621 lines
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621 lines
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#if UNITY_2019_3_11 || UNITY_2019_3_12 || UNITY_2019_3_13 || UNITY_2019_3_14 || UNITY_2019_3_15 || UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Coffee.UIParticleExtensions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.UI;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Coffee.UIParticle.Editor")]
namespace Coffee.UIExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Render maskable and sortable particle effect ,without Camera, RenderTexture or Canvas.
/// </summary>
public class UIParticle : MaskableGraphic, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public enum MeshSharing
public enum PositionMode
internal bool m_IsTrail;
private bool m_IgnoreCanvasScaler;
private bool m_AbsoluteMode;
[Tooltip("Particle effect scale")]
private Vector3 m_Scale3D = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
[Tooltip("Animatable material properties.\n" +
"If you want to change the material properties of the ParticleSystem in Animation, enable it.")]
internal AnimatableProperty[] m_AnimatableProperties = new AnimatableProperty[0];
private List<ParticleSystem> m_Particles = new List<ParticleSystem>();
[Tooltip("Mesh sharing.\n" +
"None: disable mesh sharing.\n" +
"Auto: automatically select Primary/Replica.\n" +
"Primary: provides particle simulation results to the same group.\n" +
"Primary Simulator: Primary, but do not render the particle (simulation only).\n" +
"Replica: render simulation results provided by the primary.")]
private MeshSharing m_MeshSharing = MeshSharing.None;
[Tooltip("Mesh sharing group ID.\n" +
"If non-zero is specified, particle simulation results are shared within the group.")]
private int m_GroupId;
private int m_GroupMaxId;
[Tooltip("Relative: The particles will be emitted from the scaled position of ParticleSystem.\n" +
"Absolute: The particles will be emitted from the world position of ParticleSystem.")]
private PositionMode m_PositionMode = PositionMode.Relative;
[Tooltip("Transform.lossyScale (=world scale) is automatically set to (1, 1, 1), " +
"to prevent the root-Canvas scale from affecting the hierarchy-scaled ParticleSystem.")]
private bool m_AutoScaling = true;
private bool m_Maskable = true;
private readonly List<UIParticleRenderer> _renderers = new List<UIParticleRenderer>();
private int _groupId;
private Camera _orthoCamera;
private DrivenRectTransformTracker _tracker;
/// <summary>
/// Should this graphic be considered a target for ray-casting?
/// </summary>
public override bool raycastTarget
get { return false; }
set { }
/// <summary>
/// Mesh sharing.
/// None: disable mesh sharing.
/// Auto: automatically select Primary/Replica.
/// Primary: provides particle simulation results to the same group.
/// Primary Simulator: Primary, but do not render the particle (simulation only).
/// Replica: render simulation results provided by the primary.
/// </summary>
public MeshSharing meshSharing
get { return m_MeshSharing; }
set { m_MeshSharing = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Mesh sharing group ID.
/// If non-zero is specified, particle simulation results are shared within the group.
/// </summary>
public int groupId
get { return _groupId; }
if (m_GroupId == value) return;
m_GroupId = value;
if (m_GroupId != m_GroupMaxId)
public int groupMaxId
get { return m_GroupMaxId; }
if (m_GroupMaxId == value) return;
m_GroupMaxId = value;
/// <summary>
/// Particle position mode.
/// Relative: The particles will be emitted from the scaled position of the ParticleSystem.
/// Absolute: The particles will be emitted from the world position of the ParticleSystem.
/// </summary>
public PositionMode positionMode
get { return m_PositionMode; }
set { m_PositionMode = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Particle position mode.
/// Relative: The particles will be emitted from the scaled position of the ParticleSystem.
/// Absolute: The particles will be emitted from the world position of the ParticleSystem.
/// </summary>
public bool absoluteMode
get { return m_PositionMode == PositionMode.Absolute; }
set { positionMode = value ? PositionMode.Absolute : PositionMode.Relative; }
/// <summary>
/// Transform.lossyScale (=world scale) will be set to (1, 1, 1) on update.
/// It prevents the root-Canvas scale from affecting the hierarchy-scaled ParticleSystem.
/// </summary>
public bool autoScaling
get { return m_AutoScaling; }
if (m_AutoScaling == value) return;
m_AutoScaling = value;
internal bool useMeshSharing
get { return m_MeshSharing != MeshSharing.None; }
internal bool isPrimary
return m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Primary
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.PrimarySimulator;
internal bool canSimulate
return m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.None
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Auto
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Primary
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.PrimarySimulator;
internal bool canRender
return m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.None
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Auto
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Primary
|| m_MeshSharing == MeshSharing.Replica;
/// <summary>
/// Particle effect scale.
/// </summary>
public float scale
get { return m_Scale3D.x; }
set { m_Scale3D = new Vector3(value, value, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Particle effect scale.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 scale3D
get { return m_Scale3D; }
set { m_Scale3D = value; }
public List<ParticleSystem> particles
get { return m_Particles; }
/// <summary>
/// Get all base materials to render.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Material> materials
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var r = _renderers[i];
if (!r || !r.material) continue;
yield return r.material;
public override Material materialForRendering
get { return null; }
/// <summary>
/// Paused.
