name: Run Unity Builds

        description: "json array of dependencies and their targets"
        required: false
        type: string

    name: Run Unity Build process
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2019.4
            build-target: Android
          - os: macos
            unityVersion: 2019.4
            build-target: iOS
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2019.4
            build-target: StandaloneWindows64
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2019.4
            build-target: WSAPlayer             
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2020.3
            build-target: Android
          - os: macos
            unityVersion: 2020.3
            build-target: iOS
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2020.3
            build-target: StandaloneWindows64
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2020.3
            build-target: WSAPlayer        
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2021.3
            build-target: Android
          - os: macos
            unityVersion: 2021.3
            build-target: iOS
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2021.3
            build-target: StandaloneWindows64
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2021.3
            build-target: WSAPlayer
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2022.2
            build-target: Android
          - os: macos
            unityVersion: 2022.2
            build-target: iOS
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2022.2
            build-target: StandaloneWindows64
          - os: windows
            unityVersion: 2022.2
            build-target: WSAPlayer
      - name: Script Version
        run: |
          echo "::group::Script Versioning"
          $scriptVersion = "1.0.0"
          echo "Build Script Version: $scriptVersion"
          echo "::endgroup::"
        shell: pwsh     
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
          clean: true

      - id: build
        name: 'Run Unity Builds'
        run: |
          echo "::group::Set Hub and editor locations"
          $unityVersion = '${{ matrix.unityVersion }}'

          echo "::group::Set Hub and editor locations"

          ## Set Hub and editor locations
          if ( (-not $global:PSVersionTable.Platform) -or ($global:PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") )
            $hubPath = "C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\Unity Hub.exe"
            $editorRootPath = "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\"
            $editorFileEx = "\Editor\Unity.exe"
            $directorySeparatorChar = "\"

            #"Unity Hub.exe" -- --headless help
            #. 'C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\Unity Hub.exe' -- --headless help
            function unity-hub 
              & $hubPath -- --headless $args.Split(" ") | Out-String -NoNewline
          elseif ( $global:PSVersionTable.OS.Contains("Darwin") ) 
            $hubPath = "/Applications/Unity Hub"
            $editorRootPath = "/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/"
            $editorFileEx = "/"
            $directorySeparatorChar = "/"

            # /Applications/Unity\\ Hub -- --headless help
            function unity-hub 
              & $hubPath -- --headless $args.Split(" ") | Out-String -NoNewline
          elseif ( $global:PSVersionTable.OS.Contains("Linux") ) 
            $hubPath = "$HOME/Unity Hub/UnityHub.AppImage"
            $editorRootPath = "$HOME/Unity/Hub/Editor/"
            $editorFileEx = "/Editor/Unity"
            $directorySeparatorChar = "/"

            # /UnityHub.AppImage --headless help
            # xvfb-run --auto-servernum "$HOME/Unity Hub/UnityHub.AppImage" --headless help
            function unity-hub 
              xvfb-run --auto-servernum "$hubPath" --headless $args.Split(" ")

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Get String function to query a string for a value"

          function GetString($InputString, $InputPattern, $MatchIndex) 
            $regExResult = $InputString | Select-String -Pattern $InputPattern
            if($regExResult.Length -gt 0)
              return $regExResult.Matches[$MatchIndex].Value
              return 0

          function Get-LetterCount
            Param ([string]$string)
            return $string.Length
          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Get Installed Unity version based on Matrix"
          echo "Unity hub path is {$hubPath}"
          echo "Requested unity version is {$unityVersion}"

          $InstalledUnityVersions = unity-hub editors
          $editorRootPath = unity-hub ip -g
          echo "Installed unity versions are {$InstalledUnityVersions}"
          echo "Unity install path is {$editorRootPath}"

          $versionLength = Get-LetterCount $unityVersion
          if ($versionLength -eq 4) {
            $queryUnityVersion = GetString $InstalledUnityVersions "$unityVersion.{4,7}" -MatchIndex 0
          elseif ($versionLength -eq 6) {
            $queryUnityVersion = GetString $InstalledUnityVersions "$unityVersion.{4,5}" -MatchIndex 0
          else {
            $queryUnityVersion = GetString $InstalledUnityVersions "$unityVersion" -MatchIndex 0

          echo "Found unity version is {$queryUnityVersion} for input {$unityVersion}"

          if ($queryUnityVersion -ne 0) 
            $unityVersion = $queryUnityVersion.Trim(","," ").Trim()
            echo "Long Unity version is $unityVersion"
            echo "Unity $unityVersion not found on this machine, skipping"
            exit 0

