/// Credit GXMark, alexzzzz, CaoMengde777, TroyDavis
/// Original Sourced from (GXMark) - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/scripts-useful-4-6-scripts-collection.264161/page-2#post-1834806 (with corrections)
/// Scaling fixed for non overlay canvases (alexzzzz) - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/scripts-useful-4-6-scripts-collection.264161/#post-1780612
/// Canvas border fix (CaoMengde777) - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/scripts-useful-4-6-scripts-collection.264161/#post-1781658
/// Canvas reset position fix (TroyDavis)- http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/scripts-useful-4-6-scripts-collection.264161/#post-1782214
using System;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
/// Includes a few fixes of my own, mainly to tidy up duplicates, remove unneeded stuff and testing. (nothing major, all the crew above did the hard work!)
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Extensions/UI Window Base")]
public class UIWindowBase : MonoBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler
RectTransform m_transform = null;
private bool _isDragging = false;
public static bool ResetCoords = false;
private Vector3 m_originalCoods = Vector3.zero;
private Canvas m_canvas;
private RectTransform m_canvasRectTransform;
public int KeepWindowInCanvas = 5; // # of pixels of the window that must stay inside the canvas view.
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
m_transform = GetComponent();
m_originalCoods = m_transform.position;
m_canvas = GetComponentInParent