2015-02-03 07:07:31 +08:00
///Credit perchik
///Sourced from - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/receive-onclick-event-and-pass-it-on-to-lower-ui-elements.293642/
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
public class ComboBox : MonoBehaviour
#region declarations
#region private members
private bool _isActive = false ; //is the drop down panel active
private Button comboBtn ;
private Image comboBtnImg ;
private Text comboBtnText ;
private Button overlayBtn ;
private GridLayoutGroup itemLayout ;
private float _scrollbarWidth = 20.0f ;
private int scrollOffset ; //offset of the selected item
private int _itemsToDisplay = 4 ; //how many items to show in the dropdown panel
private bool _hideFirstItem = false ; //lets us hide the prompt after something is chosen
private int _selectedIndex = 0 ;
private List < ComboBoxItem > _items ; //conceptual items in the list
private bool _interactable = true ;
private Canvas _canvas ;
#region private rect transforms
/// <remarks> All of these have to be properties so that the editor script can access them</remarks>
private RectTransform _overlay ; //overlayRT is a screensized box to handle clicks *not* on the button. (although this might have to change with multiple things on the screen.
private RectTransform overlayRT
if ( _overlay = = null )
_overlay = rectTransform . FindChild ( "Overlay" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
overlayBtn = _overlay . gameObject . GetComponent < Button > ( ) ;
return _overlay ;
_overlay = value ;
private RectTransform _rectTransform ;
private RectTransform rectTransform
if ( _rectTransform = = null )
_rectTransform = GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
return _rectTransform ;
set { _rectTransform = value ; }
private RectTransform _comboBtnRT ;
private RectTransform comboBtnRT
if ( _comboBtnRT = = null )
_comboBtnRT = rectTransform . FindChild ( "ComboButton" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
comboBtn = _comboBtnRT . GetComponent < Button > ( ) ;
comboBtnImg = _comboBtnRT . FindChild ( "Image" ) . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ;
comboBtnText = _comboBtnRT . FindChild ( "Text" ) . GetComponent < Text > ( ) ;
return _comboBtnRT ;
_comboBtnRT = value ;
private GameObject _scrollPanel ;
private GameObject scrollPanel
if ( _scrollPanel = = null )
_scrollPanel = overlayRT . FindChild ( "ScrollPanel" ) . gameObject ;
return _scrollPanel ;
_scrollPanel = value ;
private RectTransform _scrollPanelRT ;
private RectTransform scrollPanelRT
if ( _scrollPanelRT = = null )
_scrollPanelRT = scrollPanel . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
return _scrollPanelRT ;
_scrollPanelRT = value ;
private RectTransform _itemsRT ;
private RectTransform itemsRT
if ( _itemsRT = = null )
_itemsRT = scrollPanelRT . Find ( "Items" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
itemLayout = _itemsRT . gameObject . GetComponent < GridLayoutGroup > ( ) ;
return _itemsRT ;
_itemsRT = value ;
private RectTransform _scrollbarRT ;
private RectTransform scrollbarRT
if ( _scrollbarRT = = null )
_scrollbarRT = scrollPanelRT . Find ( "Scrollbar" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
return _scrollbarRT ;
_scrollbarRT = value ;
private RectTransform _slidingAreaRT ;
private RectTransform slidingAreaRT
if ( _slidingAreaRT = = null )
_slidingAreaRT = scrollbarRT . Find ( "SlidingArea" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
return _slidingAreaRT ;
_slidingAreaRT = value ;
private RectTransform _scrollHandleRT ;
private RectTransform scrollHandleRT
if ( _scrollHandleRT = = null )
_scrollHandleRT = slidingAreaRT . Find ( "Handle" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) ;
return _scrollHandleRT ;
_scrollHandleRT = value ;
# endregion
# endregion
#region public accessors
public string HeaderOption = "" ;
public Color32 disabledTextColor = new Color32 ( 174 , 174 , 174 , 255 ) ;
public bool Interactable
return _interactable ;
_interactable = value ;
comboBtn . interactable = _interactable ;
if ( comboBtnImg . sprite ! = null )
comboBtnImg . color = _interactable ?
