using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
    public sealed class Vector4Surrogate : ISerializationSurrogate

        // Method called to serialize a Vector4 object
        public void GetObjectData(System.Object obj,
                                  SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            Vector4 v4 = (Vector4)obj;
            info.AddValue("x", v4.x);
            info.AddValue("y", v4.y);
            info.AddValue("w", v4.w);
            info.AddValue("z", v4.z);

        // Method called to deserialize a Vector4 object
        public System.Object SetObjectData(System.Object obj,
                                           SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context,
                                           ISurrogateSelector selector)
            Vector4 v4 = (Vector4)obj;
            v4.x = (float)info.GetValue("x", typeof(float));
            v4.y = (float)info.GetValue("y", typeof(float));
            v4.w = (float)info.GetValue("w", typeof(float));
            v4.z = (float)info.GetValue("z", typeof(float));
            obj = v4;
            return obj;