2016-07-18 02:21:41 +08:00
/// Credit Tomasz Schelenz
/// Sourced from - https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/issues/46/feature-uiknob#comment-29243988
using UnityEngine.Events ;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems ;
/// <summary>
/// KNOB controller
/// Fields
/// - direction - direction of rotation CW - clockwise CCW - counter clock wise
/// - knobValue - Output value of the control
/// - maxValue - max value knob can rotate to, if higher than loops value or set to 0 - it will be ignored, and max value will be based on loops
/// - loops - how any turns around knob can do
/// - clampOutput01 - if true the output knobValue will be clamped between 0 and 1 regardless of number of loops.
/// - snapToPosition - snap to step. NOTE: max value will override the step.
/// - snapStepsPerLoop - how many snap positions are in one knob loop;
/// - OnValueChanged - event that is called every frame while rotationg knob, sends <float> argument of knobValue
/// - script works only in images rotation on Z axis;
/// - while dragging outside of control, the rotation will be cancelled
/// </summary>
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
2016-07-18 03:56:54 +08:00
2016-07-18 02:21:41 +08:00
public class UI_Knob : MonoBehaviour , IPointerDownHandler , IPointerUpHandler , IPointerEnterHandler , IPointerExitHandler , IBeginDragHandler , IDragHandler
public enum Direction { CW , CCW } ;
[Tooltip("Direction of rotation CW - clockwise, CCW - counterClockwise")]
public Direction direction = Direction . CW ;
public float knobValue ;
[Tooltip("Max value of the knob, maximum RAW output value knob can reach, overrides snap step, IF set to 0 or higher than loops, max value will be set by loops")]
public float maxValue = 0 ;
[Tooltip("How many rotations knob can do, if higher than max value, the latter will limit max value")]
public int loops = 1 ;
[Tooltip("Clamp output value between 0 and 1, usefull with loops > 1")]
public bool clampOutput01 = false ;
[Tooltip("snap to position?")]
public bool snapToPosition = false ;
[Tooltip("Number of positions to snap")]
public int snapStepsPerLoop = 10 ;
public KnobFloatValueEvent OnValueChanged ;
private float _currentLoops = 0 ;
private float _previousValue = 0 ;
private float _initAngle ;
private float _currentAngle ;
private Vector2 _currentVector ;
private Quaternion _initRotation ;
private bool _canDrag = false ;
public void OnPointerDown ( PointerEventData eventData )
_canDrag = true ;
public void OnPointerUp ( PointerEventData eventData )
_canDrag = false ;
public void OnPointerEnter ( PointerEventData eventData )
_canDrag = true ;
public void OnPointerExit ( PointerEventData eventData )
_canDrag = false ;
public void OnBeginDrag ( PointerEventData eventData )
SetInitPointerData ( eventData ) ;
void SetInitPointerData ( PointerEventData eventData )
_initRotation = transform . rotation ;
_currentVector = eventData . position - ( Vector2 ) transform . position ;
_initAngle = Mathf . Atan2 ( _currentVector . y , _currentVector . x ) * Mathf . Rad2Deg ;
public void OnDrag ( PointerEventData eventData )
if ( ! _canDrag )
SetInitPointerData ( eventData ) ;
return ;
_currentVector = eventData . position - ( Vector2 ) transform . position ;
_currentAngle = Mathf . Atan2 ( _currentVector . y , _currentVector . x ) * Mathf . Rad2Deg ;
Quaternion addRotation = Quaternion . AngleAxis ( _currentAngle - _initAngle , this . transform . forward ) ;
addRotation . eulerAngles = new Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , addRotation . eulerAngles . z ) ;
Quaternion finalRotation = _initRotation * addRotation ;
if ( direction = = Direction . CW )
knobValue = 1 - ( finalRotation . eulerAngles . z / 360f ) ;
if ( snapToPosition )
SnapToPosition ( ref knobValue ) ;
finalRotation . eulerAngles = new Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , 360 - 360 * knobValue ) ;
knobValue = ( finalRotation . eulerAngles . z / 360f ) ;
if ( snapToPosition )
SnapToPosition ( ref knobValue ) ;
finalRotation . eulerAngles = new Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , 360 * knobValue ) ;
if ( Mathf . Abs ( knobValue - _previousValue ) > 0.5f )
if ( knobValue < 0.5f & & loops > 1 & & _currentLoops < loops - 1 )
_currentLoops + + ;
else if ( knobValue > 0.5f & & _currentLoops > = 1 )
_currentLoops - - ;
if ( knobValue > 0.5f & & _currentLoops = = 0 )
knobValue = 0 ;
transform . localEulerAngles = Vector3 . zero ;
SetInitPointerData ( eventData ) ;
InvokeEvents ( knobValue + _currentLoops ) ;
return ;
else if ( knobValue < 0.5f & & _currentLoops = = loops - 1 )
knobValue = 1 ;
transform . localEulerAngles = Vector3 . zero ;
SetInitPointerData ( eventData ) ;
InvokeEvents ( knobValue + _currentLoops ) ;
return ;
if ( maxValue > 0 )
if ( knobValue + _currentLoops > maxValue )
knobValue = maxValue ;
float maxAngle = direction = = Direction . CW ? 360f - 360f * maxValue : 360f * maxValue ;
transform . localEulerAngles = new Vector3 ( 0 , 0 , maxAngle ) ;
SetInitPointerData ( eventData ) ;
InvokeEvents ( knobValue ) ;
return ;
transform . rotation = finalRotation ;
InvokeEvents ( knobValue + _currentLoops ) ;
_previousValue = knobValue ;
private void SnapToPosition ( ref float knobValue )
float snapStep = 1 / ( float ) snapStepsPerLoop ;
float newValue = Mathf . Round ( knobValue / snapStep ) * snapStep ;
knobValue = newValue ;
private void InvokeEvents ( float value )
if ( clampOutput01 )
value / = loops ;
OnValueChanged . Invoke ( value ) ;
public class KnobFloatValueEvent : UnityEvent < float > { }