comboBtn . colors . normalColor :
comboBtn . colors . disabledColor ;
comboBtnImg . color = new Color ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) ; //transparent
if ( ! Application . isPlaying ) //stop it from messing up in the editor
return ;
if ( ! _interactable & & _isActive )
ToggleComboBox ( false ) ;
public int SelectedIndex
return _selectedIndex ;
if ( _selectedIndex = = value )
return ;
if ( value > - 1 & & value < Items . Count )
_selectedIndex = value ;
RefreshSelected ( ) ;
public List < ComboBoxItem > Items
if ( _items = = null )
_items = new List < ComboBoxItem > ( ) ;
return _items ;
_items = value ;
Refresh ( ) ;
public bool HideFirstItem
return _hideFirstItem ;
if ( value )
scrollOffset - - ;
scrollOffset + + ;
_hideFirstItem = value ;
Refresh ( ) ;
public int ItemsToDisplay
return _itemsToDisplay ;
if ( _itemsToDisplay = = value )
return ;
_itemsToDisplay = value ;
Refresh ( ) ;
public System . Action < int > OnSelectionChanged ; //fires when selection is changed.
# endregion
# endregion
#region public methods
/// <summary>
/// Update the main button with the selected item's parameters
/// </summary>
public void RefreshSelected ( )
//get the selected item
ComboBoxItem item = ( SelectedIndex > - 1 & & SelectedIndex < Items . Count ) ? Items [ SelectedIndex ] : null ;
if ( item = = null ) return ;
bool hasImage = ( item . Image ! = null ) ;
comboBtnImg . sprite = hasImage ? item . Image : null ;
comboBtnImg . color = ! hasImage ? new Color ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) //transparent if there's no image.
: ! Interactable ? new Color ( 1 , 1 , 1 , . 5f ) //semitransparent if the combobox is disabled
: Color . white ; //fully opaque if it has an image and the combobox is enabled
UpdateComboBoxText ( comboBtnRT , hasImage ) ;
comboBtnText . text = item . Caption ;
comboBtn . onClick . RemoveAllListeners ( ) ;
comboBtn . onClick . AddListener ( ( ) = >
ToggleComboBox ( true ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! Application . isPlaying ) return ; //if it was running in editor we stop here.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < itemsRT . childCount ; i + + )
Image tempImg = itemsRT . GetChild ( i ) . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ;
tempImg . color = ( SelectedIndex = = ( i + ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) ? comboBtn . colors . highlightedColor : comboBtn . colors . normalColor ;
/// <summary>
/// what happens when an item in the list is selected
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
public void OnItemClicked ( int index )
Debug . Log ( "item " + index + " was clicked" ) ;
bool selectionChanged = ( index ! = SelectedIndex ) ;
SelectedIndex = index ;
ToggleComboBox ( true ) ;
if ( selectionChanged & & OnSelectionChanged ! = null ) OnSelectionChanged ( index ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Add items to the dropdown list. Accepts any object of type ComboBoxItem, String, or Image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list"></param>
public void AddItems ( params object [ ] list )
List < ComboBoxItem > cbItems = new List < ComboBoxItem > ( ) ;
foreach ( var obj in list )
if ( obj is ComboBoxItem )
cbItems . Add ( ( ComboBoxItem ) obj ) ;
else if ( obj is string )
cbItems . Add ( new ComboBoxItem ( caption : ( string ) obj ) ) ;
else if ( obj is Sprite )
cbItems . Add ( new ComboBoxItem ( image : ( Sprite ) obj ) ) ;
throw new System . Exception ( "Only ComboBoxItems, Strings, and Sprite types are allowed" ) ;
Items . AddRange ( cbItems ) ;
Items = Items . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ; //remove any duplicates
public void ClearItems ( )
Items . Clear ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Redraw the graphics (in response to something changing)
/// </summary>
public void UpdateGraphics ( )
//center the handle in the scrollbar
float scrollbarWidth = Items . Count - ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) > ItemsToDisplay ? _scrollbarWidth : 0.0f ;
