2018-11-26 08:56:54 +08:00
using System.Collections ;
///Credit Martin Nerurkar // www.martin.nerurkar.de // www.sharkbombs.com
///Sourced from - http://www.sharkbombs.com/2015/02/10/tooltips-with-the-new-unity-ui-ugui/
using UnityEngine.EventSystems ;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
2018-11-26 09:04:28 +08:00
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Extensions/Tooltip/Tooltip Trigger")]
public class TooltipTrigger : MonoBehaviour , IPointerEnterHandler , IPointerExitHandler , ISelectHandler , IDeselectHandler
public string text ;
public enum TooltipPositioningType {
mousePosition ,
mousePositionAndFollow ,
[Tooltip("Defines where the tooltip will be placed and how that placement will occur. Transform position will always be used if this element wasn't selected via mouse")]
public TooltipPositioningType tooltipPositioningType = TooltipPositioningType . mousePosition ;
/// <summary>
/// This info is needed to make sure we make the necessary translations if the tooltip and this trigger are children of different space canvases
/// </summary>
private bool isChildOfOverlayCanvas = false ;
private bool hovered = false ;
public Vector3 offset ;
void Start ( ) {
//attempt to check if our canvas is overlay or not and check our "is overlay" accordingly
Canvas ourCanvas = GetComponentInParent < Canvas > ( ) ;
if ( ourCanvas & & ourCanvas . renderMode = = RenderMode . ScreenSpaceOverlay ) {
isChildOfOverlayCanvas = true ;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the tooltip and the transform this trigger is attached to are children of differently-spaced Canvases
/// </summary>
public bool WorldToScreenIsRequired
return ( isChildOfOverlayCanvas & & ToolTip . Instance . guiMode = = RenderMode . ScreenSpaceCamera ) | |
( ! isChildOfOverlayCanvas & & ToolTip . Instance . guiMode = = RenderMode . ScreenSpaceOverlay ) ;
public void OnPointerEnter ( PointerEventData eventData )
switch ( tooltipPositioningType ) {
case TooltipPositioningType . mousePosition :
StartHover ( Input . mousePosition + offset , true ) ;
break ;
case TooltipPositioningType . mousePositionAndFollow :
StartHover ( Input . mousePosition + offset , true ) ;
hovered = true ;
StartCoroutine ( HoveredMouseFollowingLoop ( ) ) ;
break ;
case TooltipPositioningType . transformPosition :
StartHover ( ( WorldToScreenIsRequired ?
ToolTip . Instance . GuiCamera . WorldToScreenPoint ( transform . position ) :
transform . position ) + offset , true ) ;
break ;
IEnumerator HoveredMouseFollowingLoop ( ) {
while ( hovered ) {
StartHover ( Input . mousePosition + offset ) ;
yield return null ;
public void OnSelect ( BaseEventData eventData )
StartHover ( ( WorldToScreenIsRequired ?
ToolTip . Instance . GuiCamera . WorldToScreenPoint ( transform . position ) :
transform . position ) + offset , true ) ;
public void OnPointerExit ( PointerEventData eventData )
StopHover ( ) ;
public void OnDeselect ( BaseEventData eventData )
StopHover ( ) ;
void StartHover ( Vector3 position , bool shouldCanvasUpdate = false )
ToolTip . Instance . SetTooltip ( text , position , shouldCanvasUpdate ) ;
void StopHover ( )
hovered = false ;
ToolTip . Instance . HideTooltip ( ) ;
2018-11-26 08:56:54 +08:00