using System; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions { public class ScrollSnapBase : MonoBehaviour, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler { internal RectTransform _screensContainer; internal bool _isVertical; internal int _screens = 1; internal float _scrollStartPosition; internal float _childSize; private float _childPos, _maskSize; internal Vector2 _childAnchorPoint; internal ScrollRect _scroll_rect; internal Vector3 _lerp_target; internal bool _lerp; internal bool _pointerDown = false; internal bool _settled = true; internal Vector3 _startPosition = new Vector3(); [Tooltip("The currently active page")] internal int _currentPage; internal int _previousPage; internal int _halfNoVisibleItems; private int _bottomItem, _topItem; [Serializable] public class SelectionChangeStartEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class SelectionPageChangedEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class SelectionChangeEndEvent : UnityEvent { } [Tooltip("The screen / page to start the control on\n*Note, this is a 0 indexed array")] [SerializeField] public int StartingScreen = 0; [Tooltip("The distance between two pages based on page height, by default pages are next to each other")] [SerializeField] [Range(1, 8)] public float PageStep = 1; [Tooltip("The gameobject that contains toggles which suggest pagination. (optional)")] public GameObject Pagination; [Tooltip("Button to go to the next page. (optional)")] public GameObject NextButton; [Tooltip("Button to go to the previous page. (optional)")] public GameObject PrevButton; [Tooltip("Transition speed between pages. (optional)")] public float transitionSpeed = 7.5f; [Tooltip("Fast Swipe makes swiping page next / previous (optional)")] public Boolean UseFastSwipe = false; [Tooltip("How far swipe has to travel to initiate a page change (optional)")] public int FastSwipeThreshold = 100; [Tooltip("Speed at which the ScrollRect will keep scrolling before slowing down and stopping (optional)")] public int SwipeVelocityThreshold = 200; [Tooltip("The visible bounds area, controls which items are visible/enabled. *Note Should use a RectMask. (optional)")] public RectTransform MaskArea; [Tooltip("Pixel size to buffer arround Mask Area. (optional)")] public float MaskBuffer = 1; public int CurrentPage { get { return _currentPage; } internal set { if ((value != _currentPage && value >= 0 && value < _screensContainer.childCount) || (value == 0 && _screensContainer.childCount == 0)) { _previousPage = _currentPage; _currentPage = value; if(MaskArea) UpdateVisible(); if(!_lerp) ScreenChange(); ChangeBulletsInfo(_currentPage); } } } [Tooltip("(Experimental)\nBy default, child array objects will use the parent transform\nHowever you can disable this for some interesting effects")] public bool UseParentTransform = true; [Tooltip("Scroll Snap children. (optional)\nEither place objects in the scene as children OR\nPrefabs in this array, NOT BOTH")] public GameObject[] ChildObjects; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Event fires when a user starts to change the selection")] private SelectionChangeStartEvent m_OnSelectionChangeStartEvent = new SelectionChangeStartEvent(); public SelectionChangeStartEvent OnSelectionChangeStartEvent { get { return m_OnSelectionChangeStartEvent; } set { m_OnSelectionChangeStartEvent = value; } } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Event fires as the page changes, while dragging or jumping")] private SelectionPageChangedEvent m_OnSelectionPageChangedEvent = new SelectionPageChangedEvent(); public SelectionPageChangedEvent OnSelectionPageChangedEvent { get { return m_OnSelectionPageChangedEvent; } set { m_OnSelectionPageChangedEvent = value; } } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Event fires when the page settles after a user has dragged")] private SelectionChangeEndEvent m_OnSelectionChangeEndEvent = new SelectionChangeEndEvent(); public SelectionChangeEndEvent OnSelectionChangeEndEvent { get { return m_OnSelectionChangeEndEvent; } set { m_OnSelectionChangeEndEvent = value; } } // Use this for initialization void Awake() { _scroll_rect = gameObject.GetComponent(); if (_scroll_rect.horizontalScrollbar || _scroll_rect.verticalScrollbar) { Debug.LogWarning("Warning, using scrollbars with the Scroll Snap controls is not advised as it causes unpredictable results"); } if (StartingScreen < 0) { StartingScreen = 0; } _screensContainer = _scroll_rect.content; if (ChildObjects != null && ChildObjects.Length > 0) { if (_screensContainer.transform.childCount > 0) { Debug.LogError("ScrollRect Content has children, this is not supported when using managed Child Objects\n Either remove the ScrollRect Content children or clear the ChildObjects array"); return; } InitialiseChildObjectsFromArray(); } else { InitialiseChildObjectsFromScene(); } if (NextButton) NextButton.GetComponent