using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.U2D;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Coffee.UIParticleInternal
/// Extension methods for Sprite class.
internal static class SpriteExtensions
private static readonly Type s_SpriteEditorExtensionType =
Type.GetType("UnityEditor.Experimental.U2D.SpriteEditorExtension, UnityEditor")
?? Type.GetType("UnityEditor.U2D.SpriteEditorExtension, UnityEditor");
private static readonly Func s_GetActiveAtlasTextureMethod =
.GetMethod("GetActiveAtlasTexture", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic));
private static readonly Func s_GetActiveAtlasMethod =
.GetMethod("GetActiveAtlas", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic));
/// Get the actual texture of a sprite in play mode or edit mode.
public static Texture2D GetActualTexture(this Sprite self)
if (!self) return null;
var ret = s_GetActiveAtlasTextureMethod(self);
return ret ? ret : self.texture;
/// Get the active sprite atlas of a sprite in play mode or edit mode.
public static SpriteAtlas GetActiveAtlas(this Sprite self)
if (!self) return null;
return s_GetActiveAtlasMethod(self);
/// Get the actual texture of a sprite in play mode.
internal static Texture2D GetActualTexture(this Sprite self)
return self ? self.texture : null;