
228 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace UnityEngine.EventSystems
[AddComponentMenu("Event/GamePad Input Module")]
public class GamePadInputModule : BaseInputModule
private float m_PrevActionTime;
Vector2 m_LastMoveVector;
int m_ConsecutiveMoveCount = 0;
protected GamePadInputModule()
private string m_HorizontalAxis = "Horizontal";
/// <summary>
/// Name of the vertical axis for movement (if axis events are used).
/// </summary>
private string m_VerticalAxis = "Vertical";
/// <summary>
/// Name of the submit button.
/// </summary>
private string m_SubmitButton = "Submit";
/// <summary>
/// Name of the submit button.
/// </summary>
private string m_CancelButton = "Cancel";
private float m_InputActionsPerSecond = 10;
private float m_RepeatDelay = 0.5f;
public float inputActionsPerSecond
get { return m_InputActionsPerSecond; }
set { m_InputActionsPerSecond = value; }
public float repeatDelay
get { return m_RepeatDelay; }
set { m_RepeatDelay = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Name of the horizontal axis for movement (if axis events are used).
/// </summary>
public string horizontalAxis
get { return m_HorizontalAxis; }
set { m_HorizontalAxis = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Name of the vertical axis for movement (if axis events are used).
/// </summary>
public string verticalAxis
get { return m_VerticalAxis; }
set { m_VerticalAxis = value; }
public string submitButton
get { return m_SubmitButton; }
set { m_SubmitButton = value; }
public string cancelButton
get { return m_CancelButton; }
set { m_CancelButton = value; }
public override bool ShouldActivateModule()
if (!base.ShouldActivateModule())
return false;
var shouldActivate = true;
shouldActivate |= Input.GetButtonDown(m_SubmitButton);
shouldActivate |= Input.GetButtonDown(m_CancelButton);
shouldActivate |= !Mathf.Approximately(Input.GetAxisRaw(m_HorizontalAxis), 0.0f);
shouldActivate |= !Mathf.Approximately(Input.GetAxisRaw(m_VerticalAxis), 0.0f);
return shouldActivate;
public override void ActivateModule()
StandaloneInputModule StandAloneSystem = GetComponent<StandaloneInputModule>();
if (StandAloneSystem && StandAloneSystem.enabled)
Debug.LogError("StandAloneInputSystem should not be used with the GamePadInputModule, " +
"please remove it from the Event System in this scene or disable it when this module is in use");
var toSelect = eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject;
if (toSelect == null)
toSelect = eventSystem.firstSelectedGameObject;
eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(toSelect, GetBaseEventData());
public override void DeactivateModule()
public override void Process()
bool usedEvent = SendUpdateEventToSelectedObject();
if (eventSystem.sendNavigationEvents)
if (!usedEvent)
usedEvent |= SendMoveEventToSelectedObject();
if (!usedEvent)
/// <summary>
/// Process submit keys.
/// </summary>
protected bool SendSubmitEventToSelectedObject()
if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject == null)
return false;
var data = GetBaseEventData();
if (Input.GetButtonDown(m_SubmitButton))
ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, data, ExecuteEvents.submitHandler);
if (Input.GetButtonDown(m_CancelButton))
ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, data, ExecuteEvents.cancelHandler);
return data.used;
private Vector2 GetRawMoveVector()
Vector2 move =;
move.x = Input.GetAxisRaw(m_HorizontalAxis);
move.y = Input.GetAxisRaw(m_VerticalAxis);
if (Input.GetButtonDown(m_HorizontalAxis))
if (move.x < 0)
move.x = -1f;
if (move.x > 0)
move.x = 1f;
if (Input.GetButtonDown(m_VerticalAxis))
if (move.y < 0)
move.y = -1f;
if (move.y > 0)
move.y = 1f;
return move;
/// <summary>
/// Process events.
/// </summary>
protected bool SendMoveEventToSelectedObject()
float time = Time.unscaledTime;
Vector2 movement = GetRawMoveVector();
if (Mathf.Approximately(movement.x, 0f) && Mathf.Approximately(movement.y, 0f))
m_ConsecutiveMoveCount = 0;
return false;
// If user pressed key again, always allow event
bool allow = Input.GetButtonDown(m_HorizontalAxis) || Input.GetButtonDown(m_VerticalAxis);
bool similarDir = (Vector2.Dot(movement, m_LastMoveVector) > 0);
if (!allow)
// Otherwise, user held down key or axis.
// If direction didn't change at least 90 degrees, wait for delay before allowing consequtive event.
if (similarDir && m_ConsecutiveMoveCount == 1)
allow = (time > m_PrevActionTime + m_RepeatDelay);
// If direction changed at least 90 degree, or we already had the delay, repeat at repeat rate.
allow = (time > m_PrevActionTime + 1f / m_InputActionsPerSecond);
if (!allow)
return false;
// Debug.Log(m_ProcessingEvent.rawType + " axis:" + m_AllowAxisEvents + " value:" + "(" + x + "," + y + ")");
var axisEventData = GetAxisEventData(movement.x, movement.y, 0.6f);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, axisEventData, ExecuteEvents.moveHandler);
if (!similarDir)
m_ConsecutiveMoveCount = 0;
m_PrevActionTime = time;
m_LastMoveVector = movement;
return axisEventData.used;
protected bool SendUpdateEventToSelectedObject()
if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject == null)
return false;
var data = GetBaseEventData();
ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, data, ExecuteEvents.updateSelectedHandler);
return data.used;