/// </summary>
public bool isPaused { get; private set; }
public Vector3 parentScale { get; private set; }
protected override void OnEnable()
maskable = m_Maskable;
if (0 < particles.Count)
/// <summary>
/// This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnDisable()
_renderers.ForEach(r => r.Reset());
/// <summary>
/// Callback for when properties have been changed by animation.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
protected override void OnValidate()
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
m_IgnoreCanvasScaler = !m_AutoScaling;
m_AbsoluteMode = m_PositionMode == PositionMode.Absolute;
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
if (m_IgnoreCanvasScaler)
m_AutoScaling = false;
if (m_AbsoluteMode)
m_PositionMode = PositionMode.Absolute;
public void Play()
particles.Exec(p => p.Simulate(0, false, true));
isPaused = false;
public void Pause()
particles.Exec(p => p.Pause());
isPaused = true;
public void Resume()
isPaused = false;
public void Stop()
particles.Exec(p => p.Stop());
isPaused = true;
public void StartEmission()
particles.Exec(p =>
var emission = p.emission;
emission.enabled = true;
public void StopEmission()
particles.Exec(p =>
var emission = p.emission;
emission.enabled = false;
public void Clear()
particles.Exec(p => p.Clear());
isPaused = true;
public void SetParticleSystemInstance(GameObject instance)
SetParticleSystemInstance(instance, true);
public void SetParticleSystemInstance(GameObject instance, bool destroyOldParticles)
if (!instance) return;
foreach (Transform child in transform)
var go = child.gameObject;
if (destroyOldParticles)
var tr = instance.transform;
tr.SetParent(transform, false);
tr.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
public void SetParticleSystemPrefab(GameObject prefab)
if (!prefab) return;
SetParticleSystemInstance(Instantiate(prefab.gameObject), true);
public void RefreshParticles()
private void RefreshParticles(GameObject root)
if (!root) return;
root.GetComponentsInChildren(true, particles);
particles.RemoveAll(x => x.GetComponentInParent<UIParticle>(true) != this);
for (var i = 0; i < particles.Count; i++)
var ps = particles[i];
var tsa = ps.textureSheetAnimation;
if (tsa.mode == ParticleSystemAnimationMode.Sprites && tsa.uvChannelMask == 0)
tsa.uvChannelMask = UVChannelFlags.UV0;
public void RefreshParticles(List<ParticleSystem> particles)
// #246: Nullptr exceptions when using nested UIParticle components in hierarchy
foreach (Transform child in transform)
var uiParticleRenderer = child.GetComponent<UIParticleRenderer>();
if (uiParticleRenderer != null)
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < particles.Count; i++)
var ps = particles[i];
if (!ps) continue;
GetRenderer(j++).Set(this, ps, false);
if (ps.trails.enabled)
GetRenderer(j++).Set(this, ps, true);
internal void UpdateTransformScale()
parentScale = transform.parent.lossyScale;
if (!autoScaling) return;
var newScale = parentScale.Inverse();
if (transform.localScale != newScale)
transform.localScale = newScale;
internal void UpdateRenderers()
if (!isActiveAndEnabled) return;
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var r = _renderers[i];
if (!r)
var bakeCamera = GetBakeCamera();
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var r = _renderers[i];
if (!r) continue;
internal void UpdateParticleCount()
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var r = _renderers[i];
if (!r) continue;
internal void ResetGroupId()
_groupId = m_GroupId == m_GroupMaxId
? m_GroupId
: Random.Range(m_GroupId, m_GroupMaxId + 1);
protected override void UpdateMaterial()
/// <summary>
/// Call to update the geometry of the Graphic onto the CanvasRenderer.
/// </summary>
protected override void UpdateGeometry()
private void UpdateRendererMaterial()
for (var i = 0; i < _renderers.Count; i++)
var r = _renderers[i];
if (!r) continue;
r.maskable = maskable;
internal UIParticleRenderer GetRenderer(int index)
if (_renderers.Count <= index)
_renderers.Add(UIParticleRenderer.AddRenderer(this, index));
if (!_renderers[index])
_renderers[index] = UIParticleRenderer.AddRenderer(this, index);
return _renderers[index];
private Camera GetBakeCamera()
if (!canvas) return Camera.main;
// When render mode is ScreenSpaceCamera or WorldSpace, use world camera.
var root = canvas.rootCanvas;
if (root.renderMode != RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay)
return root.worldCamera ? root.worldCamera : Camera.main;
// When render mode is ScreenSpaceOverlay, use ortho-camera.
if (!_orthoCamera)
_orthoCamera = GetComponentInChildren<Camera>();
// Create ortho-camera.
if (!_orthoCamera)
var go = new GameObject("[generated] UIParticleOverlayCamera") { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave };
go.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
_orthoCamera = go.AddComponent<Camera>();
_orthoCamera.enabled = false;
var size = ((RectTransform)root.transform).rect.size;
_orthoCamera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(size.x, size.y) * root.scaleFactor;
_orthoCamera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(0, 0, -1000), Quaternion.identity);
_orthoCamera.orthographic = true;
_orthoCamera.farClipPlane = 2000f;
return _orthoCamera;
private void UpdateTracker()
if (!enabled || !autoScaling)
_tracker.Add(this, rectTransform, DrivenTransformProperties.Scale);