#if CSHARP_7_OR_LATER || (UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER && (NET_STANDARD_2_0 || NET_4_6)) #pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using UniRx.Async.Internal; namespace UniRx.Async { // TODO: Remove all? internal class ExceptionHolder { ExceptionDispatchInfo exception; bool calledGet = false; public ExceptionHolder(ExceptionDispatchInfo exception) { this.exception = exception; } public ExceptionDispatchInfo GetException() { if (!calledGet) { calledGet = true; GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } return exception; } ~ExceptionHolder() { UniTaskScheduler.PublishUnobservedTaskException(exception.SourceException); } } public interface IResolvePromise { bool TrySetResult(); } public interface IResolvePromise { bool TrySetResult(T value); } public interface IRejectPromise { bool TrySetException(Exception exception); } public interface ICancelPromise { bool TrySetCanceled(); } public interface IPromise : IResolvePromise, IRejectPromise, ICancelPromise { } public interface IPromise : IResolvePromise, IRejectPromise, ICancelPromise { } public class UniTaskCompletionSource : IAwaiter, IPromise { // State(= AwaiterStatus) const int Pending = 0; const int Succeeded = 1; const int Faulted = 2; const int Canceled = 3; int state = 0; bool handled = false; ExceptionHolder exception; object continuation; // action or list AwaiterStatus IAwaiter.Status => (AwaiterStatus)state; bool IAwaiter.IsCompleted => state != Pending; public UniTask Task => new UniTask(this); public UniTaskCompletionSource() { TaskTracker.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); } [Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")] internal void MarkHandled() { if (!handled) { handled = true; TaskTracker.RemoveTracking(this); } } void IAwaiter.GetResult() { MarkHandled(); if (state == Succeeded) { return; } else if (state == Faulted) { exception.GetException().Throw(); } else if (state == Canceled) { if (exception != null) { exception.GetException().Throw(); // guranteed operation canceled exception. } throw new OperationCanceledException(); } else // Pending { throw new NotSupportedException("UniTask does not allow call GetResult directly when task not completed. Please use 'await'."); } } void ICriticalNotifyCompletion.UnsafeOnCompleted(Action action) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref continuation, (object)action, null) == null) { if (state != Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); } } else { var c = continuation; if (c is Action) { var list = new List(); list.Add((Action)c); list.Add(action); if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref continuation, list, c) == c) { goto TRYINVOKE; } } var l = (List)continuation; lock (l) { l.Add(action); } TRYINVOKE: if (state != Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); } } } void TryInvokeContinuation() { var c = Interlocked.Exchange(ref continuation, null); if (c != null) { if (c is Action) { ((Action)c).Invoke(); } else { var l = (List)c; var cnt = l.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { l[i].Invoke(); } } } } public bool TrySetResult() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Succeeded, Pending) == Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetException(Exception exception) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Faulted, Pending) == Pending) { this.exception = new ExceptionHolder(ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exception)); TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetCanceled() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Canceled, Pending) == Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetCanceled(OperationCanceledException exception) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Canceled, Pending) == Pending) { this.exception = new ExceptionHolder(ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exception)); TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } void INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted(Action continuation) { ((ICriticalNotifyCompletion)this).UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation); } } public class UniTaskCompletionSource : IAwaiter, IPromise { // State(= AwaiterStatus) const int Pending = 0; const int Succeeded = 1; const int Faulted = 2; const int Canceled = 3; int state = 0; T value; bool handled = false; ExceptionHolder exception; object continuation; // action or list bool IAwaiter.IsCompleted => state != Pending; public UniTask Task => new UniTask(this); public UniTask UnitTask => new UniTask(this); AwaiterStatus IAwaiter.Status => (AwaiterStatus)state; public UniTaskCompletionSource() { TaskTracker.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); } [Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")] internal void MarkHandled() { if (!handled) { handled = true; TaskTracker.RemoveTracking(this); } } T IAwaiter.GetResult() { MarkHandled(); if (state == Succeeded) { return value; } else if (state == Faulted) { exception.GetException().Throw(); } else if (state == Canceled) { if (exception != null) { exception.GetException().Throw(); // guranteed operation canceled exception. } throw new OperationCanceledException(); } else // Pending { throw new NotSupportedException("UniTask does not allow call GetResult directly when task not completed. Please use 'await'."); } return default(T); } void ICriticalNotifyCompletion.UnsafeOnCompleted(Action action) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref continuation, (object)action, null) == null) { if (state != Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); } } else { var c = continuation; if (c is Action) { var list = new List(); list.Add((Action)c); list.Add(action); if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref continuation, list, c) == c) { goto TRYINVOKE; } } var l = (List)continuation; lock (l) { l.Add(action); } TRYINVOKE: if (state != Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); } } } void TryInvokeContinuation() { var c = Interlocked.Exchange(ref continuation, null); if (c != null) { if (c is Action) { ((Action)c).Invoke(); } else { var l = (List)c; var cnt = l.