/// Credit John Hattan (http://thecodezone.com/)
/// Sourced from - https://bitbucket.org/UnityUIExtensions/unity-ui-extensions/issues/117/uigridrenderer

namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
	public class UIGridRenderer : UILineRenderer
		private int m_gridWidth = 10;
		private int m_gridHeight = 10;

		/// <summary>
		/// Width of the grid in Cells.
		/// </summary>
        public int GridWidth
				return m_gridWidth;

				if (m_gridWidth == value)
				m_gridWidth = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// Height of the Grid in cells.
		/// </summary>
        public int GridHeight
				return m_gridHeight;

				if (m_gridHeight == value)
				m_gridHeight = value;

		protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
			relativeSize = true;

			int ArraySize = (GridHeight * 3) + 1;
			if(GridHeight % 2 == 0)
				++ArraySize; // needs one more line

			ArraySize += (GridWidth * 3) + 1;

			m_points = new Vector2[ArraySize];

			int Index = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < GridHeight; ++i)
				float xFrom = 1;
				float xTo = 0;
				if(i % 2 == 0)
					// reach left instead
					xFrom = 0;
					xTo = 1;

				float y = ((float)i) / GridHeight;
				m_points[Index].x = xFrom;
				m_points[Index].y = y;
				m_points[Index].x = xTo;
				m_points[Index].y = y;
				m_points[Index].x = xTo;
				m_points[Index].y = (float)(i + 1) / GridHeight;

			if(GridHeight % 2 == 0)
				// two lines to get to 0, 1
				m_points[Index].x = 1;
				m_points[Index].y = 1;

			m_points[Index].x = 0;
			m_points[Index].y = 1;

			// line is now at 0,1, so we can draw the columns
			for(int i = 0; i < GridWidth; ++i)
				float yFrom = 1;
				float yTo = 0;
				if(i % 2 == 0)
					// reach up instead
					yFrom = 0;
					yTo = 1;

				float x = ((float)i) / GridWidth;
				m_points[Index].x = x;
				m_points[Index].y = yFrom;
				m_points[Index].x = x;
				m_points[Index].y = yTo;
				m_points[Index].x = (float)(i + 1) / GridWidth;
				m_points[Index].y = yTo;

			if(GridWidth % 2 == 0)
				// one more line to get to 1, 1
				m_points[Index].x = 1;
				m_points[Index].y = 1;
				// one more line to get to 1, 0
				m_points[Index].x = 1;
				m_points[Index].y = 0;