scrollHandleRT . offsetMin = - scrollbarWidth / 2 * Vector2 . one ;
scrollHandleRT . offsetMax = scrollbarWidth / 2 * Vector2 . one ;
if ( rectTransform . sizeDelta ! = comboBtnRT . sizeDelta )
comboBtnRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , rectTransform . sizeDelta . x ) ;
comboBtnRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Vertical , rectTransform . sizeDelta . y ) ;
comboBtnText . rectTransform . offsetMax = new Vector2 ( 4 , 0 ) ;
scrollPanelRT . SetParent ( transform , true ) ;
scrollPanelRT . anchoredPosition = new Vector2 ( 0 , - comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . y ) ;
//make hte overlay fill the whole screen
overlayRT . SetParent ( _canvas . transform , false ) ;
overlayRT . offsetMax = Vector2 . zero ;
overlayRT . offsetMin = Vector2 . zero ;
//reattach to correct parents, maintining global position
overlayRT . SetParent ( transform , true ) ;
scrollPanelRT . SetParent ( overlayRT , true ) ;
scrollPanel . GetComponent < ScrollRect > ( ) . scrollSensitivity = comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . y ;
UpdateComboBoxText ( comboBtnRT , Items [ SelectedIndex ] . Image ! = null ) ;
Refresh ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// toggle the drop down list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directClick">whether it was toggled by directly clicking on </param>
public void ToggleComboBox ( bool directClick )
if ( HeaderOption ! = "" ) HideFirstItem = true ;
_isActive = ! _isActive ;
// Debug.Log("toggling combo box tp "+ _isActive);
overlayRT . gameObject . SetActive ( _isActive ) ;
if ( _isActive )
transform . SetAsLastSibling ( ) ;
FixScrollOffset ( ) ;
else if ( directClick )
scrollOffset = Mathf . RoundToInt ( _itemsRT . anchoredPosition . y / rectTransform . sizeDelta . y ) ;
# endregion
#region private methods
private void Awake ( )
_canvas = GetComponentInParent < Canvas > ( ) ;
Initialize ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the control
/// </summary>
private void Initialize ( )
overlayRT . gameObject . SetActive ( false ) ;
overlayBtn . onClick . AddListener ( ( ) = > { ToggleComboBox ( false ) ; } ) ;
if ( HeaderOption ! = "" ) AddItems ( HeaderOption ) ;
//float dropdownHeight = comboBtnRT.sizeDelta.y * Mathf.Min(ItemsToDisplay, Items.Length - (HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0));
//scrollPanelRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, dropdownHeight);
//scrollPanelRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, comboBtnRT.sizeDelta.x);
ScrollRect scrollPanelScrollRect = scrollPanel . GetComponent < ScrollRect > ( ) ;
scrollPanelScrollRect . scrollSensitivity = comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . y ;
scrollPanelScrollRect . content = itemsRT ;
itemLayout . constraint = GridLayoutGroup . Constraint . FixedColumnCount ;
itemLayout . constraintCount = 1 ;
//float scrollbarWidth = Items.Length - (HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0) > _itemsToDisplay ? _scrollbarWidth : 0.0f;
//itemsRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, scrollPanelRT.sizeDelta.x - scrollbarWidth);
//itemLayout.cellSize = new Vector2(comboBtnRT.sizeDelta.x - scrollbarWidth, comboBtnRT.sizeDelta.y);
//itemLayout.constraint = GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount;
//itemLayout.constraintCount = 1;
//scrollbarRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, scrollbarWidth);
//scrollbarRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, dropdownHeight);
//slidingAreaRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, 0);
//slidingAreaRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, dropdownHeight - scrollbarRT.sizeDelta.x);
//scrollHandleRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, scrollbarWidth);
//scrollHandleRT.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, scrollbarWidth);
Interactable = Interactable ; //call the logic in the getter.
Refresh ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Redraw the component, with realigning.
