2019-05-19 23:14:47 +08:00
#if CSHARP_7_OR_LATER || (UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER && (NET_STANDARD_2_0 || NET_4_6))
#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEditor ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System ;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls ;
using UniRx.Async.Internal ;
namespace UniRx.Async.Editor
public class UniTaskTrackerWindow : EditorWindow
static int interval ;
static UniTaskTrackerWindow window ;
2020-04-15 14:29:29 +08:00
[MenuItem("Window/UniTask Tracker")]
2019-05-19 23:14:47 +08:00
public static void OpenWindow ( )
if ( window ! = null )
window . Close ( ) ;
// will called OnEnable(singleton instance will be set).
GetWindow < UniTaskTrackerWindow > ( "UniTask Tracker" ) . Show ( ) ;
static readonly GUILayoutOption [ ] EmptyLayoutOption = new GUILayoutOption [ 0 ] ;
UniTaskTrackerTreeView treeView ;
object splitterState ;
void OnEnable ( )
window = this ; // set singleton.
splitterState = SplitterGUILayout . CreateSplitterState ( new float [ ] { 75f , 25f } , new int [ ] { 32 , 32 } , null ) ;
treeView = new UniTaskTrackerTreeView ( ) ;
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableAutoReload = EditorPrefs . GetBool ( TaskTracker . EnableAutoReloadKey , false ) ;
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableTracking = EditorPrefs . GetBool ( TaskTracker . EnableTrackingKey , false ) ;
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableStackTrace = EditorPrefs . GetBool ( TaskTracker . EnableStackTraceKey , false ) ;
void OnGUI ( )
// Head
RenderHeadPanel ( ) ;
// Splittable
SplitterGUILayout . BeginVerticalSplit ( this . splitterState , EmptyLayoutOption ) ;
// Column Tabble
RenderTable ( ) ;
// StackTrace details
RenderDetailsPanel ( ) ;
SplitterGUILayout . EndVerticalSplit ( ) ;
#region HeadPanel
public static bool EnableAutoReload = > TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableAutoReload ;
public static bool EnableTracking = > TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableTracking ;
public static bool EnableStackTrace = > TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableStackTrace ;
static readonly GUIContent EnableAutoReloadHeadContent = EditorGUIUtility . TrTextContent ( "Enable AutoReload" , "Reload automatically." , ( Texture ) null ) ;
static readonly GUIContent ReloadHeadContent = EditorGUIUtility . TrTextContent ( "Reload" , "Reload View." , ( Texture ) null ) ;
static readonly GUIContent GCHeadContent = EditorGUIUtility . TrTextContent ( "GC.Collect" , "Invoke GC.Collect." , ( Texture ) null ) ;
static readonly GUIContent EnableTrackingHeadContent = EditorGUIUtility . TrTextContent ( "Enable Tracking" , "Start to track async/await UniTask. Performance impact: low" , ( Texture ) null ) ;
static readonly GUIContent EnableStackTraceHeadContent = EditorGUIUtility . TrTextContent ( "Enable StackTrace" , "Capture StackTrace when task is started. Performance impact: high" , ( Texture ) null ) ;
// [Enable Tracking] | [Enable StackTrace]
void RenderHeadPanel ( )
EditorGUILayout . BeginVertical ( EmptyLayoutOption ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( EditorStyles . toolbar , EmptyLayoutOption ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Toggle ( EnableAutoReload , EnableAutoReloadHeadContent , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , EmptyLayoutOption ) ! = EnableAutoReload )
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableAutoReload = ! EnableAutoReload ;
if ( GUILayout . Toggle ( EnableTracking , EnableTrackingHeadContent , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , EmptyLayoutOption ) ! = EnableTracking )
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableTracking = ! EnableTracking ;
if ( GUILayout . Toggle ( EnableStackTrace , EnableStackTraceHeadContent , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , EmptyLayoutOption ) ! = EnableStackTrace )
TaskTracker . EditorEnableState . EnableStackTrace = ! EnableStackTrace ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( ReloadHeadContent , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , EmptyLayoutOption ) )
TaskTracker . CheckAndResetDirty ( ) ;
treeView . ReloadAndSort ( ) ;
Repaint ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( GCHeadContent , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , EmptyLayoutOption ) )
GC . Collect ( 0 ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
# endregion
#region TableColumn
Vector2 tableScroll ;
GUIStyle tableListStyle ;
void RenderTable ( )
if ( tableListStyle = = null )
tableListStyle = new GUIStyle ( "CN Box" ) ;
tableListStyle . margin . top = 0 ;
tableListStyle . padding . left = 3 ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginVertical ( tableListStyle , EmptyLayoutOption ) ;
this . tableScroll = EditorGUILayout . BeginScrollView ( this . tableScroll , new GUILayoutOption [ ]
GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( true ) ,
GUILayout . MaxWidth ( 2000f )
} ) ;
var controlRect = EditorGUILayout . GetControlRect ( new GUILayoutOption [ ]
GUILayout . ExpandHeight ( true ) ,
GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( true )
} ) ;
treeView ? . OnGUI ( controlRect ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndScrollView ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
private void Update ( )
if ( EnableAutoReload )
if ( interval + + % 120 = = 0 )
if ( TaskTracker . CheckAndResetDirty ( ) )
treeView . ReloadAndSort ( ) ;
Repaint ( ) ;
# endregion
#region Details
static GUIStyle detailsStyle ;
Vector2 detailsScroll ;
2020-04-18 04:07:59 +08:00
void RenderDetailsPanel ( )
if ( detailsStyle = = null )
detailsStyle = new GUIStyle ( "CN Message" ) ;
detailsStyle . wordWrap = false ;
detailsStyle . stretchHeight = true ;
detailsStyle . margin . right = 15 ;
2019-05-19 23:14:47 +08:00
string message = "" ;
var selected = treeView . state . selectedIDs ;
if ( selected . Count > 0 )
var first = selected [ 0 ] ;
var item = treeView . CurrentBindingItems . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . id = = first ) as UniTaskTrackerViewItem ;
if ( item ! = null )
message = item . Position ;
detailsScroll = EditorGUILayout . BeginScrollView ( this . detailsScroll , EmptyLayoutOption ) ;
var vector = detailsStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( message ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . SelectableLabel ( message , detailsStyle , new GUILayoutOption [ ]
GUILayout . ExpandHeight ( true ) ,
GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( true ) ,
GUILayout . MinWidth ( vector . x ) ,
GUILayout . MinHeight ( vector . y )
} ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndScrollView ( ) ;
# endregion
# endif