using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Coffee.UIExtensions { /// <summary> /// </summary> [ExecuteInEditMode] public class UIParticleOverlayCamera : MonoBehaviour { //################################ // Public/Protected Members. //################################ /// <summary> /// Get instance object. /// If instance does not exist, Find instance in scene, or create new one. /// </summary> public static UIParticleOverlayCamera instance { get { // Find instance in scene, or create new one. if (object.ReferenceEquals (s_Instance, null)) { s_Instance = FindObjectOfType<UIParticleOverlayCamera> () ?? new GameObject (typeof (UIParticleOverlayCamera).Name, typeof (UIParticleOverlayCamera)).GetComponent<UIParticleOverlayCamera> (); s_Instance.gameObject.SetActive (true); s_Instance.enabled = true; } return s_Instance; } } public static Camera GetCameraForOvrelay (Canvas canvas) { var i = instance; var rt = canvas.rootCanvas.transform as RectTransform; var cam = i.cameraForOvrelay; var trans = i.transform; cam.enabled = false; var pos = rt.localPosition; cam.orthographic = true; cam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max (pos.x, pos.y); cam.nearClipPlane = 0.3f; cam.farClipPlane = 1000f; pos.z -= 100; trans.localPosition = pos; return cam; } //################################ // Private Members. //################################ Camera cameraForOvrelay { get { return m_Camera ? m_Camera : (m_Camera = GetComponent<Camera> ()) ? m_Camera : (m_Camera = gameObject.AddComponent<Camera> ()); } } Camera m_Camera; static UIParticleOverlayCamera s_Instance; /// <summary> /// Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded. /// </summary> void Awake () { // Hold the instance. if (s_Instance == null) { s_Instance = GetComponent<UIParticleOverlayCamera> (); } // If the instance is duplicated, destroy itself. else if (s_Instance != this) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning ("Multiple " + typeof (UIParticleOverlayCamera).Name + " in scene.", this.gameObject); enabled = false; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { DestroyImmediate (gameObject); } else #endif { Destroy (gameObject); } return; } cameraForOvrelay.enabled = false; // Singleton has DontDestroy flag. if (Application.isPlaying) { DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject); } } /// <summary> /// This function is called when the MonoBehaviour will be destroyed. /// </summary> void OnDestroy () { // Clear instance on destroy. if (s_Instance == this) { s_Instance = null; } } } }