//Add an ObjectIdentifier component to each Prefab that might possibly be serialized and deserialized.
//The name variable is not used by the serialization; it is just there so you can name your prefabs any way you want, 
//while the "in-game" name can be something different
//for example, an item that the play can inspect might have the prefab name "sword_01_a", 
//but the name (not the GameObject name; that is the prefab name! We are talking about the variable "name" here!) can be "Short Sword", 
//which is what the palyer will see when inspecting it.
//To clarify again: A GameObject's (and thus, prefab's) name should be the same as prefabName, while the varialbe "name" in this script can be anything you want (or nothing at all).

namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
    public class ObjectIdentifier : MonoBehaviour

        //public string name;
        public string prefabName;

        public string id;
        public string idParent;
        public bool dontSave = false;

        public void SetID()

            id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

        private void CheckForRelatives()

            if (transform.parent == null)
                idParent = null;
                ObjectIdentifier[] childrenIds = GetComponentsInChildren<ObjectIdentifier>();
                foreach (ObjectIdentifier idScript in childrenIds)
                    if (idScript.transform.gameObject != gameObject)
                        idScript.idParent = id;