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { l[i].Invoke(); } } } } public bool TrySetResult(T value) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Succeeded, Pending) == Pending) { this.value = value; TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetException(Exception exception) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Faulted, Pending) == Pending) { this.exception = new ExceptionHolder(ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exception)); TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetCanceled() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Canceled, Pending) == Pending) { TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } public bool TrySetCanceled(OperationCanceledException exception) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, Canceled, Pending) == Pending) { this.exception = new ExceptionHolder(ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exception)); TryInvokeContinuation(); return true; } return false; } void IAwaiter.GetResult() { ((IAwaiter)this).GetResult(); } void INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted(Action continuation) { ((ICriticalNotifyCompletion)this).UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] public struct UniTaskCompletionSourceCore { // Struct Size: TResult + (8 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 8) TResult result; object error; // Exception or OperationCanceledException short version; bool completed; bool hasUnhandledError; Action continuation; object continuationState; public void Reset() { ReportUnhandledError(); unchecked { version += 1; // incr version. } completed = false; result = default; error = null; hasUnhandledError = false; continuation = null; continuationState = null; } void ReportUnhandledError() { if (hasUnhandledError) { try { if (error is OperationCanceledException oc) { UniTaskScheduler.PublishUnobservedTaskException(oc); } else if (error is ExceptionDispatchInfo ei) { UniTaskScheduler.PublishUnobservedTaskException(ei.SourceException); } } catch { } } } /// Completes with a successful result. /// The result. public void SetResult(TResult result) { this.result = result; SignalCompletion(); } /// Completes with an error. /// The exception. public void SetException(Exception error) { this.hasUnhandledError = true; this.error = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(error); SignalCompletion(); } public void SetCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this.error = new OperationCanceledException(cancellationToken); SignalCompletion(); } /// Gets the operation version. public short Version => version; /// Gets the status of the operation. /// Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public AwaiterStatus GetStatus(short token) { ValidateToken(token); return (continuation == null || !completed) ? AwaiterStatus.Pending : (error == null) ? AwaiterStatus.Succeeded : (error is OperationCanceledException) ? AwaiterStatus.Canceled : AwaiterStatus.Faulted; } /// Gets the status of the operation without token validation. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public AwaiterStatus UnsafeGetStatus() { return (continuation == null || !completed) ? AwaiterStatus.Pending : (error == null) ? AwaiterStatus.Succeeded : (error is OperationCanceledException) ? AwaiterStatus.Canceled : AwaiterStatus.Faulted; } /// Gets the result of the operation. /// Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor. // [StackTraceHidden] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public TResult GetResult(short token) { ValidateToken(token); if (!completed) { throw new InvalidOperationException("not yet completed."); } if (error != null) { hasUnhandledError = false; if (error is OperationCanceledException oce) { throw oce; } else if (error is ExceptionDispatchInfo edi) { edi.Throw(); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Critical: invalid exception type was held."); } return result; } /// Schedules the continuation action for this operation. /// The continuation to invoke when the operation has completed. /// The state object to pass to when it's invoked. /// Opaque value that was provided to the 's constructor. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public void OnCompleted(Action continuation, object state, short token /*, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags */) { if (continuation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(continuation)); } ValidateToken(token); /* no use ValueTaskSourceOnCOmpletedFlags, always no capture ExecutionContext and SynchronizationContext. */ object oldContinuation = this.continuation; if (oldContinuation == null) { continuationState = state; oldContinuation = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.continuation, continuation, null); } if (oldContinuation != null) { // Operation already completed, so we need to queue the supplied callback. if (!ReferenceEquals(oldContinuation, UniTaskCompletionSourceCoreShared.s_sentinel)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("already completed."); } continuation(state); } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void ValidateToken(short token) { if (token != version) { throw new InvalidOperationException("token version is not matched."); } } /// Signals that the operation has completed. Invoked after the result or error has been set. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void SignalCompletion() { if (completed) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } completed = true; if (continuation != null || Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.continuation, UniTaskCompletionSourceCoreShared.s_sentinel, null) != null) { continuation(continuationState); } } } public class UniTaskCompletionSource2 : IUniTaskSource { UniTaskCompletionSourceCore core; bool handled = false; public UniTaskCompletionSource2() { TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); } [Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")] void MarkHandled() { if (!handled) { handled = true; TaskTracker2.RemoveTracking(this); } } public UniTask2 Task { get { return new UniTask2(this, core.Version); } } public void Reset() { // Reset, re-active tracker handled = false; TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); core.Reset(); } public void SetResult() { core.SetResult(AsyncUnit.Default); } public void SetCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { core.