diff --git a/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md b/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
index 6c44f91..56f29f6 100644
--- a/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,6 +2,43 @@
All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
+## [2.0.3-preview] - 2023-10-27
+### Fixed
+- (#180) Fixed an issue with invalid encryption task in the build pipeline.
+- (#185) Fixed subscene unload error when the scene is not loaded.
+- (#190) Fixed webgl platform compile error.
+### Improvements
+- The asset load method add the priority parameter.
+- The async operation class add the priority field.
+### Added
+- The InitializeParameters calss add new parameter : AutoDestroyAssetProvider
+ ```c#
+ ///
+ /// 自动销毁不再使用的资源提供者
+ ///
+ public bool AutoDestroyAssetProvider = false;
+ ```
+- Resource package add TryUnloadUnusedAsset function.
+ ```c#
+ ///
+ /// 尝试卸载指定资源的资源包(包括依赖资源)
+ ///
+ public void TryUnloadUnusedAsset(AssetInfo assetInfo)
+ ```
+### Removed
+- The InitializeParameters calss remove the parameter : LoadingMaxTimeSlice
## [2.0.2-preview] - 2023-10-17
### Fixed