using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.UI; using ShaderPropertyType = Coffee.UIExtensions.UIParticle.AnimatableProperty.ShaderPropertyType; namespace Coffee.UIExtensions { /// /// Render maskable and sortable particle effect ,without Camera, RenderTexture or Canvas. /// [ExecuteInEditMode] public class UIParticle : MaskableGraphic { //################################ // Constant or Readonly Static Members. //################################ static readonly int s_IdMainTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainTex"); static readonly List s_Vertices = new List(); static readonly List s_Colors = new List(); static readonly List s_TempRelatables = new List(); static readonly List s_ActiveParticles = new List(); //################################ // Serialize Members. //################################ [Tooltip("The ParticleSystem rendered by CanvasRenderer")] [SerializeField] ParticleSystem m_ParticleSystem; [Tooltip("The UIParticle to render trail effect")] [SerializeField] UIParticle m_TrailParticle; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] bool m_IsTrail = false; [Tooltip("Particle effect scale")] [SerializeField] float m_Scale = 1; [Tooltip("Ignore parent scale")] [SerializeField] bool m_IgnoreParent = false; [Tooltip("Animatable material properties. AnimationでParticleSystemのマテリアルプロパティを変更する場合、有効にしてください。")] [SerializeField] AnimatableProperty[] m_AnimatableProperties = new AnimatableProperty[0]; static MaterialPropertyBlock s_Mpb; [System.Serializable] public class AnimatableProperty : ISerializationCallbackReceiver { public enum ShaderPropertyType { Color, Vector, Float, Range, Texture, }; [SerializeField] string m_Name = ""; [SerializeField] ShaderPropertyType m_Type = ShaderPropertyType.Vector; public int id { get; private set; } public ShaderPropertyType type { get { return m_Type; } } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { id = Shader.PropertyToID(m_Name); } } //################################ // Public/Protected Members. //################################ public override Texture mainTexture { get { Texture tex = null; if (!m_IsTrail && cachedParticleSystem) { Profiler.BeginSample("Check TextureSheetAnimation module"); var textureSheet = cachedParticleSystem.textureSheetAnimation; if (textureSheet.enabled && textureSheet.mode == ParticleSystemAnimationMode.Sprites && 0 < textureSheet.spriteCount) { var sprite = textureSheet.GetSprite(0); textureSheet.uvChannelMask = (UVChannelFlags) (sprite && sprite.packed ? -1 : 0); tex = sprite ? sprite.texture : null; } Profiler.EndSample(); } if (!tex && _renderer) { Profiler.BeginSample("Check material"); var mat = material; if (mat && mat.HasProperty(s_IdMainTex)) { tex = mat.mainTexture; } Profiler.EndSample(); } return tex ?? s_WhiteTexture; } } public override Material material { get { return _renderer ? m_IsTrail ? _renderer.trailMaterial : _renderer.sharedMaterial : null; } set { if (!_renderer) { } else if (m_IsTrail && _renderer.trailMaterial != value) { _renderer.trailMaterial = value; SetMaterialDirty(); } else if (!m_IsTrail && _renderer.sharedMaterial != value) { _renderer.sharedMaterial = value; SetMaterialDirty(); } } } /// /// Particle effect scale. /// public float scale { get { return _parent ? _parent.scale : m_Scale; } set { m_Scale = value; } } /// /// Should the soft mask ignore parent soft masks? /// /// If set to true the soft mask will ignore any parent soft mask settings. public bool ignoreParent { get { return m_IgnoreParent; } set { if (m_IgnoreParent != value) { m_IgnoreParent = value; OnTransformParentChanged(); } } } /// /// Is this the root UIParticle? /// public bool isRoot { get { return !_parent; } } /// /// Should this graphic be considered a target for raycasting? /// public override bool raycastTarget { get { return false; } set { base.raycastTarget = value; } } /// /// ParticleSystem. /// public ParticleSystem cachedParticleSystem { get { return m_ParticleSystem ? m_ParticleSystem : (m_ParticleSystem = GetComponent()); } } /// /// Perform material modification in this function. /// /// Modified material. /// Configured Material. public override Material GetModifiedMaterial(Material baseMaterial) { Material mat = null; if (!