
182 lines
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/// Credit NemoKrad (aka Charles Humphrey)
/// Sourced from -
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
public class SoftMaskScript : MonoBehaviour
Material mat;
Canvas canvas;
[Tooltip("The area that is to be used as the container.")]
public RectTransform MaskArea;
RectTransform myRect;
[Tooltip("A Rect Transform that can be used to scale and move the mask - Does not apply to Text UI Components being masked")]
public RectTransform maskScalingRect;
[Tooltip("Texture to be used to do the soft alpha")]
public Texture AlphaMask;
[Tooltip("At what point to apply the alpha min range 0-1")]
[Range(0, 1)]
public float CutOff = 0;
[Tooltip("Implement a hard blend based on the Cutoff")]
public bool HardBlend = false;
[Tooltip("Flip the masks alpha value")]
public bool FlipAlphaMask = false;
Vector3[] worldCorners;
Vector2 AlphaUV;
Vector2 min;
Vector2 max =;
Vector2 p;
Vector2 siz;
Rect maskRect;
Rect contentRect;
Vector2 centre;
bool isText = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
myRect = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (!MaskArea)
MaskArea = myRect;
if (GetComponent<Graphic>() != null)
mat = new Material(Shader.Find("UI Extensions/SoftMaskShader"));
GetComponent<Graphic>().material = mat;
if (GetComponent<Text>())
isText = true;
mat = new Material(Shader.Find("UI Extensions/SoftMaskShaderText"));
GetComponent<Text>().material = mat;
// For some reason, having the mask control on the parent and disabled stops the mouse interacting
// with the texture layer that is not visible.. Not needed for the Image.
if (transform.parent.GetComponent<Mask>() == null)
transform.parent.GetComponent<Mask>().enabled = false;
void GetCanvas()
Transform t = transform;
int lvlLimit = 100;
int lvl = 0;
while (canvas == null && lvl < lvlLimit)
canvas = t.gameObject.GetComponent<Canvas>();
if (canvas == null)
t = GetParentTranform(t);
Transform GetParentTranform(Transform t)
return t.parent;
void Update()
void SetMask()
// Get the two rectangle areas
maskRect = MaskArea.rect;
contentRect = myRect.rect;
if (isText) // Need to do our calculations in world for Text
maskScalingRect = null;
if (canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay && Application.isPlaying)
p = canvas.transform.InverseTransformPoint(MaskArea.transform.position);
siz = new Vector2(maskRect.width, maskRect.height);
worldCorners = new Vector3[4];
siz = (worldCorners[2] - worldCorners[0]);
p = MaskArea.transform.position;
min = p - (new Vector2(siz.x, siz.y) * .5f);
max = p + (new Vector2(siz.x, siz.y) * .5f);
else // Need to do our calculations in tex space for Image.
if (maskScalingRect != null)
maskRect = maskScalingRect.rect;
// Get the centre offset
centre = myRect.transform.InverseTransformPoint(MaskArea.transform.position);
if (maskScalingRect != null)
centre = myRect.transform.InverseTransformPoint(maskScalingRect.transform.position);
// Set the scale for mapping texcoords mask
AlphaUV = new Vector2(maskRect.width / contentRect.width, maskRect.height / contentRect.height);
// set my min and max to the centre offest
min = centre;
max = min;
siz = new Vector2(maskRect.width, maskRect.height) * .5f;
// Move them out to the min max extreams
min -= siz;
max += siz;
// Now move these into texture space. 0 - 1
min = new Vector2(min.x / contentRect.width, min.y / contentRect.height) + new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
max = new Vector2(max.x / contentRect.width, max.y / contentRect.height) + new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
mat.SetFloat("_HardBlend", HardBlend ? 1 : 0);
// Pass the values to the shader
mat.SetVector("_Min", min);
mat.SetVector("_Max", max);
mat.SetTexture("_AlphaMask", AlphaMask);
mat.SetInt("_FlipAlphaMask", FlipAlphaMask ? 1 : 0);
if (!isText) // No mod needed for Text
mat.SetVector("_AlphaUV", AlphaUV);
mat.SetFloat("_CutOff", CutOff);