diff --git a/Scripts/ToolTips/ToolTip.cs b/Scripts/ToolTips/ToolTip.cs
index 902fcc2..3d67cd3 100644
--- a/Scripts/ToolTips/ToolTip.cs
+++ b/Scripts/ToolTips/ToolTip.cs
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
private Text _text;
private RectTransform _rectTransform, canvasRectTransform;
- [Tooltip("The canvas used by the tooltip as positioning and scaling reference. Should usually be the root Canvas of the hierarchy this component is in")]
- public Canvas canvas;
+ [Tooltip("The canvas used by the tooltip as positioning and scaling reference. Should usually be the root Canvas of the hierarchy this component is in")]
+ public Canvas canvas;
- [Tooltip("Sets if tooltip triggers will run ForceUpdateCanvases and refresh the tooltip's layout group " +
- "(if any) when hovered, in order to prevent momentaneous misplacement sometimes caused by ContentSizeFitters")]
- public bool tooltipTriggersCanForceCanvasUpdate = false;
+ [Tooltip("Sets if tooltip triggers will run ForceUpdateCanvases and refresh the tooltip's layout group " +
+ "(if any) when hovered, in order to prevent momentaneous misplacement sometimes caused by ContentSizeFitters")]
+ public bool tooltipTriggersCanForceCanvasUpdate = false;
- ///
- /// the tooltip's Layout Group, if any
- ///
- private LayoutGroup _layoutGroup;
+ ///
+ /// the tooltip's Layout Group, if any
+ ///
+ private LayoutGroup _layoutGroup;
//if the tooltip is inside a UI element
private bool _inside;
@@ -49,72 +49,72 @@ namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
public float YShift,xShift;
- [HideInInspector]
+ [HideInInspector]
public RenderMode guiMode;
private Camera _guiCamera;
- public Camera GuiCamera
- {
- get
- {
- if (!_guiCamera) {
- _guiCamera = Camera.main;
- }
- return _guiCamera;
- }
- }
- private Vector3 screenLowerLeft, screenUpperRight, shiftingVector;
- ///
- /// a screen-space point where the tooltip would be placed before applying X and Y shifts and border checks
- ///
- private Vector3 baseTooltipPos;
- private Vector3 newTTPos;
- private Vector3 adjustedNewTTPos;
- private Vector3 adjustedTTLocalPos;
- private Vector3 shifterForBorders;
- private float borderTest;
- // Standard Singleton Access
- private static ToolTip instance;
- public static ToolTip Instance
- {
- get
- {
- if (instance == null)
- instance = FindObjectOfType();
- return instance;
- }
- }
- void Reset() {
- canvas = GetComponentInParent