* Added progress indicator capability to the component.
* Component uses AddUIVertexStream to generate vertices and indices of triangle order.
* Improves base geometry generation to prevent edge sliding on segment value changes (tris density, now called Arc Steps).
* Corrects a minor issue with base mesh where first vertex is generate at center (only visable in wireframe mode at certain angles).
Added new Circle class (example in LineRenderer scene)
Changed some of the LineRenderer public variables to public properties, else they are not assignable in the editor for events. Will check other controls as well.
New properties to improve the resolution for a line, which when combined with the LineList creates a dotted line.
Supports two modes: dashes based on segments or the entire line.
Line Renderer now renders based on Pivot and resolves drawing issue with Editor script when using !Relative.
However, need to update editor script to work with relative drawing.
Refactored all primatives to use a new common base
Updated primatives (using base) to align with current Unity Image component, including:
* Using Sprites not textures (aka above issue)
* Added ILayoutElement Interface
* Added ICanvasRaycastFilter interface (experimental, can be overridden), includes basic alpha checking.
branch : develop_5.3
* Update to Line Renderer - updated scrip plus patches, now more code friendly for adding points
* New Curved Layout component
* ScrolTo script updated based on authors new version
* UISoftAlphaMask updated to latest version
* Added ScrollSpeed to Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Snap
* Added Scroll Conflict Manager (untested)
* Test Scroll Conflict manager
* Make the distance between pages on the H&V Scroll snaps configurable
* Test Scroll Snap starting page fix
* Review Reorderable List scrolling issue
* Review Reorderable List Worldspace render issue
branch : develop_5.3