using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Coffee.UIExtensions { /// /// Soft maskable. /// Add this component to Graphic under SoftMask for smooth masking. /// [ExecuteInEditMode] public class SoftMaskable : MonoBehaviour, IMaterialModifier, ICanvasRaycastFilter { //################################ // Constant or Static Members. //################################ static List s_ActiveSoftMaskables; static Material defaultMaterial = null; //################################ // Serialize Members. //################################ [Tooltip("The graphic will be visible only in areas where no mask is present.")] [SerializeField] bool m_Inverse = false; //################################ // Public Members. //################################ /// /// Perform material modification in this function. /// /// Modified material. /// Configured Material. public Material GetModifiedMaterial(Material baseMaterial) { _softMask = null; if (!isActiveAndEnabled) { return baseMaterial; } // Find the nearest parent softmask. var parentTransform = transform.parent; while (parentTransform) { var sm = parentTransform.GetComponent(); if (sm && sm.enabled) { _softMask = sm; break; } parentTransform = parentTransform.parent; } Material result = baseMaterial; if (_softMask) { result = new Material(baseMaterial); result.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; result.SetTexture(s_SoftMaskTexId, _softMask.softMaskBuffer); if (m_Inverse) { result.SetFloat(s_SoftMaskInverseId, 1); result.SetInt(s_StencilCompId, (int)CompareFunction.Always); } else { result.SetFloat(s_SoftMaskInverseId, 0); result.SetInt(s_StencilCompId, (int)CompareFunction.Equal); } StencilMaterial.Remove(baseMaterial); ReleaseMaterial(ref _maskMaterial); _maskMaterial = result; #if UNITY_EDITOR result.EnableKeyword("SOFTMASK_EDITOR"); UpdateSceneViewMatrixForShader(); #endif } else { baseMaterial.SetTexture(s_SoftMaskTexId, Texture2D.whiteTexture); } return result; } /// /// Given a point and a camera is the raycast valid. /// /// Valid. /// Screen position. /// Raycast camera. public bool IsRaycastLocationValid(Vector2 sp, Camera eventCamera) { if (!isActiveAndEnabled || !_softMask) return true; if (!RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(transform as RectTransform, sp, eventCamera)) return false; return _softMask.IsRaycastLocationValid(sp, eventCamera, graphic) != m_Inverse; } /// /// The graphic will be visible only in areas where no mask is present. /// public bool inverse { get { return m_Inverse; } set { if (m_Inverse != value) { m_Inverse = value; graphic.SetMaterialDirty(); } } } /// /// The graphic associated with the soft mask. /// public Graphic graphic{ get { return _graphic ? _graphic : _graphic = GetComponent(); } } //################################ // Private Members. //################################ Graphic _graphic = null; SoftMask _softMask = null; Material _maskMaterial = null; static int s_SoftMaskTexId; static int s_StencilCompId; static int s_SoftMaskInverseId; #if UNITY_EDITOR /// /// Update the scene view matrix for shader. /// static void UpdateSceneViewMatrixForShader() { UnityEditor.SceneView sceneView = UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView; if (!sceneView || ! { return; } Camera cam =; Matrix4x4 w2c = cam.worldToCameraMatrix; Matrix4x4 prj = cam.projectionMatrix; foreach (var sm in s_ActiveSoftMaskables) { if(sm) { Material mat = sm._maskMaterial; if (mat) { mat.SetMatrix ("_SceneView", w2c); mat.SetMatrix ("_SceneProj", prj); } } } } /// /// This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (Called in the editor only). /// void OnValidate() { if (graphic) { graphic.SetMaterialDirty(); } } #endif /// /// This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. /// void OnEnable() { // Register. if (s_ActiveSoftMaskables == null) { s_ActiveSoftMaskables = new List(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update += UpdateSceneViewMatrixForShader; #endif s_SoftMaskTexId = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMaskTex"); s_StencilCompId = Shader.PropertyToID("_StencilComp"); s_SoftMaskInverseId = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMaskInverse"); } s_ActiveSoftMaskables.Add(this); var g = graphic; if (g) { if (!g.material || g.material == Graphic.defaultGraphicMaterial) { g.material = defaultMaterial ?? (defaultMaterial = new Material (Resources.Load ("UI-Default-SoftMask")) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, }); } g.SetMaterialDirty(); } _softMask = null; } /// /// This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled. /// void OnDisable() { s_ActiveSoftMaskables.Remove(this); var g = graphic; if (g) { if (g.material == defaultMaterial) { g.material = null; } g.SetMaterialDirty(); } ReleaseMaterial(ref _maskMaterial); _softMask = null; } /// /// Release the material. /// void ReleaseMaterial(ref Material mat) { if (mat) { StencilMaterial.Remove(mat); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { DestroyImmediate(mat); } else #endif { Destroy(mat); } mat = null; } } } }