diff --git a/Scripts/Layout/TableLayout.cs b/Scripts/Layout/TableLayout.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee3be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/Layout/TableLayout.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/// Credit RahulOfTheRamanEffect
+/// Sourced from - https://forum.unity3d.com/members/rahuloftheramaneffect.773241/
+namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
+ ///
+ /// Arranges child objects into a non-uniform grid, with fixed column widths and flexible row heights
+ ///
+ public class TableLayout : LayoutGroup
+ {
+ public enum Corner
+ {
+ UpperLeft = 0,
+ UpperRight = 1,
+ LowerLeft = 2,
+ LowerRight = 3
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ protected Corner startCorner = Corner.UpperLeft;
+ ///
+ /// The corner starting from which the cells should be arranged
+ ///
+ public Corner StartCorner
+ {
+ get { return startCorner; }
+ set
+ {
+ SetProperty(ref startCorner, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ protected float[] columnWidths = new float[0];
+ ///
+ /// The widths of all the columns in the table
+ ///
+ public float[] ColumnWidths
+ {
+ get { return columnWidths; }
+ set
+ {
+ SetProperty(ref columnWidths, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ protected float minimumRowHeight = 32f;
+ ///
+ /// The minimum height for any row in the table
+ ///
+ public float MinimumRowHeight
+ {
+ get { return minimumRowHeight; }
+ set
+ {
+ SetProperty(ref minimumRowHeight, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ protected float cellSpacing = 0f;
+ ///
+ /// The horizontal spacing between each cell in the table
+ ///
+ public float CellSpacing
+ {
+ get { return cellSpacing; }
+ set
+ {
+ SetProperty(ref cellSpacing, value);
+ }
+ }
+ [SerializeField]
+ protected float rowSpacing = 0;
+ ///
+ /// The vertical spacing between each row in the table
+ ///
+ public float RowSpacing
+ {
+ get { return rowSpacing; }
+ set
+ {
+ SetProperty(ref rowSpacing, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal()
+ {
+ base.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal();
+ float horizontalSize = padding.horizontal;
+ if (columnWidths.Length > 1)
+ horizontalSize += ((columnWidths.Length - 1) * cellSpacing);
+ // We calculate the actual cell count for cases where the number of children is lesser than the number of columns
+ int actualCellCount = Mathf.Min(rectChildren.Count, columnWidths.Length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < actualCellCount; i++)
+ horizontalSize += columnWidths[i];
+ SetLayoutInputForAxis(horizontalSize, horizontalSize, 0, 0);
+ }
+ public override void CalculateLayoutInputVertical()
+ {
+ int rowCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)columnWidths.Length);
+ float totalMinHeight = padding.vertical;
+ float totalPreferredHeight = padding.vertical;
+ if (rowCount > 1)
+ {
+ float heightFromSpacing = ((rowCount - 1) * rowSpacing);
+ totalMinHeight += heightFromSpacing;
+ totalPreferredHeight += heightFromSpacing;
+ }
+ // Find the max value for minimum and preferred heights in each row
+ for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
+ {
+ float maxMinimumHeightInRow = 0;
+ float maxPreferredHeightInRow = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < columnWidths.Length; j++)
+ {
+ int childIndex = (i * columnWidths.Length) + j;
+ if (childIndex >= rectChildren.Count)
+ break;
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(rectChildren[childIndex]), maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ maxMinimumHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(LayoutUtility.GetMinHeight(rectChildren[childIndex]), maxMinimumHeightInRow);
+ }
+ maxMinimumHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(minimumRowHeight, maxMinimumHeightInRow);
+ totalMinHeight += maxMinimumHeightInRow;
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(minimumRowHeight, maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ totalPreferredHeight += maxPreferredHeightInRow;
+ }
+ totalPreferredHeight = Mathf.Max(totalMinHeight, totalPreferredHeight);
+ SetLayoutInputForAxis(totalMinHeight, totalPreferredHeight, 1, 1);
+ }
+ public override void SetLayoutHorizontal()
+ {
+ int columnCount = columnWidths.Length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rectChildren.Count; i++)
+ {
+ RectTransform child = rectChildren[i];
+ m_Tracker.Add(this, child,
+ DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors |
+ DrivenTransformProperties.AnchoredPosition |
+ DrivenTransformProperties.SizeDelta);
+ child.anchorMin = Vector2.up;
+ child.anchorMax = Vector2.up;
+ Vector2 childSizeDelta = child.sizeDelta;
+ childSizeDelta.x = columnWidths[i % columnCount];
+ child.sizeDelta = childSizeDelta;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void SetLayoutVertical()
+ {
+ float tableLayoutHeight = rectTransform.rect.height;
+ int columnCount = columnWidths.Length;
+ int rowCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildren.Count / (float)columnCount);
+ int cornerX = (int)startCorner % 2;
+ int cornerY = (int)startCorner / 2;
+ Vector2 startOffset = new Vector2();
+ float requiredWidthWithoutPadding = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Length; i++)
+ {
+ requiredWidthWithoutPadding += columnWidths[i];
+ requiredWidthWithoutPadding += cellSpacing;
+ }
+ requiredWidthWithoutPadding -= cellSpacing;
+ startOffset.x = GetStartOffset(0, requiredWidthWithoutPadding);
+ float requiredHeightWithoutPadding = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
+ {
+ float maxPreferredHeightInRow = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
+ {
+ int childIndex = (i * columnCount) + j;
+ if (childIndex >= rectChildren.Count)
+ break;
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(rectChildren[childIndex]), maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ }
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(minimumRowHeight, maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ requiredHeightWithoutPadding += maxPreferredHeightInRow;
+ requiredHeightWithoutPadding += rowSpacing;
+ }
+ requiredHeightWithoutPadding -= rowSpacing;
+ startOffset.y = GetStartOffset(1, requiredHeightWithoutPadding);
+ if (cornerX == 1)
+ startOffset.x += requiredWidthWithoutPadding;
+ if (cornerY == 1)
+ startOffset.y += requiredHeightWithoutPadding;
+ float positionY = startOffset.y;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
+ {
+ float positionX = startOffset.x;
+ float maxPreferredHeightInRow = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
+ {
+ int childIndex = (i * columnCount) + j;
+ if (childIndex >= rectChildren.Count)
+ break;
+ float sizeXOfRect = columnWidths[j] + cellSpacing;
+ if (cornerX == 1)
+ positionX -= sizeXOfRect;
+ SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[childIndex], 0, positionX, columnWidths[j]);
+ if (cornerX != 1)
+ positionX += sizeXOfRect;
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(rectChildren[childIndex]), maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ }
+ maxPreferredHeightInRow = Mathf.Max(minimumRowHeight, maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ float sizeYOfRect = maxPreferredHeightInRow + rowSpacing;
+ if (cornerY == 1)
+ positionY -= sizeYOfRect;
+ for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
+ {
+ int childIndex = (i * columnCount) + j;
+ if (childIndex >= rectChildren.Count)
+ break;
+ SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[childIndex], 1, positionY, maxPreferredHeightInRow);
+ }
+ if (cornerY != 1)
+ positionY += sizeYOfRect;
+ }
+ }
+ }
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