* Merged in updated_new_input_system_check (pull request #117)
Updated the new Input system switch and tested against 2021
* Updated LineRenderer to initialise with a 1 point array, this resolves an issue with Unity putting the previous controls vertext array in an uninitialised control.
Also updated examples checkout
* Merged in UpdatedLineRender (pull request #118)
UILineRender now initilises with a point of 1 to correct Unity issue
* Applied J.R. Mitchell's fix for the Accordion Controls/Accordion/AccordionElement.cs
resolves: #364
* Merged in AccordionFIx (pull request #119)
Update to Accordion to allow for prefab Accordion Elements
* Resolved issue where the Content Scroll snap would cause issue with only 1 child.
Also tested and fixed working with no children.
* Merged in content_scroll_snap_fix (pull request #120)
ContentScrollSnap update
* Updated the PaginationManager to override if the ScrollSnap is in motion.
BuyerBeware, Unity's toggles can get in to a state where they are clicked but not clicked.
* Merged in PaginationFix (pull request #121)
Updated the PaginationManager to override if the ScrollSnap is in motion.
* Updated release notes and bumped version to release
* Added protection against errors and empty scrollrect content
* Added new SetNewItems function to add children programmatically to the control and reset accordingly