_renderer) mat = baseMaterial; else if (m_AnimatableProperties.Length == 0) mat = _renderer.sharedMaterial; else mat = new Material(material); return base.GetModifiedMaterial(mat); } /// /// This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. /// protected override void OnEnable() { // Register. if (s_ActiveParticles.Count == 0) { Canvas.willRenderCanvases += UpdateMeshes; s_Mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } s_ActiveParticles.Add(this); // Reset the parent-child relation. GetComponentsInChildren(false, s_TempRelatables); for (int i = s_TempRelatables.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { s_TempRelatables[i].OnTransformParentChanged(); } s_TempRelatables.Clear(); _renderer = cachedParticleSystem ? cachedParticleSystem.GetComponent() : null; if (_renderer && Application.isPlaying) { _renderer.enabled = false; } // Create objects. _mesh = new Mesh(); _mesh.MarkDynamic(); CheckTrail(); if (cachedParticleSystem) { _oldPos = cachedParticleSystem.main.scalingMode == ParticleSystemScalingMode.Local ? rectTransform.localPosition : rectTransform.position; } base.OnEnable(); } /// /// This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled. /// protected override void OnDisable() { // Unregister. s_ActiveParticles.Remove(this); if (s_ActiveParticles.Count == 0) { Canvas.willRenderCanvases -= UpdateMeshes; } // Reset the parent-child relation. for (int i = _children.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { _children[i].SetParent(_parent); } _children.Clear(); SetParent(null); // Destroy objects. DestroyImmediate(_mesh); _mesh = null; CheckTrail(); base.OnDisable(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR /// /// Reset to default values. /// protected override void Reset() { // Disable ParticleSystemRenderer on reset. if (cachedParticleSystem) { cachedParticleSystem.GetComponent().enabled = false; } base.Reset(); } #endif /// /// Call to update the geometry of the Graphic onto the CanvasRenderer. /// protected override void UpdateGeometry() { } /// /// This function is called when the parent property of the transform of the GameObject has changed. /// protected override void OnTransformParentChanged() { UIParticle newParent = null; if (isActiveAndEnabled && !m_IgnoreParent) { var parentTransform = transform.parent; while (parentTransform && (!newParent || !newParent.enabled)) { newParent = parentTransform.GetComponent(); parentTransform = parentTransform.parent; } } SetParent(newParent); base.OnTransformParentChanged(); } /// /// Callback for when properties have been changed by animation. /// protected override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties() { } #if UNITY_EDITOR /// /// This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector(Called in the editor only). /// protected override void OnValidate() { OnTransformParentChanged(); base.OnValidate(); } #endif //################################ // Private Members. //################################ Mesh _mesh; ParticleSystemRenderer _renderer; UIParticle _parent; List _children = new List(); Matrix4x4 scaleaMatrix = default(Matrix4x4); Vector3 _oldPos; static readonly Vector3 minimumVec3 = new Vector3(0.0000001f, 0.0000001f, 0.0000001f); static ParticleSystem.Particle[] s_Particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[4096]; /// /// Update meshes. /// static void UpdateMeshes() { for (int i = 0; i < s_ActiveParticles.Count; i++) { if (s_ActiveParticles[i]) { s_ActiveParticles[i].UpdateMesh(); } } } /// /// Update meshe. /// void UpdateMesh() { try { Profiler.BeginSample("CheckTrail"); CheckTrail(); Profiler.EndSample(); if (m_ParticleSystem && canvas) { // I do not know why, but it worked fine when setting `transform.localPosition.z` to `0.01`. (#34, #39) { Vector3 pos = rectTransform.localPosition; if (Mathf.Abs(pos.z) < 0.01f) { pos.z = 0.01f; rectTransform.localPosition = pos; } } var rootCanvas = canvas.rootCanvas; Profiler.BeginSample("Disable ParticleSystemRenderer"); if (Application.isPlaying) { _renderer.enabled = false; } Profiler.EndSample(); // #69: Editor crashes when mesh is set to null when ParticleSystem.RenderMode=Mesh if (_renderer.renderMode == ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh && !