/// Credit Adam Kapos (Nezz) - http://www.songarc.net /// Sourced from - https://github.com/YousicianGit/UnityMenuSystem /// Updated by SimonDarksideJ - Refactored to be a more generic component namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions { public abstract class Menu<T> : Menu where T : Menu<T> { public static T Instance { get; private set; } protected virtual void Awake() { Instance = (T)this; } protected virtual void OnDestroy() { Instance = null; } protected static void Open() { GameObject clonedGameObject = null; if (Instance == null) { MenuManager.Instance.CreateInstance(typeof(T).Name, out clonedGameObject); MenuManager.Instance.OpenMenu(clonedGameObject.GetMenu()); } else { Instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); MenuManager.Instance.OpenMenu(Instance); } } protected static void Close() { if (Instance == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Trying to close menu {0} but Instance is null", typeof(T)); return; } MenuManager.Instance.CloseMenu(Instance); } public override void OnBackPressed() { Close(); } } public abstract class Menu : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Destroy the Game Object when menu is closed (reduces memory usage)")] public bool DestroyWhenClosed = true; [Tooltip("Disable menus that are under this one in the stack")] public bool DisableMenusUnderneath = true; public abstract void OnBackPressed(); } }