//Add an ObjectIdentifier component to each Prefab that might possibly be serialized and deserialized. //The name variable is not used by the serialization; it is just there so you can name your prefabs any way you want, //while the "in-game" name can be something different //for example, an item that the play can inspect might have the prefab name "sword_01_a", //but the name (not the GameObject name; that is the prefab name! We are talking about the variable "name" here!) can be "Short Sword", //which is what the palyer will see when inspecting it. //To clarify again: A GameObject's (and thus, prefab's) name should be the same as prefabName, while the varialbe "name" in this script can be anything you want (or nothing at all). namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions { public class ObjectIdentifier : MonoBehaviour { //public string name; public string prefabName; public string id; public string idParent; public bool dontSave = false; public void SetID() { id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); CheckForRelatives(); } private void CheckForRelatives() { if (transform.parent == null) { idParent = null; } else { ObjectIdentifier[] childrenIds = GetComponentsInChildren<ObjectIdentifier>(); foreach (ObjectIdentifier idScript in childrenIds) { if (idScript.transform.gameObject != gameObject) { idScript.idParent = id; idScript.SetID(); } } } } } }