2017-07-30 20:13:29 +08:00
/// Credit Titinious (https://github.com/Titinious)
/// Sourced from - https://github.com/Titinious/CurlyUI
using UnityEditor ;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[CustomEditor(typeof(CUIGraphic), true)]
public class CUIGraphicEditor : Editor {
protected static bool isCurveGpFold = false ;
protected Vector3 [ ] reuse_Vector3s = new Vector3 [ 4 ] ;
public override void OnInspectorGUI ( )
CUIGraphic script = ( CUIGraphic ) this . target ;
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "CurlyUI (CUI) should work with most of the Unity UI. For Image, use CUIImage; for Text, use CUIText; and for others (e.g. RawImage), use CUIGraphic" , MessageType . Info ) ;
if ( script . UIGraphic = = null )
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "CUI is an extension to Unity's UI. You must set Ui Graphic with a Unity Graphic component (e.g. Image, Text, RawImage)" , MessageType . Error ) ;
if ( script . UIGraphic is Image & & script . GetType ( ) ! = typeof ( CUIImage ) )
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "Although CUI components are generalized. It is recommended that for Image, use CUIImage" , MessageType . Warning ) ;
else if ( script . UIGraphic is Text & & script . GetType ( ) ! = typeof ( CUIText ) )
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "Although CUI components are generalized. It is recommended that for Text, use CUIText" , MessageType . Warning ) ;
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "Now that CUI is ready, change the control points of the top and bottom bezier curves to curve/morph the UI. Improve resolution when the UI seems to look poorly when curved/morphed should help." , MessageType . Info ) ;
DrawDefaultInspector ( ) ;
// draw the editor that shows the position ratio of all control points from the two bezier curves
isCurveGpFold = EditorGUILayout . Foldout ( isCurveGpFold , "Curves Position Ratios" ) ;
if ( isCurveGpFold )
EditorGUI . indentLevel + + ;
EditorGUILayout . LabelField ( "Top Curve" ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel + + ;
Vector3 [ ] controlPoints = script . RefCurvesControlRatioPoints [ 1 ] . array ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < controlPoints . Length ; p + + )
reuse_Vector3s [ p ] = EditorGUILayout . Vector3Field ( string . Format ( "Control Points {0}" , p + 1 ) , controlPoints [ p ] ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( script , "Change Ratio Points" ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( script ) ;
System . Array . Copy ( reuse_Vector3s , script . RefCurvesControlRatioPoints [ 1 ] . array , controlPoints . Length ) ;
script . UpdateCurveControlPointPositions ( ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel - - ;
EditorGUILayout . LabelField ( "Bottom Curve" ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel + + ;
controlPoints = script . RefCurvesControlRatioPoints [ 0 ] . array ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < controlPoints . Length ; p + + )
reuse_Vector3s [ p ] = EditorGUILayout . Vector3Field ( string . Format ( "Control Points {0}" , p + 1 ) , controlPoints [ p ] ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( script , "Change Ratio Points" ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( script ) ;
System . Array . Copy ( reuse_Vector3s , controlPoints , controlPoints . Length ) ;
script . UpdateCurveControlPointPositions ( ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel - - ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel - - ;
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Fit Bezier curves to rect transform" ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( script , "Fit to Rect Transform" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] , "Fit to Rect Transform" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( script . RefCurves [ 1 ] , "Fit to Rect Transform" ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( script ) ;
script . FixTextToRectTrans ( ) ;
script . Refresh ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
// disable group to prevent allowing the reference be used when there is no reference CUI
EditorGUI . BeginDisabledGroup ( script . RefCUIGraphic = = null ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Reference CUI component for curves" ) )
2020-07-09 03:38:28 +08:00
Undo . RecordObject ( script , "Reference CUI" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] , "Reference CUI" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( script . RefCurves [ 1 ] , "Reference CUI" ) ;
2017-07-30 20:13:29 +08:00
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( script ) ;
script . ReferenceCUIForBCurves ( ) ;
script . Refresh ( ) ;
2020-07-09 03:38:28 +08:00
EditorGUILayout . HelpBox ( "Auto set the curves' control points by referencing another CUI. You need to set Ref CUI Graphic (e.g. CUIImage) first." , MessageType . Info ) ;
2017-07-30 20:13:29 +08:00
EditorGUI . EndDisabledGroup ( ) ;
protected virtual void OnSceneGUI ( )
// for CUITextEditor, allow using scene UI to change the control points of the bezier curves
CUIGraphic script = ( CUIGraphic ) this . target ;
script . ReportSet ( ) ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < script . RefCurves . Length ; c + + )
CUIBezierCurve curve = script . RefCurves [ c ] ;
if ( curve . ControlPoints ! = null )
Vector3 [ ] controlPoints = curve . ControlPoints ;
Transform handleTransform = curve . transform ;
Quaternion handleRotation = curve . transform . rotation ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < CUIBezierCurve . CubicBezierCurvePtNum ; p + + )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
Handles . Label ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ p ] ) , string . Format ( "Control Point {0}" , p + 1 ) ) ;
Vector3 newPt = Handles . DoPositionHandle ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ p ] ) , handleRotation ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Undo . RecordObject ( curve , "Move Point" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( script , "Move Point" ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( curve ) ;
controlPoints [ p ] = handleTransform . InverseTransformPoint ( newPt ) ;
Handles . color = Color . gray ;
Handles . DrawLine ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 0 ] ) , handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 1 ] ) ) ;
Handles . DrawLine ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 1 ] ) , handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 2 ] ) ) ;
Handles . DrawLine ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 2 ] ) , handleTransform . TransformPoint ( controlPoints [ 3 ] ) ) ;
int sampleSize = 10 ;
Handles . color = Color . white ;
for ( int s = 0 ; s < sampleSize ; s + + )
Handles . DrawLine ( handleTransform . TransformPoint ( curve . GetPoint ( ( float ) s / sampleSize ) ) , handleTransform . TransformPoint ( curve . GetPoint ( ( float ) ( s + 1 ) / sampleSize ) ) ) ;
curve . EDITOR_ControlPoints = controlPoints ;
if ( script . RefCurves ! = null )
Handles . DrawLine ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] . transform . TransformPoint ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] . ControlPoints [ 0 ] ) , script . RefCurves [ 1 ] . transform . TransformPoint ( script . RefCurves [ 1 ] . ControlPoints [ 0 ] ) ) ;
Handles . DrawLine ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] . transform . TransformPoint ( script . RefCurves [ 0 ] . ControlPoints [ 3 ] ) , script . RefCurves [ 1 ] . transform . TransformPoint ( script . RefCurves [ 1 ] . ControlPoints [ 3 ] ) ) ;
script . Refresh ( ) ;