 1) % 3;
                            ends.Add(CreateSplitVertex(_vertexList[index + i], _vertexList[oppositeIndex + i], stops[s]));
                        if (ends.Count == 1)
                            int oppositeIndex = (originIndices[0] + 2) % 3;
                            ends.Add(CreateSplitVertex(_vertexList[originIndices[0] + i], _vertexList[oppositeIndex + i], stops[s]));

                        // report end vertices
                        foreach (var end in ends)

                        // make triangles
                        if (hadEnds)
                            helper.AddTriangle(initialCount - 2, initialCount, initialCount + 1);
                            helper.AddTriangle(initialCount - 2, initialCount + 1, initialCount - 1);
                            if (starts.Count > 0)
                                if (earlyStart)
                                    helper.AddTriangle(initialCount - 2, initialCount + 3, initialCount);
                                    helper.AddTriangle(initialCount + 1, initialCount + 3, initialCount - 1);
                            int vertexCount = helper.currentVertCount;
                            helper.AddTriangle(initialCount, vertexCount - 2, vertexCount - 1);
                            if (starts.Count > 1)
                                helper.AddTriangle(initialCount, vertexCount - 1, initialCount + 1);


                    // clean up after looping through gradient stops
                    if (ends.Count > 0)
                        // find any final vertices after the gradient stops
                        if (starts.Count == 0)
                            for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                                if (!originIndices.Contains(p) && positions[p] > stops[stops.Count - 1])
                                    int p1 = (p + 1) % 3;
                                    UIVertex end = _vertexList[p + i];
                                    if (positions[p1] > stops[stops.Count - 1])
                                        starts.Insert(0, end);

                        // report final vertices
                        foreach (var start in starts)

                        // make final triangle(s)
                        int vertexCount = helper.currentVertCount;
                        if (starts.Count > 1)
                            helper.AddTriangle(vertexCount - 4, vertexCount - 2, vertexCount - 1);
                            helper.AddTriangle(vertexCount - 4, vertexCount - 1, vertexCount - 3);
                        else if (starts.Count > 0)
                            helper.AddTriangle(vertexCount - 3, vertexCount - 1, vertexCount - 2);
                        // if the triangle wasn't split, add it as-is
                        helper.AddVert(_vertexList[i + 1]);
                        helper.AddVert(_vertexList[i + 2]);
                        int vertexCount = helper.currentVertCount;
                        helper.AddTriangle(vertexCount - 3, vertexCount - 2, vertexCount - 1);

        float[] GetPositions(List<UIVertex> _vertexList, int index)
            float[] positions = new float[3];
            if (GradientType == Type.Horizontal)
                positions[0] = _vertexList[index].position.x;
                positions[1] = _vertexList[index + 1].position.x;
                positions[2] = _vertexList[index + 2].position.x;
                positions[0] = _vertexList[index].position.y;
                positions[1] = _vertexList[index + 1].position.y;
                positions[2] = _vertexList[index + 2].position.y;
            return positions;

        List<float> FindStops(float zoomOffset, Rect bounds)
            List<float> stops = new List<float>();
            var offset = Offset * (1 - zoomOffset);
            var startBoundary = zoomOffset - offset;
            var endBoundary = (1 - zoomOffset) - offset;

            foreach (var color in EffectGradient.colorKeys)
                if (color.time >= endBoundary)
                if (color.time > startBoundary)
                    stops.Add((color.time - startBoundary) * Zoom);
            foreach (var alpha in EffectGradient.alphaKeys)
                if (alpha.time >= endBoundary)
                if (alpha.time > startBoundary)
                    stops.Add((alpha.time - startBoundary) * Zoom);

            float min = bounds.xMin;
            float size = bounds.width;
            if (GradientType == Type.Vertical)
                min = bounds.yMin;
                size = bounds.height;

            for (int i = 0; i < stops.Count; i++)
                stops[i] = (stops[i] * size) + min;

                if (i > 0 && Math.Abs(stops[i] - stops[i - 1]) < 2)

            return stops;

        UIVertex CreateSplitVertex(UIVertex vertex1, UIVertex vertex2, float stop)
            if (GradientType == Type.Horizontal)
                float sx = vertex1.position.x - stop;
                float dx = vertex1.position.x - vertex2.position.x;
                float dy = vertex1.position.y - vertex2.position.y;
                float uvx = vertex1.uv0.x - vertex2.uv0.x;
                float uvy = vertex1.uv0.y - vertex2.uv0.y;
                float ratio = sx / dx;
                float splitY = vertex1.position.y - (dy * ratio);

                UIVertex splitVertex = new UIVertex();
                splitVertex.position = new Vector3(stop, splitY, vertex1.position.z);
                splitVertex.normal = vertex1.normal;
                splitVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(vertex1.uv0.x - (uvx * ratio), vertex1.uv0.y - (uvy * ratio));
                splitVertex.color = Color.white;
                return splitVertex;
                float sy = vertex1.position.y - stop;
                float dy = vertex1.position.y - vertex2.position.y;
                float dx = vertex1.position.x - vertex2.position.x;
                float uvx = vertex1.uv0.x - vertex2.uv0.x;
                float uvy = vertex1.uv0.y - vertex2.uv0.y;
                float ratio = sy / dy;
                float splitX = vertex1.position.x - (dx * ratio);

                UIVertex splitVertex = new UIVertex();
                splitVertex.position = new Vector3(splitX, stop, vertex1.position.z);
                splitVertex.normal = vertex1.normal;
                splitVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(vertex1.uv0.x - (uvx * ratio), vertex1.uv0.y - (uvy * ratio));
                splitVertex.color = Color.white;
                return splitVertex;

        Color BlendColor(Color colorA, Color colorB)
            switch (BlendMode)
                default: return colorB;
                case Blend.Add: return colorA + colorB;
                case Blend.Multiply: return colorA * colorB;

        public enum Type

        public enum Blend