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Search for Editor if not found"
          $checkPath = Join-Path $editorRootPath $unityVersion
          echo "Testing for editor at $checkPath"
          while (-not (Test-Path "$checkPath")) {
              $source = $unityVersion.Replace("f1","")
              $newversion = $source.Split(".")
              $newversion[2] = [int]$newversion[2] - 1
              if ([int]$newversion[2] -lt 1) {
                echo "Unity ${{ matrix.unityVersion }} not found on this machine, skipping"
                exit 0
              $newunityVersion = "{0}.{1}.{2}f1" -f $newversion[0],$newversion[1],$newversion[2]
              echo "Unity $unityVersion not found on this machine, trying $newunityVersion"
              $unityVersion = $newunityVersion
              $checkPath = Join-Path $editorRootPath $unityVersion
          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Set editor locations"

          if ( (-not $global:PSVersionTable.Platform) -or ($global:PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") ) {
            echo 'Building using Windows'
            $editorFileEx = "/Editor/Unity.exe"
            $editorrunpath = Join-Path $editorRootPath $unityVersion $editorFileEx

            function unity-editor {
              #$p = Start-Process -Verbose -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait -FilePath "$editorrunpath" -ArgumentList (@(' -batchmode') + $args.Split(" "))
              & $editorrunpath -batchmode $args.Split(" ") | Out-String
          elseif ( $global:PSVersionTable.OS.Contains("Darwin") ) {
            echo 'Building using Mac'
            $editorFileEx = "/"
            $editorrunpath = Join-Path $editorRootPath $unityVersion $editorFileEx

            function unity-editor {
              #$p = Start-Process -Verbose -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait -FilePath "$editorrunpath" -ArgumentList (@(' -batchmode') + $args.Split(" "))
              & $editorrunpath -batchmode $args.Split(" ") | Out-String
          elseif ( $global:PSVersionTable.OS.Contains("Linux") ) {
            echo 'Building using Linux'
            $editorFileEx = "/Editor/Unity"
            $editorrunpath = Join-Path $editorRootPath $unityVersion $editorFileEx

            function unity-editor {
              xvfb-run --auto-servernum "$editorrunpath" -batchmode $args.Split(" ")
            echo 'Unknown build platform'

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Test Unity version is installed"

          if ( -not (Test-Path "$editorrunpath") ) 
            Write-Error "Editor not Found for $unityVersion"
            exit 1
          else {
              echo "Editor Path is {$editorrunpath}"

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Setup logging and run Unit tests"          

          # Log detail
          $logDirectory = "Logs"          
          if (Test-Path -Path $logDirectory) {
              echo "Clearing logs from a previous run"
              Remove-item $logDirectory -recurse

          $logDirectory = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $logDirectory | Select-Object

          echo "Log Directory: $logDirectory"
          $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddTHHmmss"

          # If run manually, the Refname is actually blank, so just use date
          if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${GITHUB_REF_NAME})) {
            $logName = "$logDirectory$directorySeparatorChar$date"
            $logName = "$logDirectory$directorySeparatorChar${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-$date"

          $logPath = "$logName.log"
          $testsLogPath = "$logName-tests.xml"

          echo "Logpath [$logPath]"
          echo "TestsPath [$testsLogPath]"
          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Grouping Package in a UPM folder"

          $UPMFolderName = 'u'

          if ( -not (Test-Path '$UPMFolderName') ) 
            New-Item $UPMFolderName -ItemType Directory

          Move-Item -Path * -Destination $UPMFolderName -exclude $UPMFolderName

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Creating Temp Unity project"

          $TempUnityProjectName = 'P'

          unity-editor '-createProject' $TempUnityProjectName -quit

          $destinationPath = $TempUnityProjectName + $directorySeparatorChar + 'packages'
          Move-Item -Path $UPMFolderName -Destination $destinationPath

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::If required, clone dependencies in to test project"

          <# Dependency option requires specific inputs
           * A dependency input string in json format, listing each dependency by name and git url, e.g.
             $dependencies = '[{"ASADependencies": ""}]' 
             *Note, remove the https:// portion to allow using a PAT to access the repo
             The Name of the dependency should ALSO MATCH the name of the branch on the repo where the dependency is held (files intended for the packages folder)
           * Additionally, if Manifest entries are required, then a manifest file with those dependencies (and ONLY the new dependancies) should also be in the dependency branch named the same as the branch name
             e.g. "ASADependencies.json" - keep the same structure, but only the dependancy entries
           !!Does NOT support additional scoped registries at this time! #>

          echo "---------------------------------------------"
          echo "Read dependancy input value"
          if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty('${{ inputs.dependencies }}'))
            echo "No dependencies provided"
            echo "input ${{ inputs.dependencies }}"
            echo "------------------------------"
          else {
            echo "dependencies provided, validating"

