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* Support soft masks in your custom shaders by adding just 3 lines. For details, please see [Development Note](#support-soft-masks-in-your-custom-shaders).
* Adjust soft mask buffer size to improve performance.
* Convert existing Mask to SoftMask from context menu.
* SceneView does not display SoftMask properly. It is displayed like Mask. ([By design](#why-is-not-it-displayed-properly-in-sceneview))
#### Components
|SoftMask|Use instead of Mask for smooth masking.<br><br>**Show Mask Graphic:** Show the graphic that is associated with the Mask render area.<br>**Desampling Rate:** The desampling rate for soft mask buffer. The larger the value, the better the performance but the lower the quality.<br>**Softness:** The value used by the soft mask to select the area of influence defined over the soft mask's graphic.<br>**Ignore Parent:** Should the soft mask ignore parent soft masks?|<imgsrc="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/50319746-377a0200-050c-11e9-96ae-a3a0ec81765f.png"width="600px">|
|SoftMaskable|Add this component to Graphic under SoftMask for smooth masking.<br><br>**Inverse:** The graphic will be visible only in areas where no mask is present.|<imgsrc="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/50319747-39dc5c00-050c-11e9-85fa-dd6ea9065daf.png"width="600px">|
2. Apply a soft mask in the fragment shader. `IN.vertex` is clip position.
color.a *= SoftMask(IN.vertex);
As an example of implementation, please see [UI-Default-SoftMask.shader](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mob-sakai/SoftMaskForUGUI/master/Assets/Coffee/UIExtensions/SoftMaskForUGUI/Resources/UI-Default-SoftMask.shader).
#### Why is not it displayed properly in SceneView?
SoftMask calculates the final alpha value based on the value of each channel of the soft mask buffer.
The soft mask buffer is a buffer generated based on GameView's screen space.
Since SceneView has a view matrix and a projection matrix independent of GameView, the SceneView's camera can not refer to the soft mask buffer properly.
Therefore, in GameView, it is displayed properly. but in ScreenView, it is displayed like default Mask.
For details, please see [SoftMaskEditor.cs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mob-sakai/SoftMaskForUGUI/master/Assets/Coffee/UIExtensions/SoftMaskForUGUI/Scripts/Editor/SoftMaskEditor.cs).
#### Tips: Shader code for editor only
Do you know how to implement shader code "for editor only"?
SoftMask uses `SOFTMASK_EDITOR` keyword in shader code to determine whether it is running in the editor.
`#pragma shader_feature __ SOFTMASK_EDITOR`
`SOFTMASK_EDITOR` keyword is set from the editor script, but it is not set after it is built. Also, this shader variant will be excluded from build.
material = new Material(shader);
material.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
#### Tips: Shader code for SceneView only
Do you know how to implement shader code "for SceneView only"?
SoftMask understands that the current rendering is for SceneView, when SceneView's view projection matrix and UNITY_MATRIX_VP match.