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); } public void SetException(Exception exception) { core.SetException(exception); } public void GetResult(short token) { MarkHandled(); core.GetResult(token); } public AwaiterStatus GetStatus(short token) { return core.GetStatus(token); } public AwaiterStatus UnsafeGetStatus() { return core.UnsafeGetStatus(); } public void OnCompleted(Action continuation, object state, short token) { core.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token); } ~UniTaskCompletionSource2() { // clear error information. core.Reset(); } } public class AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource : IUniTaskSource, IPromisePoolItem { static readonly PromisePool pool = new PromisePool(); UniTaskCompletionSourceCore core; AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource() { } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource Create() { var value = pool.TryRent() ?? new AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource(); TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(value, 2); return value; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateFromCanceled(CancellationToken cancellationToken, out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateFromException(Exception exception, out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetException(exception); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateCompleted(out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetResult(); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public UniTask2 Task { get { return new UniTask2(this, core.Version); } } public void SetResult() { core.SetResult(AsyncUnit.Default); } public void SetCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { core.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); } public void SetException(Exception exception) { core.SetException(exception); } public void GetResult(short token) { try { TaskTracker2.RemoveTracking(this); core.GetResult(token); } finally { pool.TryReturn(this); } } public AwaiterStatus GetStatus(short token) { return core.GetStatus(token); } public AwaiterStatus UnsafeGetStatus() { return core.UnsafeGetStatus(); } public void OnCompleted(Action continuation, object state, short token) { core.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token); } void IPromisePoolItem.Reset() { core.Reset(); } ~AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource() { if (pool.TryReturn(this)) { GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(this); return; } } } public class UniTaskCompletionSource2 : IUniTaskSource { UniTaskCompletionSourceCore core; bool handled = false; public UniTaskCompletionSource2() { TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); } [Conditional("UNITY_EDITOR")] void MarkHandled() { if (!handled) { handled = true; TaskTracker2.RemoveTracking(this); } } public UniTask2 Task { get { return new UniTask2(this, core.Version); } } public void Reset() { handled = false; core.Reset(); TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(this, 2); } public void SetResult(T result) { core.SetResult(result); } public void SetCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { core.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); } public void SetException(Exception exception) { core.SetException(exception); } public T GetResult(short token) { MarkHandled(); return core.GetResult(token); } void IUniTaskSource.GetResult(short token) { GetResult(token); } public AwaiterStatus GetStatus(short token) { return core.GetStatus(token); } public AwaiterStatus UnsafeGetStatus() { return core.UnsafeGetStatus(); } public void OnCompleted(Action continuation, object state, short token) { core.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token); } ~UniTaskCompletionSource2() { // clear error information. core.Reset(); } } public class AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource : IUniTaskSource, IPromisePoolItem { static readonly PromisePool> pool = new PromisePool>(); UniTaskCompletionSourceCore core; AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource() { } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource Create() { var result = pool.TryRent() ?? new AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource(); TaskTracker2.TrackActiveTask(result, 2); return result; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateFromCanceled(CancellationToken cancellationToken, out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateFromException(Exception exception, out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetException(exception); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public static AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource CreateFromResult(T result, out short token) { var source = Create(); source.SetResult(result); token = source.core.Version; return source; } public UniTask2 Task { get { return new UniTask2(this, core.Version); } } public void SetResult(T result) { core.SetResult(result); } public void SetCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { core.SetCancellation(cancellationToken); } public void SetException(Exception exception) { core.SetException(exception); } public T GetResult(short token) { try { TaskTracker2.RemoveTracking(this); return core.GetResult(token); } finally { pool.TryReturn(this); } } void IUniTaskSource.GetResult(short token) { GetResult(token); } public AwaiterStatus GetStatus(short token) { return core.GetStatus(token); } public AwaiterStatus UnsafeGetStatus() { return core.UnsafeGetStatus(); } public void OnCompleted(Action continuation, object state, short token) { core.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token); } void IPromisePoolItem.Reset() { core.Reset(); } ~AutoResetUniTaskCompletionSource() { if (pool.TryReturn(this)) { GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(this); return; } } } internal static class UniTaskCompletionSourceCoreShared // separated out of generic to avoid unnecessary duplication { internal static readonly Action s_sentinel = CompletionSentinel; private static void CompletionSentinel(object _) // named method to aid debugging { throw new InvalidOperationException("The sentinel delegate should never be invoked."); } } } #endif