            # Read dependancy input value
            $dependencies = '${{ inputs.dependencies }}'

            if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty('${{ secrets.GIT_USER_NAME }}') -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty('${{ secrets.GIT_PAT }}')){
              echo ""
              echo "Secrets for GIT_USER_NAME or GIT_PAT missing, please register them with access to this runner"
              echo "*Note, Organisation secrets are not accessible to Forked repos and need registering in the local fork"
              exit 1

            echo "---------------------------------------------"
            echo "Read dependancy input values as json"
            $JSONdependencies = $dependencies | ConvertFrom-Json

            echo $JSONdependencies

            # Read current Manifest json
            $manifestPath = $destinationPath + $directorySeparatorChar + 'manifest.json'
            $projectManifest = Get-Content -Path $manifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json
            $strArray = $projectManifest.dependencies.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {"$($_.Name)@$($_.Value),"}

            echo "---------------------------------------------"
            echo "Loop through new dependancies and add them to the project Manifest"
            foreach($dependency in $JSONdependencies){
              $dependency.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object -Process { 
                $dependencyName = $_.Name
                $dependencyPath = $dependencyName.Replace("/","_")
                $dependencyURL = $_.Value
                echo "---------------------------------------------"
                echo "Cloning dependency - Name [$dependencyName] - Path [$dependencyPath] - URL [$dependencyURL]"
                $cloneURL = "https://${{ secrets.GIT_USER_NAME }}:${{ secrets.GIT_PAT }}@$dependencyURL"

                echo "cloning $dependencyName from $dependencyURL and moving to $destinationPath"
                echo "git path - $cloneURL"

                # Clone Dependancy repo to destination folder
                git clone -b $dependencyName --single-branch $cloneURL $dependencyPath

                if( -not (Test-Path -Path "$dependencyPath")){
                  echo "Unable to clone $dependencyName from $dependencyURL"
                  exit 1

                # Move files from clone path into packages folder, if the dependency contains a UPM package then move the entire folder and not just its contents
                if (Test-Path -Path "$dependencyPath/package.json") {
                  $package_json = Get-Content -Path $dependencyPath/package.json | ConvertFrom-Json
                  $packageName = $
                  Rename-Item $dependencyPath $packageName
                  echo "Moving whole $packageName UPM package to $destinationPath"
                  Move-Item -Path "$packageName" -Destination $destinationPath
                else {
                  echo "Moving the contents of $dependencyName into the $destinationPath folder"
                  Move-Item -Path "$dependencyPath/*" -Destination $destinationPath

                # Get Dependency manifest entries (if applicable)
                if (Test-Path -Path "$destinationPath/$dependencyName.json") {
                    $dependencyManifest = Get-Content -Path "$destinationPath/$dependencyName.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
                    $dependencyManifest.dependencies.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                        $strArray += "$($_.Name)@$($_.Value),"
                  echo "No denendency json found called $destinationPath/$dependencyName.json, skipping adding additional manifest entries"
            echo "---------------------------------------------"
            # Reformat combined dependancies list
            $strArray = $strArray.Trim(",") | ConvertTo-Json 
            $strArray = $strArray.Replace("@",'":"').Replace("[","{").Replace("]","}")
            $strArrayObject = $strArray | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Save manifest back to project
            $projectManifest.dependencies = $strArrayObject
            $projectManifest | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$destinationPath/manifest.json"

            echo "Project updated with the following dependencies"
            echo "-----------------------------------------------"
            echo $projectManifest

          echo "::endgroup::"

          echo "::group::Run build"              

          echo "---------------------------------------------"
          echo "Start Testing"
          echo "Unity Command\n[unity-editor -projectPath $TempUnityProjectName -logfile $logPath -batchmode -nographics -quit -buildTarget ${{ }}]"

          unity-editor -projectPath $TempUnityProjectName -logfile $logPath -batchmode -nographics -quit -buildTarget ${{ }}

          echo "---------------------------------------------"
          echo "::group::Unity Unit tests Results"
          if (Test-Path $testsLogPath) {
            echo "Test Run results for ${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} Branch ${GITHUB_REF}"
            echo ""
            Select-Xml -Path $testsLogPath -XPath '/test-run/test-suite' | ForEach-Object { "Name: " +$, ", Result: " + $_.Node.result, ", Total Tests: " + $, ", Passed: " + $_.Node.passed, ", Failed: " + $_.Node.failed, ", Skipped: " + $_.Node.skipped }
          else {
            echo "No test results found for ${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} Branch ${GITHUB_REF} at $testsLogPath"
            echo ""
          echo "::endgroup::"

          if($LASTEXITCODE -ne '0'){
          echo "::group::Unity Unit tests errors"
            $exitCode = $testResult.ExitCode
            Get-Content $logPath
            echo "Build failed due to errors ($LASTEXITCODE), please check the log at $logPath"
          echo "::endgroup::"

            exit $LASTEXITCODE
          echo "::endgroup::"

        shell: pwsh
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: always()
          name: unity-build-log
          path: Logs/**