_renderer.mesh) return; // #61: When ParticleSystem.RenderMode=None, an error occurs if (_renderer.renderMode == ParticleSystemRenderMode.None) return; Profiler.BeginSample("Make Matrix"); ParticleSystem.MainModule main = m_ParticleSystem.main; scaleaMatrix = main.scalingMode == ParticleSystemScalingMode.Hierarchy ? Matrix4x4.Scale(scale * : Matrix4x4.Scale(scale * rootCanvas.transform.localScale); Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); switch (main.simulationSpace) { case ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local: matrix = scaleaMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(rectTransform.rotation).inverse * Matrix4x4.Scale(rectTransform.lossyScale + minimumVec3).inverse; break; case ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World: matrix = scaleaMatrix * rectTransform.worldToLocalMatrix; bool isLocalScaling = main.scalingMode == ParticleSystemScalingMode.Local; Vector3 newPos = rectTransform.position; Vector3 delta = (newPos - _oldPos); _oldPos = newPos; if (!Mathf.Approximately(scale, 0) && 0 < delta.sqrMagnitude) { if (isLocalScaling) { var s = rootCanvas.transform.localScale * scale; delta.x *= 1f - 1f / s.x; delta.y *= 1f - 1f / s.y; delta.z *= 1f - 1f / s.z; } else { delta = delta * (1 - 1 / scale); } int count = m_ParticleSystem.particleCount; if (s_Particles.Length < count) { s_Particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[s_Particles.Length * 2]; } m_ParticleSystem.GetParticles(s_Particles); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var p = s_Particles[i]; p.position = p.position + delta; s_Particles[i] = p; } m_ParticleSystem.SetParticles(s_Particles, count); } break; case ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Custom: break; } Profiler.EndSample(); _mesh.Clear(); if (0 < m_ParticleSystem.particleCount) { Profiler.BeginSample("Bake Mesh"); var cam = rootCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay ? UIParticleOverlayCamera.GetCameraForOvrelay(rootCanvas) : canvas.worldCamera ?? Camera.main; if (!cam) { Profiler.EndSample(); return; } if (m_IsTrail) { _renderer.BakeTrailsMesh(_mesh, cam, true); } else { _renderer.BakeMesh(_mesh, cam, true); } Profiler.EndSample(); // Apply matrix. Profiler.BeginSample("Apply matrix to position"); if (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) { _mesh.GetColors(s_Colors); var count_c = s_Colors.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count_c; i++) { s_Colors[i] = ((Color)s_Colors[i]).gamma; } _mesh.SetColors(s_Colors); } _mesh.GetVertices(s_Vertices); var count = s_Vertices.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s_Vertices[i] = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(s_Vertices[i]); } _mesh.SetVertices(s_Vertices); _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); s_Vertices.Clear(); s_Colors.Clear(); Profiler.EndSample(); } // Set mesh to CanvasRenderer. Profiler.BeginSample("Set mesh and texture to CanvasRenderer"); canvasRenderer.SetMesh(_mesh); canvasRenderer.SetTexture(mainTexture); // Copy the value from MaterialPropertyBlock to CanvasRenderer (#41) UpdateAnimatableMaterialProperties(); Profiler.EndSample(); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } /// /// Checks the trail. /// void CheckTrail() { if (isActiveAndEnabled && !m_IsTrail && m_ParticleSystem && m_ParticleSystem.trails.enabled) { if (!m_TrailParticle) { m_TrailParticle = new GameObject("[UIParticle] Trail").AddComponent(); var trans = m_TrailParticle.transform; trans.SetParent(transform); trans.localPosition =; trans.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; trans.localScale =; m_TrailParticle._renderer = GetComponent(); m_TrailParticle.m_ParticleSystem = GetComponent(); m_TrailParticle.m_IsTrail = true; } m_TrailParticle.enabled = true; } else if (m_TrailParticle) { m_TrailParticle.enabled = false; } } /// /// Set the parent of the soft mask. /// /// The parent soft mask to use. void SetParent(UIParticle newParent) { if (_parent != newParent && this != newParent) { if (_parent && _parent._children.Contains(this)) { _parent._children.Remove(this); _parent._children.RemoveAll(x => x == null); } _parent = newParent; } if (_parent && !_parent._children.Contains(this)) { _parent._children.Add(this); } } /// /// Copy the value from MaterialPropertyBlock to CanvasRenderer (#41) /// void UpdateAnimatableMaterialProperties() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) return; #endif if (0 == m_AnimatableProperties.Length) return; _renderer.GetPropertyBlock(s_Mpb); for (int i = 0; i < canvasRenderer.materialCount; i++) { var mat = canvasRenderer.GetMaterial(i); foreach (var ap in m_AnimatableProperties) { switch (ap.type) { case ShaderPropertyType.Color: mat.SetColor(, s_Mpb.GetColor(; break; case ShaderPropertyType.Vector: mat.SetVector(, s_Mpb.GetVector(; break; case ShaderPropertyType.Float: case ShaderPropertyType.Range: mat.SetFloat(, s_Mpb.GetFloat(; break; case ShaderPropertyType.Texture: mat.SetTexture(, s_Mpb.GetTexture(; break; } } } } } }