/// Credit Titinious (https://github.com/Titinious) /// Sourced from - https://github.com/Titinious/CurlyUI using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions { [RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Image))] [AddComponentMenu("UI/Effects/Extensions/Curly UI Image")] public class CUIImage : CUIGraphic { #region Nature public static int SlicedImageCornerRefVertexIdx = 2; public static int FilledImageCornerRefVertexIdx = 0; /// /// For sliced and filled image only. /// /// /// public static int ImageTypeCornerRefVertexIdx(Image.Type _type) { if (_type == Image.Type.Sliced) { return SlicedImageCornerRefVertexIdx; } else { return FilledImageCornerRefVertexIdx; } } #endregion #region Description [Tooltip("For changing the size of the corner for tiled or sliced Image")] [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] public Vector2 cornerPosRatio = Vector2.one * -1; // -1 means unset value [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected Vector2 oriCornerPosRatio = Vector2.one * -1; public Vector2 OriCornerPosRatio { get { return oriCornerPosRatio; } } #endregion public Image UIImage { get { return (Image)uiGraphic; } } #region Configurations public override void ReportSet() { if (uiGraphic == null) uiGraphic = GetComponent(); base.ReportSet(); } protected override void modifyVertices(List _verts) { if (!IsActive()) return; if (UIImage.type == Image.Type.Filled) { Debug.LogWarning("Might not work well Radial Filled at the moment!"); } else if (UIImage.type == Image.Type.Sliced || UIImage.type == Image.Type.Tiled) { // setting the starting cornerRatio if (cornerPosRatio == Vector2.one * -1) { cornerPosRatio = _verts[ImageTypeCornerRefVertexIdx(UIImage.type)].position; cornerPosRatio.x = (cornerPosRatio.x + rectTrans.pivot.x * rectTrans.rect.width) / rectTrans.rect.width; cornerPosRatio.y = (cornerPosRatio.y + rectTrans.pivot.y * rectTrans.rect.height) / rectTrans.rect.height; oriCornerPosRatio = cornerPosRatio; } // constraing the corner ratio if (cornerPosRatio.x < 0) { cornerPosRatio.x = 0; } if (cornerPosRatio.x >= 0.5f) { cornerPosRatio.x = 0.5f; } if (cornerPosRatio.y < 0) { cornerPosRatio.y = 0; } if (cornerPosRatio.y >= 0.5f) { cornerPosRatio.y = 0.5f; } for (int index = 0; index < _verts.Count; index++) { var uiVertex = _verts[index]; // finding the horizontal ratio position (0.0 - 1.0) of a vertex float horRatio = (uiVertex.position.x + rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x) / rectTrans.rect.width; float verRatio = (uiVertex.position.y + rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y) / rectTrans.rect.height; if (horRatio < oriCornerPosRatio.x) { horRatio = Mathf.Lerp(0, cornerPosRatio.x, horRatio / oriCornerPosRatio.x); } else if (horRatio > 1 - oriCornerPosRatio.x) { horRatio = Mathf.Lerp(1 - cornerPosRatio.x, 1, (horRatio - (1 - oriCornerPosRatio.x)) / oriCornerPosRatio.x); } else { horRatio = Mathf.Lerp(cornerPosRatio.x, 1 - cornerPosRatio.x, (horRatio - oriCornerPosRatio.x) / (1 - oriCornerPosRatio.x * 2)); } if (verRatio < oriCornerPosRatio.y) { verRatio = Mathf.Lerp(0, cornerPosRatio.y, verRatio / oriCornerPosRatio.y); } else if (verRatio > 1 - oriCornerPosRatio.y) { verRatio = Mathf.Lerp(1 - cornerPosRatio.y, 1, (verRatio - (1 - oriCornerPosRatio.y)) / oriCornerPosRatio.y); } else { verRatio = Mathf.Lerp(cornerPosRatio.y, 1 - cornerPosRatio.y, (verRatio - oriCornerPosRatio.y) / (1 - oriCornerPosRatio.y * 2)); } uiVertex.position.x = horRatio * rectTrans.rect.width - rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x; uiVertex.position.y = verRatio * rectTrans.rect.height - rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y; //uiVertex.position.z = pos.z; _verts[index] = uiVertex; } } base.modifyVertices(_verts); } #endregion } }