using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Coffee.UIExtensions.Editors
/// SoftMask editor.
public class SoftMaskEditor : Editor
//%%%% Context menu for editor %%%%
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/Mask/Convert To SoftMask", true)]
static bool _ConvertToSoftMask(MenuCommand command)
return CanConvertTo(command.context);
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/Mask/Convert To SoftMask", false)]
static void ConvertToSoftMask(MenuCommand command)
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/Mask/Convert To Mask", true)]
static bool _ConvertToMask(MenuCommand command)
return CanConvertTo(command.context);
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/Mask/Convert To Mask", false)]
static void ConvertToMask(MenuCommand command)
/// Verify whether it can be converted to the specified component.
protected static bool CanConvertTo(Object context)
where T : MonoBehaviour
return context && context.GetType() != typeof(T);
/// Convert to the specified component.
protected static void ConvertTo(Object context) where T : MonoBehaviour
var target = context as MonoBehaviour;
var so = new SerializedObject(target);
bool oldEnable = target.enabled;
target.enabled = false;
// Find MonoScript of the specified component.
foreach (var script in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll())
if (script.GetClass() != typeof(T))
// Set 'm_Script' to convert.
so.FindProperty("m_Script").objectReferenceValue = script;
(so.targetObject as MonoBehaviour).enabled = oldEnable;