/// </summary>
public void Refresh ( )
// Debug.Log("Refreshing");
int itemsLength = Items . Count - ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( itemsLength < 1 )
return ;
float dropdownHeight = comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . y * Mathf . Min ( _itemsToDisplay , itemsLength ) ;
float scrollbarWidth = itemsLength > ItemsToDisplay ? _scrollbarWidth : 0.0f ;
scrollPanelRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Vertical , dropdownHeight ) ;
scrollPanelRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . x ) ;
itemsRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , scrollPanelRT . sizeDelta . x - scrollbarWidth ) ;
itemLayout . cellSize = new Vector2 ( comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . x - scrollbarWidth , comboBtnRT . sizeDelta . y ) ;
scrollbarRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , scrollbarWidth ) ;
scrollbarRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Vertical , dropdownHeight ) ;
slidingAreaRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , 0 ) ;
slidingAreaRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Vertical , dropdownHeight - scrollbarRT . sizeDelta . x ) ;
scrollHandleRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Horizontal , scrollbarWidth ) ;
scrollHandleRT . SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors ( RectTransform . Axis . Vertical , scrollbarWidth ) ;
for ( int i = itemsRT . childCount - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) //delete in reverse to avoid having to re-allocate memory on each delete. (ie if I deleted child 0, everythign would get shifted forward in the array)
DestroyImmediate ( itemsRT . GetChild ( 0 ) . gameObject ) ;
for ( int i = ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) ; i < Items . Count ; i + + ) //for each element to be shown in the dropdown list
ComboBoxItem item = Items [ i ] ;
item . OnUpdate = Refresh ;
Transform itemTfm = Instantiate ( comboBtnRT ) as Transform ; //copy the top level combo box
itemTfm . name + = " " + i ;
itemTfm . SetParent ( itemsRT , false ) ;
itemTfm . GetComponent < Image > ( ) . sprite = null ; //hide the original background image (so that the dropdown box shows)
Text itemText = itemTfm . Find ( "Text" ) . GetComponent < Text > ( ) ;
itemText . text = item . Caption ;
if ( item . IsDisabled ) itemText . color = disabledTextColor ;
Image itemImg = itemTfm . Find ( "Image" ) . GetComponent < Image > ( ) ;
itemImg . sprite = item . Image ;
itemImg . color = ( item . Image = = null ) ? new Color ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 )
: item . IsDisabled ? new Color ( 1 , 1 , 1 , . 5f )
: Color . white ;
Button itemBtn = itemTfm . GetComponent < Button > ( ) ;
itemBtn . interactable = ! item . IsDisabled ;
int indx = i ;
itemBtn . onClick . RemoveAllListeners ( ) ;
itemBtn . onClick . AddListener ( ( ) = >
OnItemClicked ( indx ) ;
if ( item . OnSelect ! = null ) item . OnSelect ( ) ;
) ;
RefreshSelected ( ) ;
UpdateComboBoxItems ( ) ;
UpdateGraphics ( ) ;
FixScrollOffset ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// adjusts all of the items in the dropdown list to account for any images
/// </summary>
private void UpdateComboBoxItems ( )
//decide if any item in the list has images
bool includeImages = false ;
foreach ( ComboBoxItem item in Items )
if ( item . Image ! = null )
includeImages = true ; break ;
//either align all of the text 10 units from the side, or 8+image width.
foreach ( Transform child in itemsRT )
UpdateComboBoxText ( child , includeImages ) ;
private void UpdateComboBoxText ( Transform child , bool includeImages )
child . Find ( "Text" ) . GetComponent < RectTransform > ( ) . offsetMin = Vector2 . right * ( includeImages ? comboBtnImg . rectTransform . rect . width + 8.0f : 10.0f ) ;
private void FixScrollOffset ( )
int selectedIndex = SelectedIndex + ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( selectedIndex < scrollOffset )
scrollOffset = selectedIndex ;
if ( selectedIndex > scrollOffset + ItemsToDisplay - 1 )
scrollOffset = selectedIndex - ItemsToDisplay + 1 ;
int itemsCount = Items . Count - ( HideFirstItem ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( scrollOffset > itemsCount - ItemsToDisplay )
scrollOffset = itemsCount - ItemsToDisplay ;
if ( scrollOffset < 0 )
scrollOffset = 0 ;
_itemsRT . anchoredPosition = new Vector2 ( 0.0f , scrollOffset * rectTransform . sizeDelta . y ) ;
# endregion