[DontSaveField]publicTransformTransformThatWontBeSaved;//The [DontSaveField] attribute we wrote ourselves prevents the field from being included in the packed component data
//This is an example of a OnSerialize method, called before a gameobject is packed into serializable form.
//In this case, the GameObject variable "someGameObject" and those in the testClass and testclass Array instances of TestClass should be reconstructed after loading.
//Since GameObject (and Transform) references assigned during runtime can't be serialized directly,
//we keep a seperate string variable for each GO variable that holds the ID of the GO instead.
//Since we saved the ID of the GameObject references, we can now use those to recreate the references.
//We just iterate through all the ObjectIdentifier component occurences in the scene, compare their id value to our saved and loaded someGameObject id (etc.) value,
//and assign the component's GameObject if it matches.
//Note that the "break" command is important, both because it elimitates unneccessary iterations,
//and because continuing after having found a match might for some reason find another, wrong match that makes a null reference.